Why does the left hate the police so much?
Why does the left hate the police so much?
because their particular style of humor is illegal
they don't
they act like they do just to feel self righteous when a nigger gets shot, but then they turn around and say that only police should have gun and everyone needs to be policed on a daily basis
the left wants a police state
This is what I don't understand honestly, if they're so scared about the police killing innocent people and are convinced that all police are racist murderers then why in the everloving fuck would they only allow the police to have weapons?
it's not that they hate cops it's that they hate whites. the fact that most cops are white is pure coincidence. in their ideal world the police of color would lock away all the bad goyim
Because they are criminals.
>if they're so scared about the police killing innocent people
that's the thing, they don't care about it, they care about feeling self righteous and morally superior, that's it
a leftie's political positions are simple: it's not about being right, it's about being liked
Because they genuinely believe that their movement is anti-establishment, and hating the police is a logical extension of that.
For the wrong reasons
Why leftists hate police
>Arrest you for smoking weed
>Kill criminals and violent citizens
>Force black communities to maintain a decent level of order
Why you should hate police
>Protect the Zionist Occupied Government
So crazy