Operation Learn To Code /ctl/

How easy would it be to make female tinder profiles in journo-heavy cities, wait for male journo scum to send sexual messages, respond negatively that the messages were harassment and make the screencaps go viral to force the lefty companies to fire their own employees?


Attached: operation_tlc_alt.png (907x907, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Mike Rosenberg was recently fired from the Seattle Times for sending sexual messages to a woman who reacted with outrage
>this can be repeated using fake female tinder accounts to get male journos fired
>weaponize the enemy's own standards and "rape culture" hysteria against them - make them take their own medicine

Attached: cunning_trap.png (1554x900, 337K)

reminder that thispersondoesnotexist.com is very useful for making photorealistic but fake randomly generated faces for profiles

bonus points if the woman complaining about harassment from the male journo has extra oppression status like non-white, LGBTQ, etc

Attached: random_gen_face_6.jpg (836x897, 123K)


This would be epic.

Bump for based new meme idea
Thread theme:

Attached: DFFE2A91-CDC6-499F-8437-CB348C1CB4CF.jpg (713x730, 81K)

Great idea

Bump it bump it bump it bump it



Attached: jannies_puff.png (1024x768, 280K)