Aus/pol - Fukken Kikes edition:

Remember what the kikes have done to Australia user...


It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

Malcolm Fraser exposing Jewish power in Australia and saying they deliberately bombed the USS Liberty

If you're an Australian Jow Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

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Other urls found in this thread:

>calling it sick AGAIN this week

did they actually expect me to turn up on tuesday? HAH

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Who /compfy/ neet here?

Thanks for paying taxes wagie

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OP is a faggot

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You sure shekelstein is gonna let you do that wagie

>he lives on $250 a week which is about what rent cost in moe and wants to try and take a high horse.
Nice try mate, we both know you are a filthy drug addict drug dealer and that is the only way you can afford to be on cenno.

Let me guess you're gonna brag about you're motorbikes now?

I live rent free nigga

Is that what you and your mates are believing?
Then yes, do you like my latest motorcycle MERINO?

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who cares

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Checkout my sweet ride guys

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>he "lives" on $520 a fortnight, literally $270 a week
Are you trying to take a high horse while earning less than a 3rd of what i pay minimum wage workers on 40 hours per week mate?

Is anyone watching this four corners on international students?


Sick hog, like mine?

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half of 520 if 260

Huh, but wasn't John Monash, the country's national hero, a Jewish man too?
Or was he an anomaly?

Parallel twin.

Why tho? Oz is a good boy who dindu nuffin.

shhh you are assuming deros know math, soon they will think they get $300 a week.

All this coping


Get some sleep wagies, it's getting late

Spud man is a myth and a legend at this point.
Aus/pol talks about him so much that /dbt/ has started asking why you fucks post his pics here.

you sure you're responding to the right person?

You literally get less money in a year than I do in two months.

>death traps that cost a few k
nothing to brag about

but we are sleeping in bed whilst doing it ;^)

what do you do for work btw? I'm sure it's totally worth it

proof've it

Too scared for the bike pill?

boomer scum would love to 'accidently' knock you off it and kill you

Their reflexes are shit.
Fly past quickly and give them a heart attack.

you niggers are crazy i bet you've already had a few injuries

No, but i appreciate the (You)
A few k?
spud user owns like exclusively rare bikes both of his bikes posted in this thread are worth 10-15k each.
fyi spud user is from /dbt/ he does not actually post on aus/pol

3 anons took on his persona to shitpost here while supporting jannie poster.

I do base jumping and am too scared to ride a motorbike.

The amount of close calls due to chinks or women not paying attention has scared me from bikes forever, used to ride a CBRR1000. Sold it and vowed to never buy a bike again.

And these are the idiots who say "watch out for bikes"

Go back to school, kid.

UwU what's this?

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>thread are worth 10-15k each.
that's what a hyundai getz costs
i admire the bravery of bikers but i think it's gay

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so the potatofag was just one big larp?

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Something about them being rare
if you loom for a bike like that one for example they are for sale from 10-20k

nah like 5 anons work for him now, he came here start of last year and ever since then anons have pretended to be him.
But the dude did give a bunch of white aussies from aus/pol full time jobs, 6 of them.

Not since I figured out how to actually ride.
Just gotta be alert.
Once I stopped just following and cruising along my near misses stopped.
Get past before they know you are even there.
Most fuckers in cars aren't even aware of the car next to them.
Used to have a melt your fuckin eyes out yellow XD and still got t-boned on a nice sunny day by a chick that had actually stopped at the intersection.
Then she just drove out into the side of me.

Why is spudman such a faggot
Why is op such a faggot
Why are they both faggots
Why is he a faggot
Spudman op is a faggot

He's fukked

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Big yammy twins are rare cause no one wanted them in the first place.

>by a chick

There's your problem

who works for the tater user?
speak up i know for a fact one of you earns $1250 per week even if you only work 10 hours and you pay no rent, no water, no power bills cuz tater user is providing board and pays more cuz of your licenses who is it?

t. someone who used to work for tater user who is driving the fucking harvester lol?

