Nick Fuentes

Why is he back to sucking Trump's cock again?

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he never stopped...

stop letting brainlets do your thinking for you.

pic related. same scam that anglin plays.

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he's a child. he gets all of his understanding of politics through Jow Forums memes. Like he went full yang gang during the week those memes were everywhere, and then the memes went away and lil nicky forgets about yang altogether. how does anyone take this faggot seriously? It's like Hitler said, a person should get involved in politics until their 30s because most aren't firm enough in their convictions and ideas before then.

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Because with e-celebs the tail wags the dog.

Because he has nothing better to do after destiny annihilated him in a debate he's simply trying to stay relevant.

He doesn't want to get deported.

Why not? He's a mixed raced person and just wants America to be a nation of mixed race people who descend mostly from whites and love Jesus.

>Nick Fuentes
because he is based and has white /black hybrid vigor mmmmmmm blacked mommy :)))

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