Should porn be banned?

Should porn be banned?
I think it should, it's degenerate and banning it will help to increase birthrates among white people.

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Bomb israel

You cant ban anything digital

>it's degenerate and banning it will help to increase birthrates among white people.
Any source to back that up?
You might as well be saying "Masturbation is a sin and will send you to hell!"
Oh wait.... christcucks already say that. Face it, there is no way to control sexual activity in humans.
The jew Kellogg thought cereal and circumcision would do it with boys, and look how that turned out.
Your reverse psychology will never work, jew

hey, if you are going to keep spamming this shit can someone at least post the crazy Asian with the knife in the kitchen

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Porn is poison for the mind.

Jews own the porn industry.

>Porn is poison for the mind.
No. Addiction is.
*sigh* you retards really will never learn :/

looks like the graphics in After Last Season. dear god that movie. the horror.

I doubt it will. Even if White had more sex, I think many just don't ever want children.

no significant waist to hip ratio = tranny
thank me later

Why can't you just live your own life better? Why do you think you should get to enforce your views on others?

I been raw dogging my gf for 3 years with no results we've been trying to eat healthy and everything something is in the water or being radiated we're 30s with no kids

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No. It helps keep weak minded people from reproducing.


That means you simply have low testosterone and abysmal sperm quality. Probably because of the crap you eat, additionally tap water containts a lot of estrogen because it cannot properly filtered out.

Do you even understand ovulation?

>my gf
>wanting to have children without getting married
Fucking degenerate.

quick someone post the unaltered version I need some nip nips

hospitals can help with this

they can analyze your sperm and her eggs and go on from there

might be a simple solution

t. pussy slave. have a nice divorce

yes im sure all these niggers and spics having 12 kids are strong minded individuals....

I think it should not be banned people should have the freedom to consume it or leave it, it's their choice

I can help you but the final product may look different from what you expect

they should be allowed to watch but if its detected as a constant thing then they should be sterilized or fined

Get out of Jow Forums Olmedo, anda a rezar

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For what purpose? Just because you don't like them? Give me a break

zinc, for both you and gf, also marry her first you faggot

Olmedo was based, he unironically named the jew. Sadly they didn't let him run for president.

I saw him once debating with a feminist and got BTFO so hard he went on a rant about God "do not insut god, muh god muthafucka" I thought he was going to hit her with the bible.
Seria muy divertido tenerlo de presidente

>For what purpose? Just because you don't like them?

go look up the dangers of watching porn chronically you stupid faggot.
oh im talking to a stupid nigger, never mind

>other people willingly watch porn
>wtf I must stop this
And you call me stupid, you want to push your puritan fetishes into everyone that's the problem, good thing folks like you are limited to criying

t. inmate 9763568

>>other people willingly murder and do illegal drugs and rape kids
>>wtf I must stop this

well yeah you stupid faggot kike enabler

Haven’t looked at porn in 6 months and I must say it feels good. Have my imagination back when I pound off and I’m very proud.

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>watching porn it's the same as murder
Seriously? How?
Porn it's a business mate, most people get in willingly and others buy /watch also by their own will, nobody forces people to watch it or film it and if they do i do not agree with it.
Murder /rape there's no consent, it's forced

Restricted, but not banned. Like you shouldn't be able to get it with just a few clicks. And any money spent on ads by or for porn websites should be taxed.

>Should porn be banned?
>I think it should

So YOU do not watch it.
Why push your moral views on everyone else?

>child pornography it's a business mate

fuck off jew

Not only banned but the Kike producers and the pornstar whores who star in the films should be executed.

Burn them alive at the stake

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Get married and god will bless you with the gift of a child

Because Christcucks like OP are low-key authoritarian liberals.

Kek what a fucking idiot


There needs to be restrictions on what they can do in pornography

SCATfags need to fucking hang.

Only retarded savages procreate and you can't ban porn. It might currently be run by jews (like all media) but there is an inherent demand for the product, and considering how gross most women are, they should be thankful this outlet exists to help keep their loser husbands sane and functional.

but porn is good

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under 30 porn, for sure
it's bad for boys and girls

Maybe u should give me a try with your girlfriend.
I'm want to help u out, friend.

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>I think it should, it's degenerate and banning it will help to increase birthrates among white people.
Always do the opposite of the Anglo.
If Nigel is banning porn, we know it's a bad idea.

no the Porn age should actually be lowered to 16 or 15.

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Are you a kike with a VPN? Regardless, kill yourself you degenerate

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no you must mistake me for someone else.

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Ill give you my little trick but only if you prove you are white.

