If you in usa get ASAP out before 2025

Financial crysis will wipe out 80% of population

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I am eagerly waiting the collapse. The normies and minorities will eat each other while I hunker down in my well armed and well stocked home. I won't even step outside for 6 months until most people are in FEMA camps. Then we can finally begin to rebuild.

I can't wait.

Praise God! his plans are mighty

Why do you non American faggots larp as Republicans?

God will finally kill me from this clown world. Take me away

Oh shit. It will crash WITH NO SURVIVORS

>Financial crysis will wipe out 80% of population

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>Financial crysis will wipe out 80% of population

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>Financial crysis will wipe out 80% of population

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>Financial crysis will wipe out 80% of population

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>Financial crysis will wipe out 80% of population

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Well, I dont think the US will collapse but I do think white people will start leaving the US in greater numbers as time goes on.

I don't fucking get why the US population should decline by 60%. There are no economic precursors for that, except for the 3rd world war, but for what it's worth, the whole population of mankind gonna decline by 60-70%. Strangely, most nigger countries have higher GDP and population. WTF?

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This will actually be perfect timing for me. Thanks for the tip.

I'm stocking up on canned chili, protein powder, soda (shit stays good and provides quick carbs), vodka, pot, etc

Protein powder has an expiration date no? Also which state is the safest?
>t. Dual citizen coming back home very soon

See, the climate crisis will solve itself!

Who do you think is going to be doing the wiping out lad?

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>Financial crysis will wipe out 80% of population

It's not gonna happen. Nothing ever happens. Even if a financial crisis hits it will just be a recession where you're in the same situation except now unemployed. There will never be a great happening.

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Based financial crysis

There is a final breaking point at the bottom historically. Freedom waxes and wanes but has steadily risen over 2,000 years of recorded history.
Yes, we are all still slaves, but since when did slaves get to have weapons? Wax and wane, but the waxing eventually wins out because we are morally superior to these scum.

i can get 60 fps in crysis on ultra settings

>but since when did slaves get to have weapons?
Well, the roman empire for one...

>There is a final breaking point at the bottom historically
There isn't. Plenty of civilizations have simply slowly gone to shit never to reclaim relevance.

fuck it I'm moving to zimbabwe.

they need farmers i guess

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No no you should stay things are already very bad here just stay in your promised land and make sure your cousins stay too

bull. shit.
not even quantom computers are at that stage yet

Financial crises don’t wipe out people. People wipe out people. I plan to be one of the people doing the wiping.

Real fucking crysis peoplez!

Don't worry goyim, I made the aliyah in 2009 from NJ. I now live happily in a west bank settlement in Samara, I can watch the USA burn from my very own living room!

Stay salty you yok filth.

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Yea, and Rome was based. So you are saying we are at the peak of freedom again? This is my point. The timeline is long, but we win. This is an eternal spiritual contest user.
And another one pops right up. Things aren't decided on your timeline or any single life timeline user. You are fighting an eternal battle that decides the fate of your soul.

come, you can stay with me till you get on your feet.

And this is a good thing. Finally, the USA is doing something against the climate change.

my pc isn't good enough

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depends where I'd be more likely to be shot for being a white farmer, in zimbabwe or with you poor sods

Whats the best thing to stock? Is it even worth it? I live in a big city with nearest underground facility being my subway station around 150 metres. Any guides can anyone recommend in general?

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Am I safe in Canada?

In the options field for slide threads newfags

The US will probably balkanize in some not so distant future but the amount of migrants to the continent will keep increasing, not decreasing and that will include Eurabian refugees

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>Financial crysis will wipe out 80% of population
Fucking good. My country is decaying, and we need a reset button. I'll never abandon my country.

Based. Emergency food saves lifes

New York city. Don't worry, the cops will take care of you.

Whats the reason the Netherlands will do so much better than Germany. Anyone knows?

Typical chicken little the sky is falling garbage.

You losers always lust for some kind of magical collapse so you don't have to work to improve your lives.

Definitely a city. Like right in the middle of it. It's the only way to be sure you'll be safe. There are tons of grocery stores all around, and police will protect you round the clock, so there's no need to set anything aside or try to prep.

If it makes you feel better Israel tanks too. Looks like the collapse of ZOG takes out most of the west.

God I wish that was me

>He's going to get to live out metro IRL
I've never been so jealous of a Russian. Also, if you're expecting nuclear fallout, a suit and mask is cheap insurance. Some tape and tarps to close off your apartment until the worst of it passes. Food wise, rice and beans is super easy. Not enjoyable, but easy. And as much water as you can reasonably stockpile.

>food supplies
>medical supplies
>lots of shit tickets and a shovel to dig a deep hole
>a well on the property
Now all I need for a /comfy/ collapse is my waifu from church

Thanks. I heard ya.

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its not crisis, its nuke


Rome is instructive here. It’s not like one day the Empire fell and was destroyed. There was a collapse of civilization which led to a breakdown of trade, food supply, peace, and standards of living but for most people they had to figure out how to get on with less stuff and more danger. Even the sacks of Rome were relatively bloodless IIRC.


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you mean rhodesia

Jokes on you! Im comfy watching the world burn while living under our great king of the hashemite kingdom of jordan, but if war breaks out ill be fucked because they will forcibly send me to combat lol.

No, the real reason is that the south US will fall to Mexico and the spic immigrants.
The border is getting armed heavily with machine guns.