Why aren't you fasting? Us Muslims have to participate up with your religious holidays, why don't you participate in ours?
Why aren't you fasting? Us Muslims have to participate up with your religious holidays...
Your cult is not a religion.
Because outside of Islam nobody likes you.
So let me get this straight, youre saying that I should believe muhammad flew to the moon on a flying horse?
Fuck canada
Islam is both a political system and a death cult. It is not a religion.
Yeah, no. You fuckers gorger yourselves every night and actually gain weight during Ramada. Fuck off, fatass.
>muslim gay couple
>Canadian flag
Because fuck you that's why.
>Why aren't you fasting? Us Muslims have to participate up with your religious holidays, why don't you participate in ours?
Because it´s not your country. And countries traditions vary. Yours is a religious custom. It´s egregious to suggest that others should follow your fucking religion. But it shows the arrogance that muslims think everyone should do what they do. No matter where they go.
>a fucking leaf