We miss yall, whens the next video?
We summon Murdoch murdoch
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Fuck you stupid nigger-loving mutt cuck
Hey have you seen this picture of a black man with a maga hat? FUCKING BASED!
Milo is so dangerous tee-hee
here come /ptg/ to raid the thread
sloppy job mossad
I'm Irish Catholic though.
Murdoch make more merchandise faggot.
The episode where they won't let Murdoch into the ethnostate because he's part irish is one of my favorites.
kys d&c tranny kike
I don't understand user, what did I do?
this shit is cringe; be honest with yourself
I find some of their earlier stuff to be dreadful but any episodes with the Murdochs in them are usually pretty good.
I find the national socialist larping to be a major turnoff.
Screw your optics...
MM is comfy and whitepilling. Love you guys
I was watching all their episodes this weekend. I check gab periodically. Murdoch Murdoch we miss you. Inb4 cringe
Here I am, it is I, Murdoch Murdoch.
Stop trying to promote your faggoty youtube channel.
>advertising your cringey newfag show
fuck right off nigger
Nice guy national socialist episode
Do you want to MIGA?
My character arc was better oh shit I used my real name
Thread theme:
Please tell me this was a school paper
As opposed to regular fascism or what?
No idea.
>Please spoonfeed me propaganda murdoch murdoch!
Faggot larp nazi
Love your videos.
be a leaf of peace fren
No time for cartoons friends, only politics and war, politics and war...
Hum u ok?
Just in case you wanna go full tarrant, what he did was NOT how you do acceleratonism
All he did was force the nz government against the right even more
It’s like socialists in the 30s saying that burning the reighstag was good for them because it accelerated the conflict
Don’t be tarded don’t go full tarrant
murdoch murdoch is fucking based
I hope they make more mm88 stuff
Henlo murdoch
How was work
I like most of their stuff.
wait what scene is this from?nice texas flag btw
siege episode Chinese nigger faggot
Sad that most of the stuff was taken off of jewtube
I remember when they originally started shilling their videos here years ago. I remember that the swede video was quite new then. Look at how they've grown
>Those pesky E-European style socialists
Can you make another episode with a epic battle or something. Maybe add a few white pills. It all feels so numb lately idk maybe it's just. With all the trans shit, israel BS, etc. I need a whitepill episode man
go back to infinity chan if you're just such an """"oldfag""""
New episode probably this weekend. I think you boys are gunna really like this one.
absolutely based. Oh you guys need to read some Kant and Aquinas.
Murdoch chan here. Am too busy getting boned by my big buff black bf to make lame comics for pencil necked white incels anymore. Sorry not sorry.
Ok look this image has been bugging the shit out of me for some time. What the fuck is up with that bugle? Why is it so big? The bell is as big as a god damn trombone.
Post the book titles and I will.
>not being able to name Pure 100% Bavarian Phenotype off the top of your head
and this
>the absolute state of 'right wing cartoons'
If it's actually Murdoch, did you ever figure out Dr. Pierce did not kill himself? He died of cancer. He found out he was dying and died a few weeks later. Last episode before he died was "how It all fits." did you ever finish "Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds?"
You're talking about the episode where Pierce talks to murdoch at the diner. Murdoch was talking about Hitler, not Pierce. Pierce was reciting a Hitler speech. I did finish fame of a dead mans deeds.
I know MC is catholic but are you guys deists?
My fellow goyim, I'm feeling pretty black-pilled recently. Seeing all of you here really brightens up my day.
I believe there is meaning to being. That's all I can say. Dm practices Catholicism and Mc believes in God but doesn't follow any religion.
Oh well that makes sense. Considering your existentialist stance you should read Kierkegaard.
Last week I randomly met with three guys I didn't know at the park
At some point we one of them points out how "European" the park was, with blonde kids playing around and happy families eating their homemade food all over the place, not a single non-white in sight
Long story short, it turns out they all watch Murdoch Murdoch
Which work specifically?
Based. I haven't seen anyone wearing an mm shirt out in the wild yet.
Either/Or and Fear and Trembling. The first is mostly concerned with existentialist philosophy that doesn't have any commie influence. The second is concerned about living life as an existentialist. Compared to the likes of Schopenhauer, Satre, and Camus he's the best.
Maybe because they're
>the exact opposite of "subtle", in multiple ways
>generally ugly as sin
Seriously fuckers, I'm a graphicfag and I could produce better designs in a week than anything you ever sold, and I mean shit that people would actually wear
Fuck, I already said this but a friend of mine wanted to "give money to the Murdochs" and he couldn't find a single piece of wearable merch
The Sickness Unto Death is also good too
Fuck these pathetic autistic neets.
posting homage
Make a design and I'll use it nigger. Post it on our gab.
sure is beta orbiter in here.
...but that is doc m.
For any one that gave a fuck about me animating the podcast, sorry I gave up. I may try again but after losing a hours worth of animation, I'm just not up for it anymore.
here's the first minute:
Will do it, but also consider the following
You should provide a throwaway email address to submit user art to be merchandise'd
Gab is a decent alternative, but it would spoil the general surprise
Make an announcement, I don't know, a 2 minute video asking for good/subtle art would be enough
Maybe make it a contest if you prefer (but give people the proper time to design their crap)
Artfags would be more than happy to help you guys (for aesthetics' sake alone) and fans would be happier to buy your stuff, financing the show
It will make you richer in the long run and people would actually start wearing your shit, and you know you desperately need shekels as well as better art
Soon... And mega feels!
OK that sounds pretty cool. Reminds me of when I was a kid there was a contest to design the next megaman boss in Nintendo power. Let me finish up the next EP and I'll talk it over with the group. Go ahead and make something beautiful ya art fag.
I'm not Catholic.
Back to work Murdoch!
Just buy some mugs!
I bought 2 Murdoch Murdoch shirts and the sizing is garbage. The XXL is short, wide and has super long sleeves. WTF? I'm tall and in good shape like any Aryan worth his salt. These shirts are made for short, fat basement dwellers. But I love you guys. Get some XL Tall shirts for will you?