Mt Everest, the highest peak on Earth, has become the ultimate tourist attraction. One such tourist, American 33yr old mother of none and wife of nobody, Roxanne Vogel, is planning to break the record for the most rapid ascent from Mt Everest base camp (including climatization) of 2 weeks. She has slept in a low oxygen tent every night for 2 months as prep.
Vogel, 33, a California native, graduated from TWU in 2017 with a master’s degree in exercise and sports nutrition. As her motivation, she cites her curiosity from her dissertation research into supplemental proteins and her work helping athletes train and perform at their best.
“The motivation behind this is purely scientific curiosity and that the mountains and being in them is one of the greatest joys I have in my life,” she said. “I think people have a perception of people climbing that we want to conquer and dominate — like man over nature — but I’m not that person.”
Regardless of whether she succeeds, she hopes the climb will spread awareness about the shortage of women in mountain climbing and help encourage others to try it.
“There’s not that many female mountain guides or climbers,” she said. “It’s been so great in my life that I want to get other women psyched about being in the mountains and exploring more.”
Jayden Torres
She will die. Darwinism at work
Isaiah Diaz
She's gonna bite it before RBG
Leo Powell
Let's just see if she survives it first.
Also, why do women try to validate themselves by doing the same dick measuring activities that men do? When are people going to get that men and women can be equal by their own individual merits
It is too cold for niggers, she is safe from rape.
Zachary Powell
Is she a veteran mountain climber?
Brayden Jenkins
next article.about her women dies climbing mt. everest.
Connor Garcia
Yeti gonna get it
Luke Sanchez
Death from above
Juan Cook
What about the mountain niggers who see white women as diamonds in the rough?
Austin Brooks
>i dont need your mansplainings, i got ScIeNcE!!1 can wait for the roastie popsicle to make the fastest descent ever
Ethan Gutierrez
She will probably cheat with supplemental oxygen and have an army of sherpas and several support crews at each camp from ABC onward. I'm sure they'll also set up the ropes to make it easy for her, maybe even carry her food and other shit. Honestly I'm really not exaggerating; there's so much vested interest on the part of the Cosmopolitan oligarchy to prove that women are better than or equal to men in every respect.
Christopher Scott
Few women are rock climbers because few women are able to lift their own body weight and cant even do one pullup
Anthony Williams
Bet she kills herself.
Evan Brown
>graduated from TWU in 2017 with a master’s degree in exercise and sports nutrition If she's so educated why is she risking her life for such a meaningless endeavour
People who have the drive to do things like this are genetically inferior. They justify these useless tasks by exclaiming they have a “warrior spirit” or a “will to overcome”, but climbing a mountain is nothing to boast about. It’s been mapped and documented, people who do things like climbing and kayaking through dangerous rivers or skydiving are just thrill seeking brainletts who struggle to find meaning in their lives.
Henry Gray
>inb4 she dies
Andrew Phillips
> 33 years old > no children > phd in exercising
failure of a woman, hope she freezes solid
Lincoln Williams
Being a roastie posted to japan is like being a fat guy surrounded by tiny burger-like objects.
>purely scientific >theres not that many female mountain guides or climbers" >P U R E L Y S CI E N T I F IC
Nathaniel Nelson
Well I was thinking about Arthur Israel Vogel. He lived in London, but I'm pretty sure a Vogel living in California will also be part of the tribe.
Owen Brooks
She has no idea what’s waiting for her. There are professionals who lost their legs and arms on the way up there are still bodies frozen below the mountain because they don’t rescue the dead.
better than feminist dance theory or feminism in islam. At least she might find a low payed job at the gym
William Barnes
This, it’s pathetic really. What a pointless endeavor. “Women are as tough as guys that’s why 99% of all climbers to reach the summit have been men and I need to pay an army of men who know more about it to climb just as fast with me. Each will have mor weight and I have to listen to everything they say, but I paid them to let me reach the summit first so this is a big moment for women somehow.”
