Who are the best far right YouTubes to redpill a mainstream audience, and why?
Who are the best far right YouTubes to redpill a mainstream audience, and why?
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Sorry reddit, it's not working. Better luck next time, schlomo
Pastor Anderson
He back it up with the Bible
I'm not really sure what you mean by this, just asking a question?
desTINY is based and redpilled
go away numale
Whatever, fuck all you racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist pieces of shit. You're all a bunch of incels.
See you in the next tranny thread on /gif/
You plebbit niggers aren't even trying; Go back faggot
Chad here. Stop projecting your autism and virginity onto us; go home nigger
Interface by u m a m i
Contrapoints, steve shives, hbomerguy
pewdiepie and filthyfranktv2
pastor Charles Lawson
i like a little fire and brimstone in my sermons really gets the poo poo off the soul leaves it nice and shiny bright he also redpills about cern
Stevie Champagne
Also, CHN2 aka Bellagio Sampler
Also also, sage and hide
oh shit.
Ice poseidon
IRL Streamer
whatever you say, incel
Asian Capitalists
Mr Obvious
American Renaissance
Kyle Kulinski
Millenial Millie
Ana Kasparian's ass on my face
Diamond & pearl
Russel Brand
Mark collet. Mark collet. Nothing he says is wrong
> "thinking 'far right' self-identifies as 'far right'"
you destroyed yourself in this debate
This is now a redpill thread. You're here forever, newfag.
Jimmy Dore
I used to look forward to beating these people to death with my bare hands, but I’ve slowly grown to just feel nothing but sorry for them. Truly sad, pathetic creatures.
I was radicalized by James Charles, The Queer kids show, the ACE family, Logan Paul, Ben Shapiro, and Pewdiepie
ive taken the clownpill lately, better than the black
Because she doesn't lie to save face.
Gotten back into Christianity, or maybe found it in its true form for the first time since 2016. Clown pill is better than the (((black pill))) but nothing beats pure Logos and the realization that the battle we wage is spiritual. Ties in well with the clown pill though, being that Lucifer is the lord of this world.
is this real or an elaborate hoax
check the thread first
Fuck off niggerloving faggot.
kys faggot
>Let me show you all my favourite shit so it can get taken down tomorrow
Nice try..
> it'd also be SO refreshing to hear them say what we all know is true
Are you refreshed, faggot?
Stevie Champagne on YouTube
Best nightly live-streams every night
Uncensored chats it’s sweet
Everyone laugh.
>Life is pretty bad to me a lot of the time,
Ayyy haha
Subscribe to Pewdiepie.
RedIceTv, Jared Taylor, Mark Collet, Lacey Lynn, Blonde in the belly of the beast, Millenial woes, No White Guilt
I laughed my fuckin' head off at this.
Absolutely. Perfect.
Why do fat hispanic chicks tits always go off to the side?
I don't think you understand the clown pill user.
Honk Honk
Joe Rogan is the leader of the alt-right