Why do feminists want to raise the age of consent?

Why do feminists want to raise the age of consent?

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She peaked at 12

Early to mid twenties is optimal mommy age. Anything over/under is more prone to defects.

Because the 4 to 12 year olds are cute in a way that I would want to take care of them.

The 16 year old is cute in a way I'd want to despoil.

To control men


You can pinpoint exactly when she became a whore.

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peaked at 14

Stifle the competition.

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she peaked at 9, faggot. apex cutie

Control your dick.

Feminists can't accept the fact that their old age makes them less attractive

as my maths professor once told me... *adjust glasses* .. 13 is prime

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based and factual

so they can #metoo more men

Which means you should marry them a few years before that.

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Short bitcoin now its bull trap ,rebuy the dip that fills inefficiency from 4k for fidelity news thank me later

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based feminists keeping pedos in check

>Why do feminists want to raise the age of consent?

peaked at 12 IMO

also braces ruined her teeth and jaw

christians ruin literally everything.

They hate the free market.

>t. just-a-regular-bloke-totally-not-a-bitter-slag

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Spoken like a true Jew. Fucking anything younger than 18 is dysgenic.

Anything under 25 is sketchy you pedo

Agreed. 12 seems to be the roastie tipping point

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You Americans are absolutely pathological.


You mean feminists and juden?

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good idea, rollin'


LOL. By 25 the average thot has had more dicks in her than a convention hall holding a "Guys called Richard" event.

No lol'ing at the 8, that's perfect to get to know each other before prime breeding years

Because they had the perfect girl for you, user.

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2nd to last digit odd = 0 even = 1 if applicable

You can clearly see the transition from child to woman by age 12.

I don't care if she's fat as long as she doesn't want to ride me or make me lick her taint. She has to be submissive.

Cramped cheekbones, weak hairline, no upper lip, small eyes, ok but flat eyebrows, ok nose (from front), ok but kinda weak jawline, kinda fat, teeth needed correction

Will be fine if she isn’t flat or have small legs/fat butt because of her nice hair color and texture and good eye leashes

Will probably peak at 24 to 29 and become kinda fat, extended to 32 if she have good legs and tits

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Not in America, here they do that by their mid teens, and as Americans we believe our teenage daughters should only have boyfriends that freshmen 25 year old African American youths.

laugh all you want, enjoy your new Prince btw

I wouldn't want any of those flat assed undeveloped roastie coal miners though.

Pedo's detected, women should only be approached at the very earliest in their mid 40's.

40's are the new teens, times are a changing you men had a good run oppressive women's rights.

Feminists ruin everyting

Rights ruin everything

she actually peaked at 16 in this period which is peak fertility which makes sense, unlike your retarded pedo graph.

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is she somebody famous?

she is cute.

Sloppy job mossad

>hits wall at 18

Who is this gril and why are there so many pictures of her?

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proper roll

As much as i'd like to be an edgelord and say 13yro she is legit hottest at 16yr. There is something about her eyes that became conscious at 16yrs... can no one else see it? Or maybe she's doing some seductive look and it's short circuiting my brain. I'm not sure, either way 16yrs is the winner. But from 13yro on wards you can see she is a woman and breedable.

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Isn't they good though? It encourages people to remain pure longer.

she's just wearing makeup in that picture



just like old b kek


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He's an Australian. He's a sick fuck. He doesn't care. Oh he'll care. As soon as his shitty government gets it's head out of the damn outback desert ground

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Let's go 6!

roll it

The thottening starts at 11 I see.

It should be 21 or married with the parents consent.

FBI roll

Why the hell do Americans make their kids wear braces? There wasn't even anything wrong with her teeth...

found the pedo

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Sorry, 16-17. Sucks but true.


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Guess I'm team /cunny/ now

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Rollerino for 4, ah yeah boy!

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What the fuck ?

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estrogen is a neurotoxin which causes brain damage from puberty until menopause.

with gets like these, i cant lose

What kind of Jewish pedo shit is this?

Because they live off of attention and they know that younger women get more attention.


Why do you speak like a nigger?

>accurately and succintly describing something is 'speaking like a nigger'


All examples of nigger-speak

Redpilled af.

this is what we needed

He didn't say thot though, you absolute mongoloid

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate

only women should be allowed to have sex

lets go

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Wait until shes legal, then you arent a societal outcasts. You fucking autistic memefags are largely pussyless because of all this. It's ok to be basically functionally socially retarded but holy shit.

A modification of 'thot', but still thot. A nigger term for whores

hello FED

I'd be fine with anything after 14 y/o.

12 is when she started wearing makeup.


Sucks to have not gotten laid early, huh?

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