Pics related is a prison in Norway

Pics related is a prison in Norway.

it must feel pretty good to know that the man who just killed and raped your daughter is enjoying his festivities on a mansion-sized cell while you struggle to pay the debts from millions of refugees swarming onto your country =)

And yeah, this is a maximum security prison

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Let them vote too!

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what the FUCK, these taxdollars should be going to white prisoners, not fucking shitskins. Jesus fucking christ if I was a norwegian I would probably go insane too.

I'm actually crying right now because non-whites are benefitting from this system that Norwegians fought for with thier blood.

>High-security prisoners live better than me

how i can get there
is urinocially better that my room in polend

Looks like a prototype for an Orwellian citizen habitat.

Get the fuck out of Korea Cuckasoid subhuman

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That's unironically better than my real house wtf. How do I get to Norway and commit a crime?

Enjoy your 3/4 at 5 years recidivism rate burger

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Looks better than my life.

>Be Neet
>Don't get the bag
>Move to Norway
>Be a hero
>Go to prison
>Get your neetbux
>Be a good boy in prison
>Get computer to shitpost allday

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so? if you envy them so much go commit crimes in norway you pussy


In the study that figure comes from the ethnic statistics were white 43.7%, black 33.9%, Hispanic 17.8% other 4.5%.

I think I should travel to Norway and unleash my BBC with force on the locals. Then I'll spend my whole time in a comfy prison where I can pipe the hot Norwegian female guards. Win Win.

how did I know? the bitch is built for BBC.

Attached: built for BBC kaylee-dargenton.jpg (740x817, 97K)

Treating prisoners as humans probably reduces reoffending and they re-enter society as people more likely to be productive citizens.

In the long run it saves money. Treating prisoners aka MEN like shit is rightwing tradcuckery.

It looks better than my apartment

I agree non violent offenders shouldn't be locked away because you turn them into violent offenders, but violent offenders should be executed. They've already proved they can't be apart of normal civilization.
>inb4 it's expensive to execute people
It's called a bullet.

the problem as i see it is they need U.S. levels of gang anal shower rape

looks pretty comfy

>exercise-bars right in front of a basic chainlink fence with freedom beyond
These photos must be satire or taken to portray it different to the reality.

Either way, show flag OP.

What do I have to do to get there? I don't want to do something and then get transferred to a Finnish "bucket cell" which are a human rights violation, of which Finland has been repeatedly convicted in the European Court of Human Rights.

Meanwhile here in America.

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Says the english teacher.

U mean if someone runs his mouth off and u bloody his nose a bit, then u get the bullet? Sounds a bit harsh.

Look like my bedroom , so comfy

Well obviously the severity of the crime should be taken into account. I don't really consider a simple scuff to classify someone as a violent offender. I'm talking about rapists and murderers.

That guy's French btw.

Did he pick out his own decor at IKEA?

Look up varg's video on this. He says there are more suicides in there because they are isolated way more.

One way international travel to Norway for murder tourism will soon be a thing...

And yet, they have the lowest recidivism rate in the world.

As tempting as it is to be bloody-minded, it works. If Norway would just deport its non-native/immigrant criminals and execute its worst criminals (child molesters, etc.), it would without a doubt seem like the perfect prison system this century.

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>I don't want to do something
here in Finland you'll end up in prison if you're doing nothing and you're male

The problem with this soft on crime stand is that it only helps poor people. Rich people who want to behave alpa have much to lose but the poor get a better life. This softens the upper classes. In medieval times it was the other way around, the rich could do whatever they want.

That you?

Focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment is a good thing.

No, if you break into someone's home and rape them, you get a bullet. Cost $0.40.

>recidivism rate
"Recidivism data are currently not valid for international comparisons. "
It's always nice when people just make things up. kys

I would probably keep these rehabilitation prisons. But not everyone should have this right, rapists and serial killers should still get the rope.

based and redpilled know i know where to go if everything else fails.

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>like pottery

Can any Norwegians weigh in on the below?
What's to stop someone from traveling to Norway and going on a murder spree if prison conditions are better than their home life? Say someone were to kill a bunch of refugees/immigrants, the Nord prisoners probably wouldn't even care.

Loads of it online, publicly available.
Back to with your cringey buzzwords, you literal 15 year old.

>I'm talking about rapists and murderers.
Most rapes are not even violent. You are just a feminist stooge. Show me an international study that compares most countries in the world right now.

Why are these bad?

What is the deal with niggers and clothes that don't fit properly?
Is it really that hard to read tags.. oh wait never mind.

The world would be better without krauts.

>Highest to Lowest - Prison Population Total
I'm talking about recidivism rate, you stupid nigger.

One of the first results I got.
I'm assuming that you'll probably have difficulty understanding the data.

kys low iq nigger

OH NO NO NO he really is a brainlet

Norwegian here.
The prisoners ARE Menas.

hate seeing white men locked up

please tell me you're shitposting and not an actual syrian refugee

1. Norway isn't part of the EU, they don't get pushed refugees onto them.
2. Rehabilition has proven to work much better than retribution in terms of relapse rates.
3. You fucking niggers talk big, but here you go and act like you'd love to give up your freedom for small comforts, pathetic.

Business Insider article, 'Why Norway's Prison system is so successful'
Search for it, link is constantly regarded as fucking spam.

Trust me, if Europe had America’s criminal population their prisons would harden up really fucking quick

The problem with letting the rich do what they want is that it breeds resentment in the lower classes which certain groups of (((outsiders))) can easily exploit to place themselves in positions of power aka the entire history of communism

>And yet, they have the lowest recidivism rate in the world.

That is the assertion which is wrong. There is no data that support this. Prison Popluation is a very different variable. He made a specific statement and can not prove it, your stupidity is limitless.
The left-wing comments of the lügenpresse are worthless. I'm talking about scientific evidence you NPC.

It looks great, but that is only if you are a complete recluse and enjoy being isolated. Remember that these guys have more or less no say in how their days are planned

also this

How can you be so stupid and compare the US with Nordic countries? If there are over 10% niggers in a country the prison population will of course be bigger.

>A new with a non shitpost comment
>Leave this place

They probably live a better life than me atm.

I don't get why they allow prisoners to lift weights and put on muscle. They just cause more damage and become more of a threat to guards. Cardio alone should be enough.

So should jews. Fuck off!

>no that evidence
>no not that evidence either!
>kys you stupid nigger!

Yeah I'm not wasting captchas on you anymore lmao

You got BTFO, now you're just seething. Stay mad, you literal low IQ nigger.
>inb4 another chimp out
I know it's in you, go on...

How many stars on tripadvisor?

Most prisoners are from the middle east so they could easily turn on you.
Most likely you would be held in protective custody (isolated in a holding cell without windows, nothing but a mattress and a hole to shit in) while you wait for months for your government to take you back to your country to go to prison there. We have standing deals with many countries.

Also, these places aren't meant to punish you, but to brainwash you. It's like gulag. If you're a criminal it must have been the socioeconomic conditions in society that caused it.

You can have nice things when there's no nogs.

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They have the lowest recidivism rates worldwide. At 20% compared to USAs 79% we can see they are doing something very right.

>No tablecloths
>Only 1 pillow
pure torture

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>no computer with internet

literal torture, cant get any worse. I take a 2x2 chamber sleeping on the floor if i get a computer with internet access for it

What's the issue with that system? I wouldn't have a problem if it were white inmates.