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the absolute fucking state of the guardian

they at least used to be good one some issues
now they toe the establishment line on every single issue
they are the guardian...of the establishment. sad.

So the Jews are basically admitting openly that the NWO is Jewish now.

We've come a long way. When Jews start telling the truth you know that things are changing.

talking about globalists or bankers is now anti semetic
how much more obvious do they have to make it to the normies

Nige confirmed /our guy/
Kekistani Liberaliststistists Individualists on suicide watch



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They attack Jeremy Corbyn on the same grounds.
It's funny how different Corbyn and Farage are. Almost polar opposites. Yet they still both get attacked for being anti-semitic even though neither mentions Jews - they only mention things like 'the banks', 'the media' and 'the establishment'.

It really, really makes you think, doesn't it?

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Well, it will make a change from the 'Corbyn ate my Jewish baby!' stories that feature in the Guardian and get 4 hours coverage a day on LBC and Talk Radio.

The Guardian was a genuinely great paper. The last 10 years or so, certainly during the Blair years, it became very centrist and very 'modern' middle-class; paving the way for it's current obsession with identity politics. It's also got very 'American' under Katharine Viner.

The Independent went the same way when it was sold to Lebedev about 10 years ago. Full of Buzzfeed identity politics.

Guardian is a corrupt propaganda peddling and extension of the new world order.

They both *know*. Sargon is probably well-intentioned but he and his "radical individualist" politics are laughably superficial and he's either unable or unwilling to put 2 and 2 together.

They are rapidly losing control. Things are going to get really ugly really soon. This clown world of today will seem like the Golden Age.

Why are the Jews becoming so terrible at their Jew games lately? It was all quietly moving right along and then suddenly they became so obvious.

It's almost like God cursed them.

>They are rapidly losing control.
I don't believe they are just yet.

The Snowden affair was the last straw.
The government came in, forced the Guardian to destory the hard drives. I doubt that was the full story, there was probably a lot more to it than that, the hard drive bit is just the public bit. Because they obviously scared the living shit out of the Guardian because since that day not once, NOT FUCKIGN ONCE, has the Guardian ever challenged the establishment line on anything.

Alan Rusbridger soon 'resigned', (((Katharine Viner))) replaced him, and look at the fucking shitshow the paper has become. So very (((American))) and (((Australian))).
The real Guardian died with Rusbridger. I wonder what they said/did to him...


it was still very good on some things. But it died when (((Viner))) replaced Rusbridger.
something has happened and they've started to push way too quickly, to the point where it even woke normies up.
Why are they pushing so quickly? Why have they sped up the timeline, why are they accelerating? Who knows.

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>Nigel mentions "they deny absolutely our Judeo-Christian culture".

I immediately stop watching.

>Says "New World Order"

>Jews automatically get offended.

Isn't that telling, who else gets offended being called the rulers of the world? No one was named, they named themselves.

Exactly. Someone, themselves, need to point this out. Even innocently enough...

>Why do you assume I was talking about you?

That's enough to get them cold sweating and palm greasing.

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I 100% bet that he wasn't even "under fire" and that the Guardian just made that up because they knew that it would be a self fulfilling prophecy after misrepresenting him in the news article.

You're right on Snowden. The Guardian knows its Pulitzer on Snowden was its last big hurrah as a genuine investigative paper.

There's some journalists there that do decent stuff on poverty &c but it's overshadowed by the increasing amount of identity politics - which they shoehorn into everything.

Given this is Jow Forums and I'm a lefty, we'll probably disagree over Brexit, but Carole Cadwalladr's Brexit coverage for the Observer has been as good as the Snowden stuff but won't get traction in the same way.

>be contemporary British politician
>threaten the status quo with something significantly different
>get conveniently accused of anti-semitism

It’s funny because I think the term ‘anti-semitism’ is actually beginning to give people the impression that somebody isn’t a pawn of the powers that be.

Anti-semitism is slowly becoming mainstream again, just as it was before WW2.

God cursed the Jews, it's in the Bible.


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We may disagree, but I still have to honor your digits.
Apart from that, it really is a pity that journalism is such a ragged and rigged affair the days. And I and the board certainly agrees that we all miss previous investigative journalism from the left as well.

those digits wasted by a slave
so sad

Why do they hate Corbyn so much? What has he done to them? Really curious.