Well, Jow Forums? How do we feel about the 8 hour work day in 2019?
Well, Jow Forums? How do we feel about the 8 hour work day in 2019?
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It's long outdated.
Yeah now it's the 996 get onboard #yanggang
Which of those eight hours do you fit traveling to and from work, buying groceries, doing house shit, Etc.
Most people probably get up at least an hour before work time start and probably wouldn't call that hour free time
I wouldn't mind it so much if we got paid decently for putting in consistent hours. I do 8 hour shifts 6 days a week and barely make $500 a week after taxes. Hell, it would be nice if management even kept tabs on the work quality of their employees and paid accordingly, but too many discrimination lawsuits have ruined any hope of rewarding competence.
>8 hours for work
8 hours or employed labor
8 hours for house work ect
8 hours of sleep
Might as well gripe about having to cook and clean and wipe your own ass, too. At some point you parents won’t pay you to do chores anymore
2 hours commute
9 hours work
8 hour sleep
3 hours for what we will.
Honestly, ever since w*men came and took half the jobs and effectively halved our pay I'd be just fine with 4 hour work days.