Okay guys so here's one for you. I'm a Bengali twat born in the UK, I'm deep into the blackpill and heavily embrace the honkpill.
Unsurprisingly, as the memes go, I am attracted to white women, but my internal conflictions do oppose race mixing to an extent, but I can't help this strong sub-conscious attraction.
Racially, my parents are from sylhet in bangladesh (although they moved here legally 35 years ago, dw lads they're pretty based and dad worked his ass off into millionaire status through legit hard work, dude adores this country and hates most immigrants who come here, especially having delt with them as an employer in the past) My genetics are on the better side, mother came from a family of very light skinned, healthy, attractive and wealthy background (my grandmother from my mothers side looked pretty much white). My father is also relatively light skinned, high t and good looking, also coming from a rather prestiguous caste dating back to the british empire (talukdar if you're wondering). My genetics are mainly caucasian, including persian influence as well as even aryan influence, although that's probably more diluted.
Appearance wise, I'm on the lighter skin side of things, not white, not brown, like between it, like a glowy light olive type. I've got almost all causasian features pretty much, just bleached I guess, if I was white nothing would look off. I'm successful with 7-8/10 looks white women so there's that achievement (I'm from the south by the shore so it's not filthy londoners). I'd give myself about a 6.5/10 on the looks being harsh, probably a 7.5 at best but I've had girls lust for me, often times telling me I'm like Zayn Malik's twin. I'm 5'9 58kg at around 12% bf (I need to Jow Forums for more size I know)
Anyways, with this in mind, would it be THAT bad if I race mixed with a trad white girl? In terms of race mixing, surely this is one of the lesser bad situations, right? Our women are fucked, these hijabi retards are the worst.