Imagine the fact that there is a possibility the entire royale house will be mutt. She is in labour rightnow, the end of a era
56% baby
White women are whores and dogshit. I have had more than 30 girlfriends in my life all of them white except 1 spanish and 2 black. EVERY white girl Ive dated has been an entitled piece of shit.
They dont work
They dont cook
They dont clean
They dont fuck
They dont care
They smell like shit
They get fat
They still dont fucking care
Next time you see a white bitch punch her in her fucking face for being absolutely worthless. White women are the worst type of women
Nigger, who cares?
Fuck the queen.
Prediction: It will look like a full blooded Bantu.
They are going to africa though
u are a whore, unironically
Probably. Wakanda forever
>is a shitty person/boyfriend
>expects his girlfriends to be invested in the relationship
fucking lol dude
the royal mu is on it's way
>the blackening
Fuck the royal family
If we have to get blacked so should they
More acceleration material
We will find out in 3 years. Mixed babies are born white and turn brown over time
If you’ve had 30 girlfriends, I think the problem is you mate
OI m8. Bow to your...matriarch.
Based misogynist kek
Oh no no the Kang is here!
Based and womenpilled
>the royal family will become black in your lifetime
well i guess that's just one more black family being propped up by the taxpayer.
> dated 30 girls
> hasn’t married one
> all of them are useless
user the common denominator is your sorry ass.
The kid is born. Its a boy, top kek if they call it Tyrone
True this. Married a white girl (who was a virgin), she doesn’t know how to cook or clean and doesn’t want to learn
Do you know how to fix a car, mow your lawn...etc society has lost its gender traditions for both sexes unfortunately.
Prince Jayquavious Watermelonius Esq.
> being rejected by all that pussy (allegedly)
> Blames females
> pic related
Top kek
Tyrone is a nice celtic name
You tried guys yet? Some do look good in girls’ attire.
Born in may 6th
May = 5
>the entire royale house
The entire cuckhouse.
No royals in that line.
Yes I do.
The joke was there won't be Harry's genes
faggot republics don't get to have opinions on what constitutes royalty.
Holy shit. Paco is on to something. The memes write themselves.
Yes disgusting american blood does not belong anywhere near the royals
Ok muhammad, your queen is descended from Arab nobility and you hate yourself for it.
Report this spamming kike.
We know what you really mean, Paco.
let 49% face*
>Imagine the fact that there is a possibility
But there is no possibility. Harry will never be king.
>all of them white except 1 spanish
Dated 30 woman, 30 failed relationships. You absolutely disgusting roastie man whore, you deserved to get lashed in public.
To be fair, it sounds like you're the problem.
Isn't Liz already a tranny anyway?
mother and son are doing well in case you wanted to know, bigots
Lol. Her tranny grand"mother"-in-law must be devestated...
I didn't.
>the end of an era
Dude the English royal era ended a long ass time ago, they’ve just finally stopped pretending it still exists
Why are white men so pathetic these days?
>the entire royale house
"Prince" Harry is just one paternity test away from not being royal at all.
fuck the anglos they all deserve death
the baby won't be black. it will have pale skin light hair and light eyes. i don't see what you guys are complaining about it, he didn't marry a full blooded nigger or gook
I knew we should’ve exterminated you sand niggers when we had the chance in the 50’s
The babies not going to be either of theirs mate
yeah it'd be way better if they inbred themselves into infertility
seething white cuck. watch as your white women get MUSLIM'D and BLACKED. go enlist and die for israel good goy cuck
It’s actually going to be %75
this little nigger baby was born to rule over us, lol..
my grandad used to have a picture of the queen on his wall, I wonder what he'd say to this the racist old git he was.
Hey I’m just over here drinking a Pabst waiting for you sand monkeys to get glassed and sent to the glorious god you fantasize about
>UK spams endless la creatura and Amerimutt memes
>Their newest royal is a la creatura Amerimutt
I don't know how you guys can be atheists, god is obviously real.
Does your husband know you can read?
#s for stillborn
>Implying she didn't cheat on Harry Petas
The kid is going to be full KARA BOGA, you'll see
Somebody please kill that ugly subhuman nigger somebody.
lmao there are literally millions of us living in your countries all over USA and europe. Your women love our cocks and will breed you out of existence and convert your women and children to the real religion of God. keep paying taxes to israel while your kind cant even afford a house lmao
There is nowhere near the level of normie excitement.
I hope it's racism. I really, really do hope it's racism. Everyone I know who was ecstatic about William and the gap year slut has been completely silent about this.
Hopefully. They belong with other subhumans.
>There is nowhere near the level of normie excitement.
this is very true, the news keep pumping it up, but nobody at my work was talking about it like they did with Kate's nippers.
The british royal line has already been Black'd, and that is a good thing
why is she doing gang signs ffs lol.
It’s in their DNA
Nah the kid is literally a niglet, there is no way in Hell he's the dad.
>thinking his sub 80 IQ mongoloid race can lead humanity
Once the host dies, so does the parasite
COPE harder Mohammed
Kek stupid sandnigger. Once the (((elites))) have gotten rid of us, so you really think they’ll keep you around? All 3 billion of you?
The endgame is depopulation not islamisation. It’s about getting the average global IQ below 80 so the population is too stupid to fight back. It’s nothinh more than divide and conquer on a global scale.
Your problem is thinking Jews and Muslims aren't two sides of the same zionist shekel. Ever wondered why ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) only really attacks Israel's enemies and never attacks Israel itself?
50/50 white/ginger
50/50 white/nigger
56% white?
>imagines white women actually want mudcock
Had they kept their French ruling class they would've been ruled by Aryan French and stayed a great nation, sadly they chose to be ruled by Negroes.