I solved an astronomical mystery

>why does one side of the Moon always face Earth
And will never get credit for it.

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would you show your ass to some random people OP?

Not that moon, the moon up there

Nice one, Jon!

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Maybe I should have posted something more engaging like muh dik whiteboi.

so whats the fucking answer?

Your mom

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I worked it out years ago mate

You too huh?

Enlighten us.

This means I'm only the second smartest man in the world.


moon is not real

Imagine the Moon during its cooling phase as a snow globe and the snow as iron ore. Logically the gravitational pull of the Earth would pull the heaviest materials towards itself.

Attached: snow globe.jpg (225x225, 6K)

It's called tidal locking.

Tidal locking

>Earth would pull the heaviest materials towards itself.
Just like your mom.

>why does one side of the Moon always face Earth
because it rotates as fast as it orbits dumbass, I learned that in like 1st grade.

The gasses within made the Moon hollow, this was confirmed by seismic experiments conducted during the Apollo era by crashing the ascent stage upon the lunar surface (rang like a bell).

wouldn't it wobble?

Why is the question. As the Moon cooled the heavier elements drawn towards Earth on the interior created parasitic drag against the crust. Eventually it stopped rotating in relation to the Earth and cooled assymetrically on the interior. The result is a Moon permanently locked with the denser side facing Earth like a ball on a string.

It would have yes until it stopped rotating out of phase with the Earth.

the moon is slowly falling away from us at about 1 foot a year. we are observing it at just the right point in time for this to happen.

it dose, over about a month.

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the gravity of earth is strong enough to prevent moon from rotating in it's own axis .... like earth's rotates in it's own axis

>The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. As a result, the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be keeping almost perfectly still. Scientists call this synchronous rotation.

shot got solved a gorillion years ago, tidal friction

What are the odds of that?
Also, coincidentally, the moon and the sun are at the perfect distances from Earth so that they both appear to be the exact same size. But this wasnt the case millions of years ago, and as the moon drifts farther over millions of years it will eventually be smaller than the sun, too small to eclipse it...
But luckily, coincidentally, life evolved on Earth, and it evolved into sentient life that could perceive things, like coincidences.

Also the Earth is hollow

The crater formations are also different on the Earth side vs dark side. The craters are not indicative of meteor strikes as they are generally symmetrical, suggesting they formed by gigantic gas eruptions. Also curious is that the iron content is greater on the surface than mountains.


>Also the Earth is hollow
I lean towards that hypothesis as well.

its not I have drilled 500 miles down

Am i the only one that remembers "The man in the moon"? Not the shitty Jim Carrey movie but the features of the moon resembling a fucking face?

if it weren't like that we would never know any different. we also live in the time when Saturn has rings and Jupiter has a giant storm. What a time to be alive!

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But what are the odds that of all of the moons in our system and beyond our moon would happen to be called ‘The Moon’ that’s just bonkers.

You're a moleman spy

up until the 1500's we didn't know there where any other moons and then the word moon became a generic name.

>The moon is hollow because only hollow things can propagate seismic waves
Ever struck two sledgehammers together? Please kill yourself immediately, you fucking brainlet.
And the reason the moon keeps one face to us has been in every physics textbook for about seven decades, you dumb shit.

It’s pretty crazy they discovered elements called uranium, neptunium, and plutonium right after they were discovered. What’s the odds

Pretty deep for an outhouse.

earth is flat

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>ever struck two sledgehammers together
Honestly no. Have you ever rubbed two braincells together?

Science is a hell of a drug.

Jesus Christ you guys are reet reets

>what is tidal locking

>flat erf
It was inevitable.

Tidal locking of astronomical bodies has been understood for quite sometime you dullard now get back to work before Burger King replaces you with an automated spatula

And if this is true, then how did Shakespeare know to name characters after the ones around Uranus??? Tell me that me scientist man.

This isn’t facebook, gramps

The Moons name is Luna/Diana

Are you trolling or really that stupid? You know that elements don’t come with names right? People name them

because those names came from Greek mythology, they where the names of gods. the moons and planets where named after the gods and goddesses.

What are the odds someone could even call it a moon?

What are the odds that the symbols you are scanning your eyes across now were crafted by intelligent design?

What are the odds that the symbols evolved and changed from other symbols? By mans will

You say silly things

Oh, you mean like in my native tongue.. hot damn we got something right.

No discoveries get credited to the real discoverers, user. Jews always put an actor to take credit.

The question is why and how that side dullard.

Ask yourself, is this question really necessary?

It's called tidal locking. The same thing happens between Pluto and Charon.

It's reet 'tards you retard

>A Paul oh
Gtfo, retard

Next thing you guys will try to tell me is there is an egg shaped dwarf planet with rings named after some Hawaiian diety

yes. yes it is

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is this what people talk about on the internet LOL get a life you dumb fucking nerdes

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Prove it

Only one side of the Moon is visible from Earth because the Moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that the Moon orbits the Earth, this is synchronous rotation

>New analysis of data acquired by seismometers placed on the Moon’s surface in the early 1970s and laser measurements taken during recent lunar meteor impact events appears to support an ongoing, if unpopular, hypothesis that our Moon is in fact hollow.

>Ever since the first measurements were made with the Passive Seismic Experiment instruments that were placed on the Moon during the Apollo 14 mission it’s been suspected by a few open-minded thinkers that our natural satellite could have an empty interior. This is based on the early statement that the Moon “rang like a bell” during moonquake events.


I have a more consice report in an external hard drive not available atm

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Only problem being there were no moon landings.

they went to the moon to find evidence of the suns cycles of micronovas and hyperflares
the moon has moon quakes like all the time that last a long period though so its either hollow or a big ball of water

imagine living on the dark side of the moon

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Sorry, do you have a real source?

>No response to your reasoning, just an personal insult.
So we both agree you lost?

>The Moons name is Luna/Diana
No, its official designation really is just the moon.

>Water rings like crazy and solid objects can't ring
I can't even process this much stupid.
Please, please kill yourself!

It's a balloon, and smaller and closer than we are told. Concave Earth or Flat Earth the real shape.

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i said either, water does carry vibrations though