Hi I'm a newfag who's been lurking for like a month and haven't seen a thread on this.
Just want to see Jow Forums's opinion on this age block.
pic unrelated
UK new porn age block
Other urls found in this thread:
Lurk more, kys
Forgot memefaggot at the end
Government doesn't owns those sites, neither they will be blocked, they will just ask you for license and monitor your fapping.
Still waiting for something to happen, not that it'll affect me or anyone who doesn't use normie tier porn sites or knows how to use a VPN
fuck you faggot die
lurk more
off with the memeflag
get a VPN faggot
i was asking for people who would get effected by this opinions, not you nazi fag
Block porn worldwide.
Kill the Jew's beast
who needs porn when u have a imagination lol
VPN doesn't solves your cuckery, only avoids it, you are spreading cuckery on this planet, instead of fixing the problem. The cuckery will spread and you will run out of options to hide.
>implies i could never be a bong, cuz flag
just kys faggot. rope is 3 quid, razorblade is 1
>Discouraging normies from watching porn is cuckery
So it would be redpilled to let kids watch BLACKED.COM because muh freedoms?
>think of le children
Yes, it would be. Now what? Your children don't trump my freedoms.
>implying they will block blacked.com
>implying they will block anything but amateur sites
>implying license and age verification is block
You imply a lot there.
What will happen in reality is they shutting down criticism of them, while cucking will increase. After all we are talking about Conservatives here, people who want to ban encryption and imported 10 million niggers into your country and protect 20 million rapists.
I said discourage, not block. Less people watching porn is less cuckery.
It's going to be very ineffective but anything which results in less kids and normies accessing porn is fine by me.
You're Serbian. I don't give a fuck about your freedoms
>been lurking for like a month
Just fucking snap already.
>muh nanny state
It's their choice, let them make it.
What, and listening to you is freedom?
I don't care who you are, I care what you say, and what you're saying is two month old news, never post again
>If a kid wants to watch hardcore anal rape it's their choice! There definitely won't be any sort of repercussions from giving everyone easy access to degenerative porn
We might as well allow people to buy heroin. It may be bad but it's their choice after all, right?
>a month
>porn is heroin
Didn't say that dumbass. I'm pointing out how the lolbertarian argument of "just let people chose for themselves" doesn't hold up in that context, yet the principle is the same.
>porn is heroin
Heroin that doesnt destroy your brain or organs and doesnt stop getting you high after nominal use. Then yea, just like heroin, you stupid mutt.
bin the dick, shave the hole