How would you react?
Someone close to you comes out as Trans
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explain why it is the wrong mindset based on my own personal experiences.
There's no one close to me
Abandon them
tell them to put a plastic tarp down before they an hero, helps with cleaning up
Support them.
Npc logic here is to hate them because anti sjw videos told you to
Tell them to stop being a degenerate mentally ill faggot.
Stay strong fren.
I would shun them.
and that's a good thing
Beat the dogshit out of them then assure them I still love em.
Repeat daily.
"Good for you, now get the Fuck away From me"
Enjoy your aids
>> comes out
You would see them a mile away
>taking parenting advice from someone who doesn’t and will most likely never have kids
I would ask that they seek proper treatment, or reflect on their life. It's a mental illness, and I would want them to address it as such.
But it's their choice at the end of the day, and I wouldn't abandon someone close to me for having a mental illness.
They are no longer close to me and they can forget I exist. No amount of talking will help them overcome that. Their minds are lost to the void and will never come back.
Truly a mental illness at the level of Alzheimer's
dont hang out with people that have a 42% attempted suicide rate. dont hang out with people that self harm. chopping your cock off, or gutting your tits is self harm and a clear sign of serious mental illness.
>but im a hero
no you are an hero.
Someone did come out as trans to me and they were a friend I’ve had all through childhood. I’d say the same thing
>I don’t respect this decision, nor do I support it in the least bit. You can talk to me again when you’re normal and don’t expect me to be at any of your events or for you to be invited to mine.
Depends on the person. Provided they aren't an obnoxious fag about it, I'd be alright.
If you're a (whatever gender), then why do you need to take hormones/perform surgery on yourself to become (whatever gender)?
Mock them relentlessly
If they did, they wouldnt be close to me, would they?
You are retarded and dont love the people who would come out to you
You have to tell them the truth in that if they chose the wide road to destruction (homosexuality and transexual) they will only suffer.
If they do not heed your warning, let them suffer and die, it is the choice they made.
I had to do that to my brother, he wasnt gay or anything, he was into the body acceptance thing, and now he is disabled because his body is too fat to function correctly. I dont rub it in, and when he makes excuses ( oh i cant play outside with my child, i cant have a job where i stand more than 10 minutes) i tell him to get over it.
He will continue to suffer and i dont really care at all, i showed him the right way, but he wanted to suffer
try to get them to kill themselves
I’m not sure I understand why being a tranny just means you do a bunch of stereotypically girly shit. Like isn’t the whole point of this to break gender norms? Why do trannies never aim for looking like butch lesbians?
>How would you react?
What makes you think you're "trans?"
Tell them to come back either when they're about to kill themselves or they look passable. Laugh at them once either of those times come about their gaping wound of a mangina
Time to make some frens
Try to talk them out of it. If genders are society constructs when why be the other one? Just don’t ruin your ability to have kids and orgasms.
Most dysphoria problems have other root causes and if say, the subject feels like an arm is not theirs, then we help them to feel like it is. We consider it unethical to amputate a healthy arm. So why do we cut off healthy testicles over the same feeling? I believe our stances to trans people should be one of helping them not shunning or insulting them. They are confused and possibly deeply disturbed. At the very least they need to be making informed decisions instead of being manipulated by fetish porn and propaganda.
Say whatever the fuck you want about trans, but you can't tell me you wouldn't fuck a hot MTF trans. God damn I wanna bang one so bad. One of those pretty ones.
it's a fetish
I certainly would not encourage them to embrace dysphoria and would not encourage mutilating a healthy body.
Tell them to ensure their desire is organic and not part of the desire to have an identity w/o effort.
Tell them that they're reinforcing gender roles by perpetuating the notion that one must be of a particular gender if they like x, y and z.
But I accept them as I accept many who make dumb decisions.
call them a faggot and never speak to them again
You don't "support" loved ones with an often fatal mental illness you sadistic self-important virtue signaling NPC retard.
