People who feel sorry for her are the very same people who feel sorry for hillary. make me change my mind

people who feel sorry for her are the very same people who feel sorry for hillary. make me change my mind.

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I can't wait to see her die, she's such a horrible character, hated her from the day I saw her.

The tv series is fucking garbage since the source materiel run out,it's been a grind to watch from the start of season 6.
Fuck Martin the fat cunt,but the books are much better.
She hot tho


Fiction is for cucks. Change my mind.

So you're saying this show is conditioning the public to vote Democrat in the 2020 election.

Im offended, change your mind

But what of Gondorian tax policy? Tolkien was a hack.

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ahahah that would redeem all the previous kikery the show has done since they diverged from the books

The actress is pretty shit too. How many greasy Jew cocks did she suck to get that part?

Why would anyone feel sorry for her, it's obvious she's succumbing to her family's madness curse.

Game of Söy

I hope she feels the heat of her remaining dragon and the true king reigns over the lands.
Slowly I started to hate her.



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it still has 90's writing

if the overall story was written in the current year they would not have made her the villain.

Who the fuck feels sorry for her?

>Why would anyone feel sorry for her, it's obvious she's succumbing to her family's madness curse.

current year stories are meant to be mary sue friendly, that's the end of history for fiction.

redditors and twitterers are turbomad about it.

Dont bring this shit here unless you want to start up a game of /b/ros

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Euron is a chad, sorry he is though

What happened?

>be retarded normie whore
>watch new show because Stacy at work tells you you need to
>obsess over muh strong independent woman
>get knocked up and pop out a mongrel
>name it khaleesi because muh strong woman such a QWEEEEN
>fast forward two years
>show writers turn muh khaleesi into a vile, irrational, power hungry cunt that is universally despised
>kid still has a stupid name

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A woman succumbs to her feelings and goes mental

Like clockwork

just for lols and trolls on datingapps:
i never seen one white(ish) woman or girl called khaleesi, only dark and niggerwomen called like that and it's derivative names.

I thought this was a feminist show, I didn't expect an honest portrayal of a woman.

Targariens are complete aliens on land they ruled who seized power using bullshit lizards people weren't able to fight against. Not only that, they resorted to many generations of sister just to avoid taking wives from local nobility to legitimize their conquest as conquerors historically always did.
Their family fully deserved to get butchered in rebellion, and I'm looking forward to this bitch getting btfo as well, as there's already sign that jews are planning to dumpster her.

Imagine being so pathetic you name your children after fictional characters.

Summary of events after this show turned gay plz
(After based Ramsay died)

I feel sorry for the dragon. I was hoping for a sky battle between Rhaegal and Drogon with it ending in Jon killing Danaerys and Drogon giving up or dying.

who give a fuck, they made the dragons pretty much irrelevant anyways.

< this guy tho back to square one the filthy cuck.

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Completely ruined his redemption arc.

all dragons must die i suppose.

winter is comming for so long, winter lasted not even an hour.. what a letdown

>all dragons must die i suppose.
dragons have no place in the kingdom of men, neither does a women who rides them.

oh i completly agree

Aslong as Jon kills that stupid whore, I'll be happy. At this point, that's all I'm waiting for.


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Checks out. She's hideous like hildog.

he's going to kill euron and cersei though, haven't you read the leaks

I still fap over this scene ngl

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i would actually help her out in her realm, but i prefer pic related

my daughter's name is Aria, she's venetian blond and my family name makes her even more aryan ^^

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Didn't watch the shit episode but isnt she also fighting another woman?

the golden compagny thing right?

i could feel like helping out, my people in our history faught for loot and money too on the occasion and never against eachother, when we saw that we just left the battlefield when they tried to make us fight eachother.

But he's literally getting cucked into thinking Jamie's child is his.

>that scene
*the anglo germanicblood sucking monstermachine gif.*
not supprised at all

Dialogue of Cercei and dwarf was supposed to hint that she's lying to him, and Euron was present during it. Although they will likely forget about it because they can't be fucked anymore.

>oh I was forced to fuck aquaman
>my life is so baaad

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oh btw the end is
Jon Snow sacrifices himself to save the dragon bitch

another batshit crazy woman.

No. Is he? That's good then.

Just you wait. Stannis next werk.

To use a top gun quote "the list is long ad distinguished"

He actually ducking said that


filename says sweden.jpg but shouldn't it be rotterdam.jpg ?

Niggers are yelling about muh people of colour being killed off

Imagine making a thread on Jow Forums about a kike TV show.

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Its refreshing to see it happen

Is buy it. Martin is such a beta male.

She is a shitty person and ruler. Have you not paid attention to the whole series.

Oh the kikes are gonna make it happen...could (((they))) have develloped a sense of humour?


been watching Knightfall lately
I only watch GoT now because I saw too many episodes to stop now and just want it to end, but Knightfall I enjoy, especially the 2nd season with mark hamil

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If that happens and a white mans the hero niggers are gonna seethe

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Arya means Aryan
They literally gave their kids names that can be NatSoc

Dece tits tho. Although shes aged terribly in the last few yrs

Hmm, I watched the first episode. It was sympathetic as fuck the kikes and was literally about the good guys saving the Jews. It’s also got several Jewish products so I’m not too sure user

they already are seething for the beheading of the only woman of colour
and the feminists will seethe harder when kelly c is killed by jon

the one on pornhub or the actual scene?


Phonefag here

Ive been mining salt

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Jon Snow will definitely die at the end.
They will win the fight against Cersei, Varys will try to kill Daenerys, and Jon will sacrifice himself to save her.

> She hot tho
Not any more.

Whats the difference?

We know. It’s in your ID, Sargon.

I don't even know who that is.


the pornhub one, got it

He is going to kill his sister that is his redemption.


Nice politics thread, fuck off back to normalfag

>genocides d*thraki shitskins

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Good good that's actually a real kino then. Not all is bad then. Hopefully they do it right

That's what I was unironically saying last episode. They basically needed the entire Dothraki horde to get slaughtered at once because the writers needed an easy way out of having a bunch of brown rapist savages in Westeros.

Don’t call me Sargon alt right incel. I’m running for MEP, what are you doing?

Arya gets inside the keep with refugees and kills Cersei using some other face.

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Kek. Gotta right out the niggers for being niggers

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TV Faggots.

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yeah 1st season pushes kikery, anti-catholicism, feminism and "muh noble muslims" hard but you can be sure it wouldn't get funded otherwise
season 2 is different in tone though with much less agenda pushing, you should just skip to it honestly

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Behold! Creation of a mutt.

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Fine then, I’ll skip to season 2. Any big plot points I need? I’ll admit that the show has good cinematography and the opening battle was solid

>watching juden swordshit

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