Say no to olive oil

Olive oil is a med meme. True Germanics dress/fry their food in fresh Northern European butter or lard.

Boycott the olive oil!

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Remember how olive oil and mediterranean diet were marketed as extra-healthy? The study that was based on was retracted last year. Mediterraneans are healthy because they have strong social bonds. Fulfilling social life protects health more than any diet could. Likewise, healthy diet in the absence of social life is practically meaningless.

Germanics are more efficient. No afternoon nap means higher productivity

Productivity is a meme. If you need to nap, go to bed earlier.

There is nothing wrong with olive oil, as long as it's high quality olive oil. Whether it's healthy or not, it's all dependent on the rest of your diet. Of all the vegetable and seed oils you can find, olive oil is probably one of the most healthiest fat sources due to a relatively low amount of omega-6 fatty acids. The only thing, one should be worried about oils is oxidation, and that's not a huge issue regarding olive oil. If you don't prefer olive oil, there are also other good alternatives such as; coconut butter/oil, MCT oil etc.

M*diterranean diet is only good because it cuts out all the sugars and processed food, but it still claims fruit, beans and whole grains are good for you which is a total lie. Stop being a wuss, cut out all the carbs and just go full-keto. Then, when you have become fully keto-adapted and your body can efficiently switch between burning fat and carbs as fuel, you can introduce carbohydrates back again and begin carb-cycling on your diet. Very efficient for muscle production.

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>don't eat this faggotry diet eat the other one
The only things i need in my diet are pig meat, beer, sauerkraut and potatoes

>but it still claims fruit, beans and whole grains are good for you which is a total lie
That's a meme. There are very few things that are universally healthy or unhealthy. Telling everyone to go keto as if it was a universally useful diet makes you reckless, clueless and irresponsible. Ketosis has short term therapeutic value, but long term value it offers only for the select few. Others it will ruin.

The secret is there's a place for both. Git gud at cooking.

Olive oil is like the healthiest food known to man. Kys
