And now, Clown World

An elected Democratic official in Philadelphia public berates "old white lady" protest-praying outside of Planned Parenthood and calls her racist.

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Other urls found in this thread:

And there's a video!

BUMPING. You need to see this

let me guess, he's a kike too

yep i just looked it up, he's a kike

He also went up to three teenage girls and said he'd give 100$ to the people who dox them. Love how he calls them white (even though one girl isn't even white) as some kind of derogatory slur to drum up anger in his doxers.

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He looks gay, is he??

why are white men like this?

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What a bitch

I just don't get how white people can hear that they're becoming a minority and be like "Okay so?" It's getting so obvious how much everyone even some members of their own race don't want equality but punishment. Not to coexist but to dominate.


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Glad you all saw this. Here's a video of the same guy getting berated by a black gay man

Those girls are clearly underage. He's publicly trying to get their address and encouraging harassment. That's gotta be illegal, right?

Contact Rep. Brian K. Sims

Philadelphia Office

1015 Chestnut St.
Suite 1101
Philadelphia, PA 19107

P*: (215) 246-1501

200 Irvis Office Building
P.O. Box 202182
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2182

P*: (717) 783-4072

He's HIV+

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he looks like a jew

He keeps calling out pro-lifers as "pseudo-Christians", so maybe he claims to be a real Christian.


This is getting old people.

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Not for jews. They set up nations within nations. They write the laws but they only apply to goyim

Beautiful photo. Where/when is that?

Ted cruz retweeted this like 7 hours ago, already getting traction. This guy dun goofed

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He takes prep so he doesn't become HIV positive, retard.
If there's any good thing a fag can do, is take this shit so they don't spread that disease around.

Or you know not get fucked up the butt, but I guess that's just too much to ask.

Cruz, Crenshaw, Shapiro, Dana Loesch, Matt Walsh, Lowder with Crowder, Cernovich, Dave Rubin, etc. all tweeting about it. This isn't going away quietly.

>Or you know not get fucked up the butt
c'mon, lets be realistic, that isn't going to happen, fags gonna fag.

A better time. A time where this was not tolerated. Seeing this progression made me feel something, something important.
I've been through a rough weekend, my emotions tossed back and forth so rapidly, my job lost, because of my own immaturity and fear. I lost trust in someone I cared for..
This isn't the right place or post, but may the world know that I've become much wiser, much better, sharper and calm after merging and understanding my own sin.

People like in the op are contemptuous, and it sickens me. He has so much to learn, and from quickly checking his Twitter, he is just another stunted soul unaware of the cold, dead, silenced and wounded soul inside him clamoring for a helping hand.
I can only feel.. Nothing.
Nothing, when I think of him now.

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Hard week, user. Hope you come out stronger, and this jackass gets put in his place. As much as they agree with his position, Democrats have to know this is terrible optics.

Yes, he's a certified, shit eating peter puffer.

Hope you can pull it all back together, user. Sometimes I feel the same way and spend too much time at the bottom of my soul.

>Some day a real rain will come...

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If he wasn't, stalking those underage girls would be a lot creepier.

nice try. Sicilians are still niggers

for more on the link between abortion and crime, see Freakanomics

>Office addresses
This is a good start, but where does he sleep at night? Where does his family live?

Cmon, this cant be real.

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The Donohue-Levitt Hypothesis is far from settled science.

someone who was actually in control would not have to take such pills. This dependence is inherently a lack of control.

Day of the rope/brick soon

It's only going to get worse.

This is just a glimpse at what the future holds.

So what is the conceit behind that medicine? Is it that if you have sex with someone who is already HIV-Positive, you're less likely to contract it yourself? Does it strengthen your immune system. Personally, I wouldn't want to have sex with someone with HIV, no matter what kind of protection she uses.

He's got the Vegan onions looks

WTF is that south Florida? Is that where all the HIV is coming from. You faggots up north are bussing it down here.

Possible history of questionable ethics.

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