Will he ever get into politics? He would get so much votes it's unbelievable

Will he ever get into politics? He would get so much votes it's unbelievable.

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"Subscribe to pewdiepie" is the most politically extreme stance one can have.

The Subscribe to Pewdiepie meme was hugely successful. He has enormous potential in politics, either for himself or behind the scenes. Just by virtue of his audience, his political endorsements are important. Rogan endorsed Tulsi Gabbard, Pewds should give Trump a huge early boost of energy and formally endorse him. imagine the mass consciousness shift that could cause in zoomers. I can almost guarantee Youtube would ban the video or Pewdiepie himself.

Don't be silly, that's 30 or 40 years away. Unless you've got McCain Institute or Clinton Foundation levels of foreign income, politics is a major blow for income. On top of that it kills your likability and threatens your personal safety. He has to get bored of his career, then get bored of philanthropy, and then if he's still motivated to help civilization it might happen.

You guys are delusional

How will he rise to power without legs tho?

i bet she has gigantic labia
the tiny ones always have snuffleupagus puss

Hrs more effective as a free agent than a politician.

He is way too stupid to ever say anything meaningful. Also he doesn't care, he will sit in his mansion and look at stupid memes for the rest of his life.

12 year olds on YouTube can't vote, his subscribers are worldwide, not concentraded in Sweden, he'd get thrown in Swedish gulag soon enough for defending anything white or straight,
also why would he do that? He's literally a millionaire, why would he throw his channel away to go into the mud shit that is western politics? That's why he chickened out and with good reason, he can't afford to be banned from YouTube, that's what he does for a living, without it he'd be washing plates in a kebab shop, he doesn't have actual skills and much less good ones for politics.