Rob Schneider is based

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free speech is retarded

>regulation is censorship
>direct unregulated media access has been working so well so far
Who believes this? Unregulated content streams are immediately comped in 2019, the second they become popular.

What a dummy

Look at these SEETHING kikes.

Yikes, here they come


>no, guys! The way things are going right now is PERFECT


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Rob Schneider gets it.

You seem really upset.

You sound jubilant.

Hes been based for a while, I've talked with him on Twitter and hes pretty redpilled for a jew.

If you hate it so much then keep your fucking mouth shut.

Kikes are getting really uppity lately about people talking. about censorship.

It's because after they stage these false flag. shootings they immediately move to restrict speech and push gun control.

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Why is she considering it a slippery slope? It’s already happening.


tulipniggers, smdh

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Fuck off kike.
I love the fact I can exclaim that I hate niggers anywhere with no legal backlash and the only drawback being I might have to fight one.

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too bad Chomsky turned into the typical "it's only bad when the right does it" hypocrite

then shut the fuck up

I'm on the fence about this. On the one hand, they are private companies and they can do whatever the fuck they want with their property.

On the other, if every large media platform censors info in one direction (as they've been doing) I dont see that leading anywhere good in the future. Then again, Jow Forums exists. Maybe everyone will just leave those services cause they're being dumb

>On the one hand, they are private companies and they can do whatever the fuck they want with their property.
They aren't though. They enjoy protections and grants from the. governments and used infrastructure paid by taxpayers to make their companies possible.


Really? Like what?

I know they're publicly traded companies, so who's on the boards? And why are they operating the company in a political way?

Hes antivaxxer too. Based kike.

They are trying to be publishers and public forums at the same time and should lose their section 230 protections.

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Chomsky is a complete fucking faggot, and has been for some time.
His position is that the US government commits war crimes against other countries' citizens (true), then he delusionally believes that terrorists attacking US citizens are somehow granted justification for their actions because of the actions of the US government's actions around the world.
And, if not total justification, Chomsky takes the wishy-washy position that at least it is "evening the playing field" to have foreign terrorists attacking US civilians because of our government's actions, which, in case you didn't notice, your average US burgermutt doesn't exercise much, if any, control over.

>then he delusionally believes that terrorists attacking US citizens are somehow granted justification for their actions because of the actions of the US government's actions around the world.
What is delusional about this? Its called blowback nigger.

There are no terrorist attacks except for Mossad false flags.

Conflicted about this, he married a mexican woman.

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she's sexy

Until she stabs you.

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Well, you know why...


She looks more white than him desu

Awesome. Rob is a beast

who was more accurate in their coverage of russiagate, CNN or infowars?

Typical boomer law.

she looks pretty close to 100% spanish

If such a thing as freedom of speech exists in USA then what is this?
Obviously your amendments don't matter.

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He married someone who probably gives top tier handjobs, just look at that velvet skin. A man has limits, user, times were different.


That's not a law you fucking moron. Does that establish penalties or punishments? NOPE. It's just virtue signaling.

Rob Schneider ....

is a stapler!

I love Rob Schneider and his movies.

>01/14/2019 Became Public Law No: 115-434
Can you even read?
Public law is literal definition for free speech and amendments, it's for public. On other hand private company law doesn't needs to abide by freedom of speech. You are breaking reality with your statement.

I never knew he was so based.

Does it impose penalties or punishments? What does it do?

You have no answer.

Yes it does, they lock you up for sure if you talk bad against Jews, even against niggers, it happened already. They locked up a couple for few years yelling nigger at some party. They also fired people for being antisemitic. They fire you in USA if you refuse to cut your dick's foreskin off.

rob schneider is one of the few good jews on earth
alas there are not many like him

Bigelow if true

It doesn't impose any penalties or punishments. You're bad at this.

it will be challenged in court and struck down as soon as someone is prosecuted under that clearly unconstitutional law

Penalty is that you can't complain, can't hire a lawyer when you want to revoke their actions against you, because you being a racist antisemitic or anti-nigger.

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There is no penalty.

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Amendment is literal definition for unconstitutional, it's amendment into constitution, what it means.


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Penalty: complain to wind when they fire you from public debate after calling them Jews of media.

user doe hereby sanction and approve the opinions of Rob Schneider as baste and redpilled.

>Free speech

Found the problem why the Jews oppose it.
They want to be able to charge you for speech.

That's just it, lad. They're not doing what they want, rather what they're told.

Belgium isn't a real country

You're losing it, kike.

Circled and Shoah’d



what in the fuck

Where am i losing? Free speech is amendment aka blueprint for public law, antisemitic law is literal public law.
Prototip: niggers having rights beyond slaves is unconstitutional.


True. Good handjobs are rare, and wonderful

Media Matters Jew detected!

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im gonna be fucking rich
>t. texasfag

Oh fuck, is Rob, dare I say it, /ourjew/?

of course

He's not Jewish. His mother was Catholic.


Talking like that without free speech...? Have fun in the pokey faggot

What's going on here Snake Flag?

In Chomski's defense, he signed a petition to have Vincent Reynouard, a French revisionist, free from jail.

Free and speechpilled

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>fake transparent background




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Based, amerimutts deserve everything coming their way.

there's literally no penalties associated with it. it was a basically a fluff non law law to virtue signal to juden

Okay. You now get a firing squad for what you just said.