White boi, do you SERIOUSLY want to start a race war?
White boi, do you SERIOUSLY want to start a race war?
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Yeah, bring your steroid muscles to a gun fight.
no im too weak superior black bull
As if only black guys juice.
Literally yes
From 300 meters away that’s not going to do much good. From my experience in Afghanistan these are the first to fall out. 6”2 175 lb white boys never fall out.
>only 12% of the pop
sitcho nigger ass down boi
Very much so.
>Blind brute force is effective
>Rushdown strategy is effective
I am continuously disappointed by the stupidity of you monkeys. I really want to drink the equality koolaid, but you just sabotage it with your negro stupidity. Like, how the fuck are you supposed to fight a racewar if you are too stupid to pull your pants up or even speak your native language properly. The only good thing that come of this will be the opportunity to select your kind for peaceful behavior like what happened to the japs in WWII by just mowing down waves of niggers until all of the aggro genotypes are gone.
Guys maybe we should let up on the racism a bit? I didn't realize how black people are.
This thread again?
I bet you are a white edge lord who does this for shits n' gigles.
Beat a niggers ass this week. Feels good man, put him in the hospital when he jumped me, I didn't even break a sweat. LOL get rekt.
The jews already started it by importing slaves, but I won't mind finishing it. If it makes you feel any better given the choice I would eliminate all jews before expelling all blacks from the ethnostate.
- wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com - get woke nigger
i want to start one on behalf of nutless whites so i can exterminate minorities and jews and lay the groundwork for the greater 4th reich
t. mulatto hellbent on exacting revenge on the kikes pushing the race mixing agenda
Haven’t we made it obvious?
Yes, yes we do.
Let's go nigger
Stop teasing, I can only get so erect.
Manson was right. Niggers will win.
Whites are pussies.
lol tranny
it's coming retard shill
Muscles aren't bulletproof, nigger.
... why do these pieces of shit have that faggot larper shooters gun for a photo-op?
say something, come on
>Memeflaggot is gay
I am truly astonished
go home, rabbi
you know as well as I do that there are FAR more armed & well-trained whites in the US than there are blacks in the WORLD. Stop being so subversive and people might actually stop hating you, kike.
If you're black I'm a Tibetan yodeler
Bring it, you fucking nigger. I dare you.
The funniest thing I ever saw while deployed to 'stan was a 6'2 250 lb White guy. He was fat as fuck, but when the bullets started flying he suddenly turned into a freight train; I thought he was about to personally run over the Taliban.
i know this is bait and i dont even care
Atleat he honest about whites and how use our riflles
more like....
C'mon, faggot white bois have already let brown cocks take over their entire civilization. They're everywhere ogling white titties and getting hotter bitches than you. You puss pusses haven't did shit about it. You're not gonna start now either.
STFU & Die Cringe-Crackers
As a matter of fact I do
of course
We will win easily. Let me explain.
We first need something to divide them. Something that speaks to their vanity, like fashion. So we get two stores one sells red shirts on one side of town the other sell blue at the other side of town. Then flood the area with guns, legal and otherwise.
We then wait for the problem to fix its self.
This is like showing a bunch of lions in a picture as if they're a threat to humans
Big muscles are great if you're a slave but war is won with strategy. Niggers are the least threat to whites.
Chinks have money, Arabs have a strong warrior religion, kikes havve their sheckles and law... Nigger have what? They survive on eebt and are basically the Pitbull pet of their kike masters.
Fuck off
Not really, I'd rather you just fuck off to Africa and stay there. However, seeing as non-whites are very unlikely to back down from attempting to replace us, naked conflict can't come soon enough.
Consider the abject stupidity of western blacks though, for a moment. Do they really think they'll be better off under their new mestizo, south asian, chinese or MENA masters?
>a few thousand German colonists vs hundreds of thousands of Africans
>we won so hard with such a good KD-ratio they now call it (wrongly) a genocide
if we could get rid of the moral fags cuckholds first....
>t. brainlet
You only stop the gibs and they die from hunger like they did before