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he really is a faggot tho isn't he
like massive
tell me you all wouldn't like to beat the shit out of him
at least shorten seems apologetic about having to be a jew cum drinker
scomo thinks he's good

It's you isn't it?
The fucker only paid me $950 a week for the same job you are lucky.

i wanna put shorten in a head lock and go haha you got man titties shorten

No, not at all. I love internet censorship

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we doing a poo&A?

>tell me you all wouldn't like to beat the shit out of him

>"Under their proposed measures, people found guilty of using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence would be jailed for up to five years"

its just bill this week isnt it?

some redpills

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boomers and their slaves keep whinging about muh taxation

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> menace
> cause offence
The fact he is PM is a menace to every aussie and this causes me great offense.
Better book him.

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we /cringe/ now

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a wild burger chink appears

>They opened the chat again
fucking kek

Cheapest of a 78 650 special i can find where i live is 8.5kish for a gutted cafe racer, that one ther, that looks not only orignial but fucking mint.
Literal collectors item.
People that had the foresight to buy shit like that are all probably sitting pretty right now.

shit even the tyres on that bike look original, how?

Just cause it's advertised at a ridiculous price don't mean they will get it.

gen-x nu-boomers are fucked. First on the pyre


So you are telling me a Bathurst edition gtr x-u1 torana is not worth 200k because it is basically just an LC torana with a triple wibber intake and lumpy cam?
Because you can buy an LC Torana for 30-50k no worries.
Good luck getting a gtr x-u1 for less than 150k though.

Why would bikes be any different?
Really now would be a good time to buy any 80's and 90's bikes because most will end up as collectors items.

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An hero, post link to livestream.

Vote 1 UAP for a glorious nuclear future!

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Why vote for anyone?
so the major party can use the votes how they want which results in billions spent fixing the roads in cities like Melbourne and Sydney while country roads continue to wait for an update after being built by the Howard government?

The torana was popular.
The yammy twins were not.
Some one will want it but if it was a honda four or a suzi gt or even a kwaka 900 you might compare it to a torana.
That's like having a 70s toyota.
Worth something but wouldn't get torana money.
Just cause it's old doesn't mean it's worth a fortune.

All i want is for country roads to be repaved instead of the speed limits reduced to 80km/h from 100km/h....
Why is this so fucking hard to do?
Tourists use the roads obviously...
The speed limit would not be lowered if city fuckwits were not using the roads to go to Wilsons Prom so how about just fixing the fucking roads instead of 3 decades of lowering speed limits in the country while cars get better?

Lets talk about the real issue, the fucking roads.
Road toll would be halved over night if all roads were up to standard but 95% are not even fucking close.

Everyone will ignore this post because i am surrounded by paid shills.

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>All i want is for country roads to be repaved instead of the speed limits reduced to 80km/h from 100km/h....
>Why is this so fucking hard to do?
>Tourists use the roads obviously...
>The speed limit would not be lowered if city fuckwits were not using the roads to go to Wilsons Prom so how about just fixing the fucking roads instead of 3 decades of lowering speed limits in the country while cars get better?
>Lets talk about the real issue, the fucking roads.
>Road toll would be halved over night if all roads were up to standard but 95% are not even fucking close.
>Everyone will ignore this post because i am surrounded by paid shills.
Fucking this! All the roads are fucked!

Do you know what a Kawasaki Z500 is?
Can you find one for sale?
Think one would be worth buying?

So it looks like we're all going to gaol for shitposting, lads

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And leaving huge fuck off gumtrees half a meter from the roads edge. I swear the cunts that run this country are fuckwits

That ius the fucking thing...
You think tree loppers are hard to find?
I know of 12 tree lopping companies in my area and all are just about always available to do a job when it comes to trees.

The government has FAILED everyone in the country.
We are bled try to pay for bullshit in the city while we are expected to accept 80km/h speed limits because the roads were literally built in 1990 and there are no plans to re pave them or make them safer ever.

