fuck bros, not gunna lie, after seeing how white nationalists killed innocent people in three mass shootings so far (Christchurch, San Diego, Pittsburg) it made me realize that white nationalism is a hateful, evil, and disgusting ideology. I started watching pic related videos and Destiny debates and also saw the truth that White nationalism, and the alt right are actual Neo nazis basically. There's no white genocide and the cultural marxists are a boogyman and not real. Fuck, I wish I could take back the past three years of my life wasted on this site, I'd have friends and maybe even a girlfriend!
Why I left White Nationalism
Top kek
Kill yourself filthy poonigger
K keep me posted Rajeev
Yep, it's a false flag post, you guys know what to do
White nationalism is a meme.
Be a Hindu nationalist
Indian shitposters are having a great night. How can we explain this? School got out in India for the summer?
Good lad, white nationalism, rightoidism ect is pure hatred and cancer.
yeah too many zoomers with free time because Indian schools don’t give homework or anything for summer (or any organised homework in general)
>white nationalism
>be shit coloured poo in the loo Indian
This is leaf level posting poo, you can do better.
Hey poo boy. Never forget.
>assblasted aussie makes a fake text after getting BTFO by pajeets in last Winter tour
never forget.
>cope posting, poo style.
Ah no actually one of your women sent that too me after i nailed her.
>supporting white supremacy while being non white
why are indians such retarded cuckolds on this site.
White Nationalism is predicated on the false assumption that white people are white nationalists.
Wtf I'm a tranny now
Please cut off my dick and fuck my gaping wound
shut up angloos
Poo goes IN the Angloo, not the other way, like you guys seem to be doing.
Why are Indians white nationalists.
whiter than you William.
Yeah you keep telling yourself that poo meanwhile we are going to laugh at your attempts to become a "superpower" with your faeces based technology.
Just because an anglo raped your ancestor doesn't make you white pajeet.
>, I'd have friends and maybe even a girlfriend!
I came here because I wanted to get rid of my friends and girlfriend. I don't see the problem.
i know you're taking the piss
but i wonder how do people not understand that the opinion of a tranny, which basically means, the opinion of somebody SEVERELY mentally ill, is irrelevant.
have you tried turning it off and on
>white nationalist
it's a pasta from yesterday
superpowerer than you Muhammad.
You big fucking baby. What's wrong with you that your so damn immature man. Take a brake for fucksakes you think your the next best thing around here. I've been at this site for 8 fucking years & you take the cake dickhead with your fucking pathetic arrogance. I've seen you at times telling others how glad you were to have them at Jow Forums like you were management for fucksakes. Here's a news flash for you, your approach to being somebody at Jow Forums is going to stay right were it fucking is, in your fuckuing imagination, they don't want pretenders & that's were you blew it you big asshole wannabe. God damned I'm fed up with you & your self righteous bullshit, This isn't youtube.
It's the same as a woman accepting a man's natural superiority
It's all natural
>fucking shitskins
the next time you get uppity this might be your future, stupid Hans Von Milkerberg DeSchlossen.
My story is more inspiring Currynigger
hello Vladimir, yes yes this is pajeet, this German boi is harassing me, yes yes please unleash the battle of Berlin in his boipucci when you see him. Thanks I’ll deliver 5 vodka. 2 now, 3 when the jobs done.
Based and dare I say redpilled
>White nationalist
Have sex
"i believe in nothing and stand for fuck all so ill devote my entire brain space on switching sides until im the most comfy."
You shouldnt have been contributing to the schisms that keep us in tribal states. Think about who you are and what you believe and dont worry about the political tribe that people will automatically shove you in. You can be proud of white achievements and not shoot up a school. thats absolutely an option. Your mind, your side. and anons WILL call you a gay nigger. Take it on the chin. Its "part and parcel" of anonymous idea tanks like the chans
Wait, are you literally the exact same proxy Indian bait poster who's been making these threads for years now?
I watched a bunch of videos by "Faraday Speaks" and discovered the error of my ways. Now I love the poz. If you guys watch his videos then you too can become cum guzzling faggots, just like he is. There's enough cum for everyone
Poo genocide
I hate these copypastas
tbf indians and blacks are pretty much on one side. colonial era and all
>but indians are rayciss against black ppl
so are blacks against indians, lots of Indian businesses get targetted by blacks in South Africa, Uganda kicked out their Indians when Idi Amin came to power. Only to call them back after going bankrupt because Indians were literally 70% of their tax revenue lol
anyways, the ethnicity likely to larp most as white nationalist are the East Asians, especially with that all honorary Aryan stuff. in fact Asians are even more racist than Indians, blacks or even whites can be. In India and Africa people only go for lighter skin, in East Asia they literally chop their nose, eyes, enlarge their forehead, and colour their eyes and so on, just to look more European. Fucked up.
>Why I left White Nationalism
thread ignored
This same nigger image gets posted 25 times a day by the same nigger shill for 25 different niggers threads and this cunt isn't banned yet? WTF?
Weak bait pajeet, now go back to preparing chicken tikka masala.
A literal shitposter, well memed Pranjeet.