
> capitalism

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Can I be a communist and genocide the Jews at the same time?

normies get off my board reeeeeee



>implying communism changes that, especially when anyone that says anything gets sent to the gulag


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Where does this even happened Commutard?

I'm not advocating for communism.

OK, so what are you advocating?

>under capitalism, mega billionaires have too much power because people use money to influence politicians in a way that will give them money and further concentrate their power

>the solution is to concentrate all social power into one person's hands so that nobody can concentrate power
This is your brain on communism.

sounds like a defect in democracy

Maybe you should have built your own business then you worthless commie pinkos.

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That's anti-semitic.

>The left can't even copy old leftist memes without fucking it up

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Corporatism is a by product of capitalism, once corporations got too big and wealthy they started buying politicians, big business invaded politics. Capitalism fosters and thrives on greed, once business people started making so much money they became corrupted by the power having lots of money causes in a capitalist system, in capitalism money rules everything. Anyone can be corrupted by too much money, you are naive to think that if we got rid of these plutocrats other won't take their place eventually since money essentially corrupts once you have too much of it, which will always happen in capitalism.

> if you don't like bad side of capitalistic regime you are a communist
How can someone be THAT retarded

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It's a byproduct of human greed. A red flag and a vodka ration won't change shit about that.

>anything not corporatism is communism
swindled fool

Fucking boomer kill yourself.

Post-capitalism with decentralized direct democracy and wide spread adoption of automation.

>standard commie shit posted
>not a commie :^)

Sounds suspiciously like communism m8...

u wot m8?

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Capitalism and Communism are bad.

There is a third way.

Socialism is just like this except everyone is poorer.

Criticism towards capitalism means you're a communist now?

and does this fan theory have an actual name?

as if it ever meant anything else

there's your problem

Its not a fan theory, google it.

capitalism has failed, or have you been living under a rock all this time?

Grab a gun and kill him. Also legalise duels, that will give a legal way of dealing with scum without getting bogged down into hunting some imaginary crimes.

This is the psyche of the oppressed

Any criticism and opposition to the dominant structure/system is met with hostility from the people who are dependent on it, thus reinforcing the oppressive nature of the system, these people do all the work willingly for the oppressors.

It hasn't though. The system continues to chug along.

Ya! Down with the patriarchy!

Not a feminist tho

do you have extra chromosomes? "post capitalism" is not a political system of any kind, it is just a description of anything which comes "after" capitalism

That's coopratism

>Sign contract
>Work for money
>Hey look I'm totally being oppressed

Inb4 labour theory of value(yoU mAkE mOrE tHaN uR pAiD), something that hasn't been a thing since guilds went down.

>communist, globohomo crony capitalism.
Third way.

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strict rules in politics disallow the influence of politics by big money
and without the influence in politics to fix your position in the market money cannot be monopolized by a few well known elite families
the system worked perfectly for a century until 'keynesian economics' and central banking became a thing
btw corporatism is not capitalism

>as if ut meant anything else.
Fuck off boomer.

No i'm living in a comfy middle class hose

At the expense of your people and nation?

Despite it all, yes. That's down to the traitors in charge, not because private industry is a thing.

Its a system.

Either you are legally allowed to trade your property or you aren't.

If you're not, it's communism. If you are, it's capitalism.

>not real capitalism
You are starting a lot like the gummies.
Both are shit for their own reasons except that the capitalism is less shit I rather go with what the founding fathers originally had for this nation.

You may but everyone a lot of other people do not.

The corporation is a capitalist invention retard.

>you like economies of scope? well be sure to include feminisation of the workforce!
>you like high wage growth? Well that's western marxism!

every ism has been poisoned
you're not allowed to find an alternative to their systems

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Look into post-capitalism.

Direct democracy is the most retarded shit i've ever heard. We need to become more republican (as in the republican system not the political party that has tarnished the name) and less consolidated in the economic sphere. Even hard core communists agree that multinational corporations and banks should be taken down. Small business liberatarianism mixed with an educated and well armed populace is the only way forward.

Not that guy, but you sound like a retard m8

>if you criticize capitalism it means your automatically a communist
Either a brainlet or someone who cant into logic.

Or look into what the third reich did

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>Post-capitalism includes a number of proposals for a new economic system to replace capitalism, examine more advanced forms, or otherwise speculate on the fate of the current form of the social order. According to some classical Marxist and some social evolutionary theories, post-capitalist societies may come about as a result of spontaneous evolution as capitalism becomes obsolete. Others propose models to intentionally replace capitalism. The most notable among them are socialism and anarchism.

So a load of LARPing about when capitalism just keels over one day for no reason then?

Why is that?

listen here you nigger

the developed world has the highest standard of living EVER in history

The developing world is trying to catch up, if they can go a few decades more without having a brutal civil war they might just make it

When when this happens, they to will enjoy the highest standard of living in the world

>Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their essential difference is this:
>The communist seeing the rich man and his fine home says, “No man should have so much.”
>The capitalist seeing the same thing says, “All men should have as much.”
Phelps Adams

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>Far right christians
>Far right catholics

This system would only work in an ethnically homogeneous society of high IQ people willing to put the state before themselves. Literally impossible nowadays.

