Why I left Antfia and stopped being bluepilled

I use to think I was on the right side of history and that bigotry would die out when older white men died. I use to watch Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, Chapo Trap House, Destiny and even the Young Turks.

All this changed when I discovered Nicholas J. Fuentes. I have never met someone so young yet intelligent. He seems to know a lot of stuff and can argue really well. He de-radicalized me from the left and now I'm ready to fight for the West, America, Christianity, and my race.

I would recommend any left-winger to see vids of Fuentes.

Attached: Nick Fuentes.jpg (400x400, 16K)

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Based and red pilled

Attached: 962hd4.jpg (900x643, 126K)

I find this kid thoroughly unimpressive but good for you user. Welcome to the dark side.

based n' redpilled

This post plays out like a Prageru video...
I am unsure how to feel about it.

You should feel good.

Attached: Feels Good Man Pepe.jpg (119x122, 5K)

same exact thing happened to me

My desire to strangle you is very strong. Nothing worse than a faggot who gets dissuaded or persuaded by youtube poltiicals. Ideology does not need persuasion, you rationalized towards it on your own.

Is he Spaniard? He for sure has Spanish ancestry

He is an afro latinx campus conservative. How dare you.