Oliver Robinson
>when i was hungry, I ate >when I was tired, I slept >when I had know... I went
Ian Roberts
Hoing chang? Wing wong dim sum mekong.
Ryan Parker
possible. If someone's name ends with berg, thal, gold, stein or wald you can be pretty sure its a jew
Ryan Miller
You can get a PHd in pet psychologist anything these morons want to feel smarter then everyone else is sold to them for 100k debt degrees
Logan Parker
you dishonor yourself with your use of pointless insults. you have no power here roastie
Jonathan Lewis
she will either die or fail hard and give up.
Connor Lopez
Everest is for plebs. If she wants to make a name for herself she should climb K2 in the dead of winter
Evan Cooper
Competition is good. Let her try, she probably won't make it. There are many more factors to climbing then the before prep. Especially at these altitudes everything has to be perfect to make a record climb. If she makes it, some dude will probably brake her record soon after anyways.
Jayden Perry
Good luck to her, I wish there were more girls into hiking/mountaineering
She won't break the record 100%. That article is bullshit too, it says >Roxanne Vogel, is planning to break the record for the most rapid ascent from Mt Everest base camp (including climatization) of 2 weeks But that is not the record at all. The record is 10h with oxygen and 20h without oxygen. No way she's going to beat that. Lol at 2 weeks, if the weather is good, that's nothing outstanding
Aiden Lee
Hope she has a good GPS tracker so it will be easier to find the body.
Jaxon Sanchez
no female in Jow Forums stop projecting you filthy Mutt
can you even imagine how rich this bitch must be? shes using daddys credit card to buy a whole team of experts to carry her to the top. just so she can have her narcissistic supply.
Aaron Howard
She’s already been sleeping in low oxygen for 2 months? Is that not part of climitization?
Asher Powell
Maybe if you sucked my dick I could rid myself of this terrible affliction. It's worth a shot.
Evan Hall
Why would you want women to die? Women are integral for healthy society. Better they hike and get healthy in nature than have their brains brainwashed by (((TV))) and (((Internet)))
Juan Smith
You seriously suck at baiting, friendo.
Jacob Bell
Don't tell her that though, the dumb will die. The men who completed it, trained for years, and climbed many other mountains for the experience, endurance, and mental toughness required for Mt Everest. The dumb cunt on the other hand thinks she will make it, just because she slept in a low oxygen tent for 2 months, while jumping into said tent fully energized, after drinking a few coffees, having a full dinner, and not exhausted.
Have fun sleeping in a low oxygen environment, AFTER being absolutely fucking exhausted from climbing up a mountain. That is where it hits you the hardest, your body doesn't fully recover.
To be fair she didn't mention anything girl power or feminist. She wants girls to enjoy nature more, or something. And really no one climbs Everest without feeling the need to prove something, which indicates weakness. Men or women
Mason Morris
>I hold a world record. I am the oldest man in the world to get to 28,500ft without oxygen. I was 68 at the time. I am also the oldest man to reach the magnetic North Pole on foot, which I did nine years ago. I still love going on adventures. I train, I have my own gym, which I modelled on Rocky’s from the film, I bench-press and do stomach and leg exercises for two to three hours every day. When I trained at the space centre in Moscow – I hope to go into space one day – they worked out I have lungs that are twice the normal size and I have the constitution of a 30-year-old man. I have always had this strength.
why dont the fkn slut try climb K2... THAT is a challenge.. No she will force her slave shrpas to drag her sorry ass up Everest and spend her dad money doing it.
Carson Walker
she's trying to reduce the time spent at base camp so she can claim "faster than 2 weeks including acclimatization", when in reality she's spent 2 months acclimatizing.
word games, all she has really
Liam Morgan
Hardly, it's impossible to operate a phone in 2 pairs of thick mountaineering gloves. And you don't really want to take those off at such an altitude