So what is (((Iran))) going to do to provoke the US?

Just wondering what Mos... I mean Iran is planning that would make burgers jump from their comfy armchairs and shoot the ancestral roots of ashkenazi jews

Attached: EyeRan.png (623x529, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm guessing a Gulf of Tonkin repeat, since Iran has a habit of following our ships with patrol boats already. I guess Zion Don is going all out of the yids. Who's ready to die for Israel?

(((They))) will just sink a ship or bomb a hotel Americans are staying at.


an actual false flag like how the Spanish-American war started, makes sense

Iran is basically the sand village from naruto

1. Some US boat could sink near strait of Hormuz and they will blaim it on Iranian submarine

2. US submarine will stop responding and disappear, blame falls on Iran

3. Huge terrorist act in X country, blamed on hezbollah

4. US embassy in X country under attack by masked gunmen - Iran blamed

5. Claim that the earthquake in Iran is the nuke test. Earthquake is natural actually, not a nuke, but used as the reason to invade

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Iranian women are beautiful, they're worth saving

>iran and us will be the false flag
what naivety

In English?

6. maybe this time it will be cyber attack blamed on Iran - no proofs will be needed

7. Drone bombing of certain American base in the region - could be blamed on Iran, saying they hacked ff system

>Iranian women are beautiful, they're worth saving

Attached: Iran.jpg (640x360, 34K)

>sidding with his mudslim cusins
Real whites stand with israel

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Jews are planning a staged faked suicide attack GULF OF TONKIN style WATCH


Parking their country near your aircraft carrier.

Go fuck yourself yid.

>Parking their country near your aircraft carrier.
They put their whole country right in the middle of our military bases

Forgot pic

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Israel and Iran are two sides of the same coin. Fake bad guy Iran is America’s fake bad guy North Korea

"user its me your president donald trump, it has come to my attention you attack our greatest ally on the internet. Why do you hate america so much? Here i thought you were based and redpilled but ut appears you are just like crooked hillary. What a shame, we could make america great again together but you chose Karl marx to uncle sam. Sad."

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The soviet union is dead but thier propaganda lives


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You forgot to change your flag to a meme flag.

Amazing this was called out on Zero Hedge years ago that they were just going to roll an aircraft carrier out there and sink it to blame Iran. We're close if they are pushing ahead despite how obvious it's going to be.

that one based jew

Those are transvestites, and they are still prettier than your average English woman

I bet on Hamas attack during eurovision. US carrier is already in place

Attached: 1554753266908.gif (440x300, 1.2M)

Number 4 is the likely one to be used.

Even the average normie would be against going to war unless something spectacular happens like a 9/11 pt 2 and even then that would only net about 30% support for another invasion. The public is tired of all these pointless wars. There is no way trump would win another term if he did this.

Attached: VaderBadThingsAre.png (637x170, 172K)

Don't think the guy they had brought in to finish the job really frankly cares about getting re-elected to a country that no longer exists.

To normies, their definition of country and nation are completely different to ours. To us, the nation is an extended family tied together by blood and soil. To normies, it is an economic zone and the only thing that matters is muh GDP or social programs depending on which side of the isle they are on. The nation and country may in fact be dead when thinking in classical terms of a nation, but to everyday people it is alive and thriving.

Five Star Post

US is struggling for oil when it is taken away from them. Strait of Hormuz was closed by Iran so logical step is going for Venezuela and Iran for sources of oil.

now THAT'S schizophrenia.
I didn't side with anyone and even if iranians are mudslimes they're your relatives
>Remarkably, Ashkenazi Jews exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.