Serious question: Are Americans bothered by President Trump putting Israel first?

Or do most Americans support him on this?
Asking because it is hard to get this on-the-ground opinion through media.

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Most americans are not only not anti-semetic, but are embracing and welcoming to the jewish people. I for one am ok with Trump supporting Israel.

>I for one am ok with Trump supporting Israel.

Yes but why at the expense of American interests?

I actually think the interests of Israel align quite well with the interests of the american people.

Who cares what Trump thinks about Israel when Bibi has the whole fucking Congress in his palms?

Interests of Israel are that USA continues to fund their country and wage war in the nearby areas so that Israel can later settle on them.
Interests of USA is to do that.

Because it is foreign soil, why do we need to give American Money away?

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Most support it or don't even care. The one issue that Republicans and Democrats in Congress agree on is putting Israel first.


Found the rabbi folks!

How? Between billions of dollars in aid to extremely expensive wars in the Middle East, how is Israel in any way beneficial to the USA?

Honestly most Americans don't care about Israel or Palestine. The remainder prefer Israel.

Attached: Americans don't care about Israel or Palestine.png (582x350, 79K)

>implying american's have the ability of self-thought and aren't all brainwashed cattle who support anything their news outlets tell them
CNN says pissrael is good, so it's good. Go die for them goy

Millennials and Zoomers either don't give a shit or support Palestine. It's really only boomers who love Israel with all their heart. Since they're dying off, America will likely support them even less. That's why Bibi is going to start cozying up to China as a backup plan.

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It's more devious and evil than most are willing to face. Infact that is part of the defense is that you will not only deny but defend it... so you won't have to face it...

I do not see the benefit in propping up Israel. Even with all the money we give that state, I still see ads on TV of Jews in Israel who desperately need my help because they're starving and each food box contains a note saying the food is from loving Christians in America. I can't help but to see Israel and Jews as literal parasites on the USA. Jews hate whites, Christians, and the USA. There's no doubt about that.

Trump faggots would support him is he opened his own line of Trump male chastity belts. He can do no wrong, and his action toward Israel and Syria proves this.

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It's odd that so many Americans blindly support Israel and honesty have no clue as to why they do. It looks like cult brainwashing.

>1,000 Americans
mmm yes

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Jew detected


Israel is a strategically located diplomatic partner. The majority of the 3.5bil a year we give them is spent on military related things. It doesn't just go into Israel's coffers. We spend approx 5bil a year globally for "economic support" that DOES just go without restrictions and doesn't go to Israel. At least 1/5 to Africa, just cause. We also give Egypt 2bil a year. Pakistan. Jordan. East Asia. Approx. 78% of the world population receives economic aid from the US. In 2014 we spent 104bil globally in aid. Yet this board cries about 3.5bil a yr to Israel for the military.

>Israel is a strategically located diplomatic partner.

Considering the US has to spend political capital vetoing one bill after another in the UN for Israel, why is Israel a diplomatic partner and not a diplomatic liability?

No. At least where I live. It's more socially acceptable to make fun of Jews then nogs and that is obviously from your average person.

Yeah it's disgusting.

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Americucks wouldn't have it any other way senpai. It's their pride and joy to MIGA

you have to be a retard if you think any politician in america can get into office without supporting the kike.
its absolutely pointless trying to get a candidate that is full on 1488 and everyne knows that. im not gonna call them shills, but everyone who thinks trump can play hard on isreal is an absolute retard. and thats sadly just the reality of things.

Obviously. The thing is that campaign Trump made big enough waves it was easy to ignore until it wasn't.

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The US is an Israeli occupied country. Israel controls the US, not the other way around.

Americans die for Israeli interests.
American politicians fight to give Israel money.
The welfare of an Israeli is more important than an American.

This is modern politics in America and it is going to lead to a civil war or rebellion at some point. Most people only support Israel because of mass propaganda, but the more obvious it becomes that the US is nothing but an Israeli lapdog and Americans are nothing but sheep to be scammed or slaughtered for Israeli gain, the more opposition against Israel is going to grow.

Any American who actually supports Israel is a traitor to his own nation if only for the sole reason that Israel is controlling so much about American policy.

I'd be satisfied with them being 2nd if we could be first. Everything we want is challenged by joo lawyers.

It's simply their geographic location. The US has to have some real estate in the region. It's not a coincidence Israel has the most capable and trained military in the middle east. For familiarity with the region they hands down have the best fighter pilots and their air force is arguably better than US. They have advanced fighter jets, military armed drones, nuclear weapons and a battle ready standing army. Turkey is a distant second. The US-Israel relationship has nothing to do with 'muh jews' and everything to do with geographic location of a diplomatic military ally.

most americans are good goyim like this faggot right here when the baby boomers die off though, things are going to shift drastically

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>most americans

No that's just the hasbara kikes that are paid to run and control /ptg/.

/ptg/ does not represent Jow Forums, Jow Forums or America.

Well this ally must send a lot of troops to help with our wars in the region right?

Go back to the_dreidel you kike parasite.

Yep, proof that we have a bunch of newshits from r/the_donald that have infested this board and site

Most Americans with an IQ over 90 know what's going on. We also know better than to try and explain it to the low IQ's because they will always be a lost cause.
Since you're not from around here and I can only guess about you, I'd say you used that image to draw attention to a shill post with Trump and Isreal First in the title to somehow sway the low IQ's as usual. So basically... fuck you.

Hell no. Israel almost never sends their troops out of the country. But without assets in Israel for communications, supplies, food, fuel, logistics the US would have a much more dangerous and difficult time deploying in the region. We would still do it, we have sea & air capability to support ground troops but physical assets in the region make deployment safer and easier. The US- Israel relationship is complicated. Far more than Jow Forums posts can convey. I'd suggest reading the military history and alliance of the 2 countries, and not the wiki, to get a better understanding. You may still wind up disliking Israel and that's fine. At least you'll do it from a point of understanding and not cause Jow Forums told you to.