Move to the woods. Everybody is white and self sufficient. Right

>live in city
>rage at 11/10, 24/7
>lose it, move to woods
>it's Deliverance with meth

I've never seen anything like it. Nobody fucking works. They literally shit in holes in the ground and drink well water. They will smoke drano. If it's crystal and flammable it's getting smoked.


This is what affirmative action/white guilt has produced. Modern whites are sick and deserve to die out. The boomers, god bless 'em, tried to save you guys but you wouldn't listen. Oh, and boomers hate you a million times more than you hate us. We look for opportunities to make your lives living hell. You are fucking garbage.

Serious responses only: no hate speech, personal attacks or profanity.

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\v3HXgkt

you gotta learn to take it easy

shalom, nice flag fag

If you're looking for people who act like city fags but want to burn the jews, you're shit outta luck.
If you're looking for highschool educated conservatives who work with their hands, but don't necessarily have the most polished intellect, welcome to rural areas.

Attached: muslims.jpg (583x767, 117K)

You need to take the jewpill and realize the masses of the underclass are actually just cattle no matter what race or color, and then become the jew yourself

You moved to a shit area. /thread.

SAGE goes in the options field newfags

Attached: D27AF6E1-E1BB-4787-9AEB-40257D4F0789.gif (500x333, 150K)

You are fucking garbage.

Serious responses only: no hate speech, personal attacks or profanity.
>that spacing and lack of awareness, you have to go back.

>move to "woods"
>still see more than 0 people
Looks like you fucked up meme flaggot

Big black pill desu. Moved to a small town shithole and it was full meth incest lots of mental disorders , tons of moms smoking while pregnant and some real fucked up shit . Poor isolated white trash are just like any regular city nigger

let us see your flag. then we'll give you "serious responses."

New York kikes are more likely to be in consanguineous relationships than rural whites.

>The boomers, god bless 'em, tried to save you guys but you wouldn't listen. Oh, and boomers hate you a million times more than you hate us. We look for opportunities to make your lives living hell. You are fucking garbage.


Attached: inflation.png (1400x1100, 179K)

found the Boomer rabbi

>boomers hate you a million times more than you hate us. We look for opportunities to make your lives living hell.
Look here, oven dodging kike bastard. You have fanned the hatred for whites for too long. Your lies and deceptions will not work once people catch on. There are garbage people of every race. To anyone else reading this: You find true peace through harmony. Living in harmony with the world around you will attract other life to you that wants to be a part of that harmonious existence. Stop being misled by the constant attacks from the devil.

>Poor isolated white trash are just like any regular city nigger

The most jewish post on the thread right her

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I used to, when I believed in the bible. When I learned that there are a million versions of the thing and that people today really don't know what it means I took the black suppository.

Dude did you read my post? I'm as rural as it gets, but on the west coast. maybe that is why there is wall to wall trailer trash. What you are describing does not exist in the pnw as far as I know. I have scouted out property in idaho, wa, and oregon. Browns come into rural towns. Ruin trust, eat all gibs, will work for $ whites can't afford to because multi family culture.

I didn't mean it. Fucking jews.

>west coast
Found your fucking problem, retard. If you're over that way, at least move to Alaska. If not, Eastern Kentucky. I swear to god though, if you bring any west coast bullshit ideals here with you, someone will put you in a ditch. "Tolerance" is not a Christian virtue in these parts.

The boomers parents tried to save them. The boomers were too busy smelling their own farts to notice or care.
Backwoods gonna backwoods like they always have.

>these parts
you tell 'em hoss

So it is hopeless. Thank you for your honesty. As far as I can tell you need to live where there are no roads at all. I have dirt roads to my place, but still see people. Goddam fuck pol I fucking hate everybody now. This place truly is fucking evil. Thanks for replies guys I'm going to go pretend like rural life is great. Pillow me. I won't even resist.

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Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\v3HXgkt


That explains it.
Place is a cesspool - fucking beautiful cesspool, but one nonetheless.
Try the eastern side of the country for what I mentioned - but if you're in the pnw, you're stuck with methhead rural shit and hipsterfags.

sorry user - dems da breaks


I can't believe you motherfuckers actually replied to a memeflag namefag. The third clue was namedropping deliverance, every damn white hating fanatic thinks that movie is a documentary.