Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind...

Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
Even white people marrying each other, even Asian people marrying each other, is not nearly as successful. Black male / white female is quite unsuccessful.
But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre.

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leaf'd and trudeau-pilled


I made this for OP

Looks disease ridden.

Source faggot leaf?

Attached: 66ACE8E2-34F4-4929-80DE-31435BD29BB5.png (1090x1087, 381K)

>leaf encouraging people to fuck farm animals

Attached: 3FEED221-7F7E-4A1F-919B-D6EC11DC8C75.jpg (750x745, 67K)

Because any people willing to go into that relationship literally can't get any other mates.

Race mixing is a sin and has never been good for whites even in a worldly sense. Ever.


Black women know they’re undesirable so they don’t divorce you.

Attached: CF3E0D75-BD2A-4A46-ACEC-6FC760017ED0.png (1000x600, 1.15M)

is the supreme power of the white cock