Will Khalistan happen?
Will Khalistan happen?
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Soon. Indians have oppressed our Sikh brothers for too long. Pakistan stands with our Sikh brothers and will not tire until they are free from the evil reign of the cow worshippers.
Is it even anbig deal in India? It seems to be all the diaspora ever talk about
>Pakistan stands with our Sikh brothers
Kek. They're doomed then.
Shut up,
Where have pakistans sikhs gone?
>what was partition
learn your history retard
Kinda. Pakistan NEVER shuts up about it, that's why. The dispute is in the fact that Kashmir/ Punjab region has more hindus than muslims, but during independence the king of Kashmir wanted to go to Pakistan.
The mentality here is that sikhs in india won't talk because they're scared of 1984 part 2
No, pakistan invaded kashmir and the prince of Kashmir (who was hindu) ceded his land to india in order for them to save it.
Also: Khalistan will be made eventually
Sikhs are only growing stronger, it is a grave mistake to make an enemy out of them