>I love you, but I fear this may not be the best way to resolve what you're feeling. Please do not dismiss out of hand the possibility of learning to be comfortable in the body you have now.
Unthinking agreement is indifference not love, asshole.
>unthinking agreement is indifference not love
This. I despise faggots but I genuinely want to see traps get mental health treatment. Most of them are just the product of a sick internet generation or have a major disorder.
Also when did "gender dysphoria" go from being a documented mental illness to a what it is now?
>There's no one close to me
No one hates me as much as I do.
some guy in my group of friends went trans and we just started guessing when he'll join the 45%
>How would you react?
GTFO you fucking faggot.
Have You Started Taking bets?
Politely explain to them that it's not right to feel wrong in your own body and they should seek to accept themselves for who they biologically are over drugs and surgery. Help them find some modicum of inner peace through the betterment of self. Teach them to meditate, get them into lifting.
If all else fails, at least know that you planted a seed of rationality in them.
sadly not
think we might start taking them when he actually goes on hormones.
If he chops it off go all in
My sis went trans a few months ago. But she's just an attention whore.
My dad and I talked about her possibly doing it before she "came out". And so when she did we didn't react at all.
She "came out" as a girl again last week.
I'd cut them off immediately.
I don't hate them, I feel bad for them that they were born in a time where they are encouraged to pursue their clear mental illness as a cause for identity, often resulting in permanent body damage to varying degrees. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find them obnoxious to around though, so I'm not dodging landmines all my life, so I'll cut them off.
so...a man tries to change what they look like on the outside, to match who they think they are on the inside...(the whole explanation of theyre a woman on the inside)
HOWEVER, I don't understand the one's who know they will never, ever, be passable as a woman. They still look like a man, just a weird man now. They've changed their voice tone, but are the same person on the inside, they just look weird and sound weird.
So...why bother even changing? If a large man with a large head has a fanciful wish of being a woman, shouldn't they know that that is impossible for them?
If a man is extremely effeminate looking and could pass easily, I can understand that more although it is still fucked up to cut off your own penis.
I feel like this whole trans thing isn't thought out very well and is due to some mix up in hormone levels due to modern chemicals in the air and food products and soap products, etc.
this is especially deceptive to the young because even girly boys who are teens or in their early twenties become grown ass men when they grow older. There's no such thing as a passable trans who is over 30 or 40. Peoples heads and jaws change over time.
So if you can't be passable, why make yourself into a weird looking man in a dress?
70% of these freaks kill them selves. They are mentally ill.
Impossible. Me and everyone I know radiates redpills and the combined redpill radiation makes it impossible for anyone to be trans if they're somehow close to me.
You seriously think encouraging your love ones to cut off their dicks is a good thing? Leftists are sick twisted monsters.
>Support them.
>Npc logic here is to hate them because anti sjw videos told you to
And with support them you mean lie to them, tell them what they want to hear and virtue signal as hard as you can. You are truely a great friend.
>I feel like this whole trans thing isn't thought out very well and is due to some mix up in hormone levels due to modern chemicals in the air and food products and soap products, etc.
>hormone levels
I just miss having a little sister.
oh grow up
If he chops it off or cuts chunks of his arm, go All in
I had a friend from childhood come out to me as bisexual, I accepted it. I later came out to him about my political beliefs, he no longer speaks to me. The left is not tolerating at all.
>One friend "turns trans"
>Another friend turns trans a month later
It's like a fucking infection...
I just want my friends back.
You're gay then. That's fine. Who cares? But to say everyone wants to fuck a hot tranny? No. Most of us live in reality. I see a downzie running through the mall, I think "heh, retard". I see a tranny, I think "heh, retard". They're both mentally ill. Both have physical traits that make their illness obvious.
The difference is, the downzie knows he's retarded, because everyone his entire life has been telling him so. He knows his societal limitations, to an extent. He knows his position in society, and adheres to that.
A tranny, has been told the truth, didn't accept it, and now a bunch of them are trying to change societal views on their mental illness. Won't happen. Society is polite. We don't go up to the downzie and call them a retard to their face, but we all think it. Just like how we kowtow to the tranny movement, and behind closed doors, mock them.
