... then why hate him and lie about him?
If they hate Christians... Christians are the religion hated the most why interrupt, and try to correct your enemy making a mistake?
... then why hate him and lie about him?
If they hate Christians... Christians are the religion hated the most why interrupt, and try to correct your enemy making a mistake?
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Because actually following the Law' is really hard, plays on their ego and especially because it makes the same as the goyim(which can't be that bad considering the achievements the goyims have). youtube.com
notice how Jews never attack Paganism
>then why hate him and lie about him?
Trolls do that. Ordinary agnostics just shake their heads and try to pretend you aren't ruining the world like any other cult.
independent thinking people are the enemy of tyrants and cowards.
Jews hate Christianity because it steals the Torah and calls it the Old Testament, claims 'the Covenant' as its own, and because it leads to organized religious persecution of
Of course Jews think Christians 'stole' Judaism because Jews are fucking awesome, which is horseshit: Jews promoted themselves as everyone's superior and created and pushed the ethnic-religious propaganda lies that made Christianity happen. As always, it was a self-promoting Judeosupremacist propaganda plot that, becauseJewish psychology is a tornado of psychological defense mechanims, narcissism and sado-masochism, it came back and bit them in the ass, as always.
notice how christcucks always try to talk about some other random shit instead of introspecting on how shitty and jewish it is to worship a dead jew nailed to two sticks and a semite volcano god named Yahweh
Just jump off a cliff and die, literally no-one cares
Clownshill mindfuck post.
Go collect your shekel now, shill.
"Ooga booga, we wuz pagans n sheeeit."
Fuck off and eat a dick, faggot.