Reminder atheists are the real problem
Reminder atheists are the real problem
aww what's the matter nihilists? too much truth? thread hitting too hard for you little dummy loser boys? poor babies......
No, colleges are. They are the indoctrination centers. Atheism comes as a result of approaching your life and the universe in a purely academic sense that colleges and universities push on you (which isn't always necessarily a bad thing). But What do these colleges also push? Cultural marxism and SJW shit like crazy.
Atheism is just a side-product of a society that heavily leans on the sciences. The real concern is the colleges that facilitate the indoctrination.
Reminder: D&C is the number 1 shill tactic on this board.
"ban colleges"
-some Ausfag
the absolute STATE of abos...
Christians are complete idiots politically. The Bible goes against everything the Republican party stands for today.
>muh safe space
>muh need food muh board to be United
you're such a faggot and spend WAY too much time here
Don’t worry bros. As long as you keep to the Lord, he will make it all right. The paradise of our inheritance will make our sorrows become tender joy, just as Job felt.
because the party of cutting off your dick and calling yourself a woman is more christlike pffttthahahaha
Atheists are WORSE than Jews