No amount of public persuasion will ever change someones mind. Hillary Clinton once said probably the single most true statement any politician has EVER said: You have a public position, and a private position. She got a lot of shit for it, but god damn if that wasn't the truest statement that beast has ever spoken.
Society will never privately accept degeneracy. Ever.
Men used to fuck each other in the ass, then stronger men came in and laid waste to their degeneracy. Society wouldn't of allowed that movement to happen, if homosexuality was privately accepted.
Wasnt expecting to feel this much today but okay...
Happened to me recently. Dude was one of my best college friends. Noticed it on linkedin about 1.5 years after he had his balls chopped off. He was always fat and ugly and couldn’t get a girlfriend; beyond that, psychologically unstable. He is literally dead to me. I was crushed when I heard about it.
*upzips dick*.
Its not gonna suck it's self.
Here have a you.
you only think they're hot because they look like a woman. so...just fuck a a woman
I watched my first brother get crushed to death and then was covered in his blood when I was 6 years old. Then the oldest brother used to cry wolf over anything possible to get the father to come and beat me and try and drown me in bath tubs. Almost daily for 6 years.
>then the same "surviving" brother becomes a tranny and acts like he has had it the worst ever and he is a eternal victim
I hate them all and I cant wait until they all kill themselves.
Take a closer look at my flag, then think WHAT is going to happen to the poor bastard who even comes up with the idea of changing sex in a 70k ppl Russian town where every living being despises LGBT to the point of physical hatred. Then think again how I would react.
I'd like to read your autobiography sometime.
Apologies, user.
It is what it is. Can’t say I like it.
Absolute legend
shunning is appropriate.
my brother has recently told me he is bi sexual in an open marriage with a baby. I told him how I felt about what marriage is and what it means and how things like pornography and forced acceptance of globohomo are destroying what the family and marriage represent (my church) We don't talk anymore. I fear for his future but he is not my responsibility.
Same here. It's for the best.
Smile and nod while I die inside. I could lose my job if I'm openly homophobic, transphobic, racist...
My best friend did. Then she did a bunch of very awful things to me psychologically, a lot of very bad stuff behind my back, and I only found out about all of it right before I was going to confess my feelings for her. I didn't care if she wanted to be a man or not, I thought I loved the person she truly was regardless. How wrong I was.
Depends. If they start mutilating them self then I would try to make them see sense
Well said.
We have a #1 goy right here!
I'd cut them out of my life like a cancer.
Disown completely.
They want attention, they will corrupt and destroy other lives if we are accepting of this
I don't have time for attention seeking rejects
Immediately disown them, make sure they don’t attempt to contact my family. If they try and spread their poison to my loved ones, beat them until comatose.
Well they will become an hero soon so just let them go.
It's dubious that I would have been friends with them in the first place. There's a comorbidity between depression and gender dysphoria and I can't stand depressives.
It's hard to be a faggot.
I'm a guy though.
I'd ask their family if they were dropped on their head as an adult, cuz obv they aint tellin me the truth.
Had this happen, I just slowly stopped talking to them. They wouldn't talk about anything other than mommy fetishism and doing drugs, so it was pretty easy.
How is your relationship with her? Do you still talk?
Explain to them why they should accept themselves for who they are and that transitioning only leads to self hate and destruction.
t. Someone who spent over half a decade as trans and is planning on detransitioning
Being that they seem to think they have entitlements to try and control how everyone around them speaks, drop them from my life like a bad habit, unless they are family, then I would explain reality to them: You are mentally ill, you need to seek help, changing your appearance will not help you, there is enough evidence out there over the past 30 years to show that the suicide rates do not go down after transition. You have the same type of mental illness as the people that are addicted to plastic surgery, and the anorexics. If it is a child in my family, I would report the parents for child abuse. My family doesn't live in a progressive hellhole and the CPS in my area still has common sense.