Their filled with traitors and is nothing but political theatre unless we clean house.
Tarnish the party system.

Capitalism will eventually be taken over by post-capitalism since the current form of capitalism can not continue to exist due to it being too efficient, its being dissolved by its own technological creations. Thats the fucking reason you nigger.

How is it a free market environment when the government takes assets from people and gives it to corporations?

You're a brainlet if you think this is a thing

>capitalism can not continue to exist due to it being too efficient
Capitalism will fail because it's too efficient? What the fuck are you smoking?

The developed world is actually declining in living standards while the developing world is increasing in it, capitalism is good at rasing living standards but once its reached a certain point it becomes to unstable and this is whats happening now.

Your thinking of fascism.
Natsoc the people always comes first.
>a homogenous society
Almost every political system can work successfully under a homogenous society and since it can be so easily modified and borrow some ideas from the 3rd reich and boom you got an immune system so which makes it harder to subvert and after the problem is dealt with, then talk about a new system that is guaranteed to work more than a 200 years.

>having anything in common with those groups
Nothing says "against all authority" like allying with the biggest of the bootlickers. 2/10.

Agreed. Outlaw them entirely. Republicanism means a representative democracy with an aristocratic class that actually for the nation and it's people. Rome lasted milenia using a republic and in times of war electing an emperor to lead the path towards victory. Eventually they got too big for their britches and fell into degeneracy due to shitty leaders like Caligula and Nero who rewfused to step down from power. The same thing is happening today but on a much wider scale and with elites that are not even of this Nation or our people.

Anitfa call themselves anarchists.
You would need to institute a fascist state to get to a nat soc state in todays world.

You are retarded if you think criticisms of capitalism and thinking that system can do no wrong makes you a communist, what about you argue without resorting to labeling people a certain political ideology because you disagree with them.

You can't criticise capitalism on Jow Forums without being labeled as a communist, simple as that.

>fascist state in order to get a natsoc state
Mind elaborating on that? I am interested to hear why you think this.

Communists don't understand economics, change my mind

I've seen it criticized most of the times on here and is mostly not from communists, but mostly anons who are 3rd positions, monarchists and a few others.

> literally never happened
> has nothing to do with means of production
> hierarchies BAAAD

Rope yourself

>The commie fag is immunized against all dangers....

I'll do what I want commie shit. Your ideology is crap.

You can but if you're waddling around and quacking you're going to get called a duck.

I think you misunderstood me baby, the concept of any actual anarchists allying with the far right goes against 400 years of history and political thought.

The only people on here who think otherwise are those who subscribe to the non-existent ideology of anarcho capitalism.

>y your a commie
Okay why is it that I am a commie?
You think there aren't more than two options?

>OP lost the discussion in his previous thread so he starts a new one
What a fag

Its liek this.

Productivity has risen due to technological andvancement such as computers that can do more repetitive work than humans.but wages and employment can not keep up with the rise of productivity so in result they stagnate.

Instagram is a 2 billion dollar worth company that only employ 13 people, same with all the other tech companies, automation and computerization result in workers declining in worth but at the same time new jobs aren't being created in large scale toenough to employ the vast population, as automation becomes more and more wide spread, more people will become disenfranchised and unemployed, because there wont be enough jobs, at the same time production is being dematerialized and people can create and share stuff for free, capitalism cannot adapt to these information technologies and will eventually be consumed by them.

No one would vote for anything to do with NatSoc ideology in today's climate. You would have to make them see why it is actually a good idea by force. Unless a collapse or we rebrand it as "Republicanism" or some other fancy word people pretend to know what it means. Don't get me wrong, i am for NatSoc in some senses but at the same time i have reservations about it. What would stop the powers that be from corrupting it from the start? Same issue i have with Eugenics. It probably is a good idea, but who is the one that is going to be making the choices about the "experiments"? If they are anything like our current leaders, i want no part in it. There is no guarantee is what i mean i guess.

I think you're against the idea that people should be allowed to freely agree to exchange their property within a society

Are you a nationalist? Do you believe that hierarchies are natural and not inherently a bad thing? Or are you a communist?

Water theft in Australia

Where did you get the idea that I am against private property?

>but wages and employment can not keep up with the rise of productivity so in result they stagnate.
They absolutely can. Making more shit means more shit to pay you with. They don't currently but that's down to bank kikery not the ownership of private property.

Of course I am not commie because I do not believe in internationalism.

Even Marx knew that the races are not equal and women ruin everything.

>Being retarded enough to think capitalism = corpocracy

And that's why human genetic-engineering and culling will commense in the future.

I can see that, which is like I said we may borrow some ideas from the nsdap but mostly add our own ideas into the mix, but not do the exact same word for word which is also why I suggested a new system has to be made which will be protecting the people, the constitution and acting as an immune system against subversives.

> everything is the banks fault.

I wonder what 2020 will be like?

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That's why ultra rich people prefer socialism over capitalism. Big government means big corruption possibilities. And capitalism is system of minimal government

Corporatism is a by product of capitalism.