Instead we are going to push for electric cars while Victoria is down not only Hazelwood but Yallourn power station...
What the fuck are electric cars supposed to run on?
Air and magic?
No they need the existing coal infrastructure which in the case of Hazelwood has been shut down and Yallourn?
3/4 boilerers literally blew the fuck up and all of Yallourn is still offline, why do you think electricity prices suddenly skyrocketed recently?


I moved back to Aus in 2015 after a decade working in investment banks around the world and took a job with one of the big 4. First week I was sitting on this committee who review submissions to the regulators. The retail bank guy goes through their performance and glosses over the fact over half (I think it was 52%) of all new home loans approved were interest only and just over half of all new loans then for investors.

I was shocked and everyone was confused why. Every month going forward both these numbers were just over 50% every month.

What is wrong?
Why thread stop ded?
I say something that maek u think with ur head?
Must want me dead,
Fuck that cunt he makes sense,
Him and his mess,
I don't want to be stressed

It wouldn't be worth as much as the 900.
It would be worth buying for 5G max.
Settle for the little bike if it pleases you but the money is with bikes that were the fastest or at least a make and model that was raced.
Cars are the same.

I'd pork her oinker
Her problem is she's never had a good dick
And my problem is I've never had any pusy
Based let's redpill each others genitals

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mate, is there any way that you can sauce this?

I'm actually surprised it was this high. Fuck I though it was something like 1/3 of approvals, not fucking over 50%!

Had some cunt on here the other night shilling for the banks saying they're all heavily regulated and nothing is wrong, etc.

Can you find me a single example of a Kawasaki z500 for sale?
I can find 900's.

Wait who's spudman is he the Queensland farmer who is giving auspol neets jobs? Based when I move up there can I get it reee

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>bunch of young white men redpilled neets and angry tradies/druggies end up in prison together
W-what could go wrong?
>w-what u in for cunt
>aw ye called a cunt a cunt
>aww yeh facken same
God it's like they want shit to kick off we are as bad as the UK/nz everywhere else if this shit gets passed

Don't even get me started cunt, I swear we'd be better off with all dirt roads! At Least they are always grading them. Every single fucking road around here has been dropped back to 80 and are utter trash, you get to learn the road intimately so you know what bumps and dips to avoid on your journey like its a fucking game.

And power, why the fuck we haven't gone nuclear yet is a fucking joke
No fucking water unless you go up north
Raped by taxes & fuel for the big nanny state, yeah naa fuck off cunts

Too fucken right m8.

And fuck this "speed kills" shit... I should to be able to do 130 if the road is in good knick, and as shit as country roads can be, there's an awful lot that are good enough for that as-is.

If "drowsy drivers die", why are you forcing me to stay on the road longer by lowering the speed limit?

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I sat on the committee for maybe a year and every month it was right around 50% were interest only and 50% were investor. Every single month. I think the standard was aps220. The submissions may be on apra’s website. I believe they are publically disclosed. Around 2016 they then cracked down on it but fucks me hoe long it was going before that.

Oy cunce we all going to jail for saying no no words on 4channel
Lmao my folks went through the gfc with massive debt loan on property
Luckily we got it paid off but I know exactly what's gonna happen next I'm gonna say it

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Might be because the 900 was popular and people spent the money to restore them.
The 500 was not so popular and they got flogged to death and dumped.
Still doesn't make it desirable enough to demand high dollars for one.
How many HD holdens do you see for sale?
The model before it (EH) and the model after it (HR) will always sell for better bucks because of popularity and changes to mechanical bits.
They are worth something but not as popular and buttt ugly makes it a car that won't get the bucks.

I thought it was pretty well known that until the last year or two that >50% of mortgages banks were issuing were interest only.

That's when the goon squads at the RBA/APRA told them to knock it off and tighten up their lending standards and cunts have been whining ever since about how hard it is to get a loan.

The big thing nobody's talking about is that 1 in 20 mortgages are underwater now and delinquencies are rising. That's why there's pressure on the RBA to cut rates tomorrow.

Fuck Jackson Pollock, this should be in the national art gallery.

cheers mate. I'll have a look tomorrow.

How the fuck do you work for such devious, immoral cunts?