Joan rivers daughters confirms that Obama had her killed after speaking the truth about Michelle obama being a trans gender

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Her mother killed

Go on Instagram n see for yourself

ok you got me

What are u talking about fag

Here is the comment she made shortly before her death.

Where does she say it? Did she delete it?

She said it on the Talmudvision. The LGBTQ+P mafia got her.

This is probably true. This also means that Obama probably really is the actor that played Osama Bin Laden. Obama was just more of the Jews making a mockery of the Goyim.

Kind of how Kavanaugh is Ford.

love the laugh at 0:32

>Did she delete it?

I just saw it, if you'e referring to the comment. (I refuse to sign up for ZuckerborgGram.)

Attached: Rivers Screencap.jpg (938x455, 133K)

It’s my comment that she liked it’s nit the video

Sorry if I confused some of u low iq anons out there


There's what the elite know and what the public knows and those two worlds arent meant to collide

Attached: michelle has a penis2.jpg (250x250, 10K)

Yea I’m not happy about being part of Instagram but my friends and the memes is the only reason

Attached: michelle has a penis3.jpg (1080x1080, 603K)

Attached: michelle has a penis.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Someone post the picture of Obama dressed as moloch

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What you are doing is called "Straw manning". It means that you present your opponent's argument in a purposely exaggerated and mocking way in order to make their argument seem ridiculous. It's lazy and ANYONE who has spent more than a week on Jow Forums sees right through it.

Attached: Your Mom & ME.gif (148x148, 468K)

Old gossip lady connected to Jewish oligarchy got demented and talked too much and needed to be silenced?

Attached: pug_sassy_cat.jpg (640x607, 85K)

uh u idiots, its a bot that likes every comment. It's not actually her reading the comments and liking them. Test it for yourself

LMAO....everyone knows.And NOTHING will be done. Are you mad yet?

Are you trying to troll lol

Here you go.

Attached: 1556367488040.png (546x280, 150K)

She was an old-timey insult comedian.
There’s no PC there.

Welcome to 2016 r-r-retard.

BIG if true