How would war with Iran look like?

Is their military a meme? Or will it be Iraq on steroids?

Attached: Iran-military.jpg (678x381, 64K)

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Your country already sent the bunch of Spetznat to Iran so far.

Iraq was flat land. Iran is a mountainous fortress much worse than Afghanistan, an occupation will be far bloodier than Iraq+Afghanistan combined

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It's not Iran you have to worry about, it's the friends they made on the way

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WTC Iranian army shades?

I have a legitimate question about countries militaries. How do we know exactly what everyone has for military strength? I've seen a few videos that are like "In a war the US, it has x amount of Jets, while China has x amount" etc. I mean it'd be retarded for any country to come out and give a legit answer to what they have in their military. So is it mostly guess work with a mixture of half truths?

Iranian military is quite sizable, well-trained and has numerous combat experience, although they are not at the level of US or Russia in terms of conventional warfare (at least on paper). However, Iran has reformed its military to be suitable to transform into irregular warfare when necessary. Iranian military has numerous paramilitary-esque arms such as the IRGC and Basij. These forces are armed groups ideologically loyal to the Islamic Revolution and led by well-regarded veteran officers of the Iran-Iraq war.
Iran's geography is a mountain fortress like said, excluding Khuzestan region on Iraqi border and some deserts in the interior of the country.
Iran also has developed missiles which is ready to use if invasion happens, so they'll basically bombard Saudi and Israel in the first few months of the war.
Potential US local allies within Iran are mostly separatist militias from ethnic groups in the border regions and the small rebel groups such as MEK, both of whom are unpopular among the Iranian populace.
Also, excluding Azerbaijan, the Gulf Arabs and Israel (who I bet 100% will not be willing to provide military support to the US), no one in the region including NATO ally Turkey are supportive of US invasion.
All in all, my verdict is that the war will be basically be Afghanistan on steroids. US and their allies will lose lots of soldiers and I don't think they'll even be able to reach Tehran.
Dear Americans, is invading Iran worth it? Just so zionist kikes can be safe and Iranian girls can be thot? Do you need to send your sons to die for this?

massive US losses, minimal to none iranian losses, jews on suicide watch