Yes. I hate that I always go back to it. It feels like I am mocking God. Sometimes I confess to him and go back to watching it the next day.

tai hao le my dude

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Dude fuck you for that gif

Make sure your girlfriend isn't a dude first. Lmao.

Are you some kind of bot? You come into this thread saying porn is good and have a bunch of degenerate jailbait pictures saved on your computer. Your english is shit too.

You are a kike, bot, or shitskin. No German Ayran acts like that

you can't ban it, but you sure can eliminate the sources of it... sadly this is not a popular item on the GOP agenda

Just ban INTERNET porn. Let people go buy videos/magazines from a store. The argument is that this is the best way to protect the children while still giving people muh freedims.

>You come into this thread saying porn is good
but Porn is good, it shouldn't be banned. there are no good arguments against it.

FUCK going back to print media. this needs to die completely.

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>Should porn be banned?
Yes. Mainly because I want to see the kvetching when it happens.

Funny, cause I've had more abortions than I could count. I don't feel right bringing in more white people now that we live in Trumps America.

Sorry about your low sperm count, bro.

Wrong. Any society that gives women the right to vote immediately have a dramatic decrease in birthrates.

I think you belong in an unmarked hole in the desert.

Porn => addiction

Based user

See book in pic related

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>believing there aren't any Jews there

I'm sorry newfriend, but you need to lurk moar.

>he fell for some shills and bought a book


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That’s because she’s in her mid 30s, you stupid fuck. Most women are functionally infertile by age 40.
Dump her and get a new GF that can actually MAKE YOU SOME WHITE BABIES

>hurr durr everyone arguing against my retarded worldviews must be a jew

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You fucking faggot why would you abort those white children when our demographics are going through steep decline because of 3rd world immigration

Our race is nearly extinct because of irresponsible wiggers like you kys faggot.

Of course I know there are Jews in Germany. I just know that 90% of them are in the USA and Israel. Most of the kikes that shill here are American/Israeli and some of them also use VPN's.

My theory is that a certain amount of the German flags are actually kikes using a VPN. This creates the psychological impression that Germans are a bunch of cucked faggots.

Meh, if some wanna be shitsacks that's on them.

your theories are retarded bro

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Well then you are probably some Turkroach or shitskin then

if that was the case why wouldn't I post interracial porn?
your logic makes no sense.

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Yes, banning drugs made everyone quit using them, after all. The way to stop porn is to find a way to deal with the people who make it, in such a way that they no longer feel it to be worth it to keep making it.

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They have nukes. Better to deport Jews to their homeland.
If you want to ban something in the ethnostate, ban hormonal birth control. It may be why women these days can't bond with men. If it was up to me, distributing or importing hormonal birth control would get you a short trial and a handful of bullets to the head (to be merciful).

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those balls are looking succulent

>something is in the water - this one does the job, user. Get extra pitchers in your fridge and keep them filled up.

This german appears in every anti-porn thread. I've come to this board in the last 2 weeks 2 times a day and he is ALWAYS here posting triggers and spamming the same shit. I've started to think he's actually, a real shill. Since he is always here and spams it all the time.

>gf (male)

Thinking reading books doesn't develop you as a person.... You fucking brainlet

>american flag
>a mentally ill homo

not surprised.

you must mistake me for someone else

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Now that you are at it ban alcohol which destroys much more than porn

I think it should be banned too. If you look at the countries where porno is banned or a crime, there are ZERO gay/pedo/trans sexual degenerates, EVEN IN high-crime countries.
Porno is fake and gay just like it's users.
In times past the obsession about all matters sexual was considered an effeminate trait in a man. That only changed recently and we all see the horrible results.

reading fantasy certainly doesn't develop you.

or food that contains sugar.

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It promotes pedophilia, abuse, incest, rape, broken families, homosexuality, transgenderism, self-harm etc
Drugs should be banned too.

>Depends on the porn
>Should not promote Jewish agenda
>Best porn is from couples who make it together without any form of degeneracy
>Incest, Nigger (Beastiality) and Cuck porn ought to be banned

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it

>If you look at the countries where porno is banned or a crime
Is it coincidence that these countries are also all shitholes?

I actually agree.

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>Ban Alcohol
>Worked Great in America
What we need to do is not ban, but exterminate cultural degeneracy surrounding these things and murder dissenters. If people drank in a normal fashion and not this dead drunk crap that teens are into then it wouldn't be bad at all.


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they would ban your anime too

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Anime will be allowed in the ethnostate as long as it's not degenerate

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Rio Hamasaki

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Good bait