The Nips and Chinks have technical talent but limited creative prowess, while they can follow orders...

>The Nips and Chinks have technical talent but limited creative prowess, while they can follow orders, they simply cannot innovate

Explain pol

Attached: 3A3999C3-1495-4254-962F-21ED44F3D419.jpg (1500x940, 380K)

Their culture is based on discipline and shit like that, while European culture was based on killing, conquering, and dealing with all kinds of subhumans, which takes a lot more creativity.

>The nail that stands out is hammered down.

Chinks can’t innovate. Both China and Japan have higher iqs than anywhere in the world, but yet 95% of discoveries/inventions of any importance happened in the west (Europe, then later the United States)

Extrapolating, imagine a darwinian process but one with a human push to it- not quite like the creation of different dog breeds but not entirely too unlike it either.

>paper plane that sacrificed survivability for maneuverability
>gets absolutely shredded when tactics are developed to fight them
Gee you tell me bub

From what I understand mongols invaded and wiped out/muttified the chinese that invented everything in antiquity and all you're left with now is bug-people who die from escalators. I'm sure communist purges didn't help either (not an endorsement of capitalism so don't start).

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The Chinese IQ myth is pure dogshit.
They cheat as a matter of routine and their government has a history of fudging numbers. Overseas students receive special low bar treatment because they're worth billions.

Chinks have developed 5g technology and are everyday breaking into new frontiers. If you dumbfuck Americans are all that stands between them and us then may god help us all

Rigid society, repetitive schooling system, lack of incentive for creative hobbies, unproductive manual labor, bland pop culture that copies the 90's jewish media, ab excessive focus in emulating the west instead of coming up with their own solutions (but they improved a lot in the last two decades) ...