ITT confess boomers things you do

I always complain about millennials.

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What a shitty thing to spend your time doing

I smoke cigars.

Daily drive a Truck and sip monsters

I unironically like Dave Ramsey.

I have a small business and the industry is the EPITOME of boomer culture. I'll let you guess what I do.

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Suck dicks


Look they are all at it

Listen to old episodes of Car Talk every day. Sometimes it’s nice to catch a wif of that hay-day boomer happy go lucky breeze and let a small chuckle out as the world slowly burns. Christ come back soon pls

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Just finished one ofhis books.

Lawn care?
t. Fellow lawn care bro that just made my first million

I work on industrial boilers, I pooped in a mop sink then put on rubber gloves and smashed it’down the drain with my hands. Building I was working at had to call a plumber because it smelled like a dead animal down there by the laundry room where I playdoe snakes my poop down the sink.

I get 4k a month in disability and free health care.

Trying to find some income before the government defaults.

say right wing things then vote democrat

Give me the seven baby steps, or give me death!

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I fail at life
Like father like son I guess

wicker patio furniture

That's litterall boomer not 30year old boomer

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I listen to a lot of Boomer music I guess.

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Old episodes of This Old House with Bob Vila

I shitpost on Jow Forums

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I listen to the John Boy & Billy radio show every morning on my morning commute

That has got to be the gayest album cover in the history of mankind. Thank you for sharing.

I work hard, I don't whine, I don't make excuses, and don't expect/accept handouts.

Was sipping monsters before it was a meme, waste money on stupid shit like booze yet complain nonstop about how expensive everything is, offer opinions on things without actually studying up and knowing about them, the list goes on. Oh and I got fat but can't stick to a diet and refuse to go to the gym anymore.

At least I don't have a big fat annoying wife though, like all damn boomers.

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>Drink Sips
>Bitch about kids and their trash music while listening to comfy 80's-90's rock
>Mow my lawn for fun
>Play old DOS tier vidya because the new shit is... well shit
>Go fishing IRL
>Talk about the 90's all the time
>Own a phone over three years old
>Maintain an attitude that everything made post 2010 is garbage.

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sell lumber all day behind a computer / totally buy into the company I work for

Old episodes of the Gunsmoke radio show too

I just got my first smartphone last week after using the same flip phone for the last 7 years. It wasn't even an issue of money or being a technophobe, I make quite a bit and I like building computers and tinkering with hardware/software in my spare time.

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Finger fat old sluts for cash

I drink Monster lmao

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im a 30yo boomer and i confess i have posted the LIVE PD watch threads for the last 6 months

Something to do with diabeetus

Lynch niggers

I rent videos and eat pizza, it's a treat, I know, but one day the kids will appreciate it

he isn't completely boomercucked even with his age. Hates big ass houses, retarded purchases like 95% of cars, and most college degrees

You own rental properties?

Financial advisor?

Oh shit, fishing is boomer-tier? But what if you actually enjoy catching fish and it's not just an excuse to finance a $60k boat so your neighbors can see it in the driveway?

I dont complain about going to work because I love my job and enjoy working with my coworkers.
Apparently this makes me a junior boomer.

Get it backwards
>liberal on the streets
>conservative in the voting booth
git gud

golf? you install golf systems in boomer homes?

Make your kids pay you rent? Or maybe you're living off your reverse mortgage? Importing cheap garbage from China selling on Amazon?

Something in the construction industry?

It's flooded with actual, literal boomers and then the younger, genx boomers who are usually running the show in most cases (Scott, Kevin, Mike, Shawn, etc). Go to any construction site and you'll see the personification of the 30yr boomer wojack illustration - usually with a white monster in hand. its cartoonish

Nothing gay about straight guys having a fun time together. Anyway, it's a pretty good album:

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you're a travel agent?

I wear one of those patch caps with the American flag on the front and MOLON LABE on the back.

I still use an iPhone 6. Can’t stand all this fancy new technology. I’m going to bed now

car talk? you mean the two faggots who said the M roadster shouldn't exist because the standard z3 was already fast enough?

No. It's gay.

finally gave in and got a motorcyle

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Hell yea

Car talk is unironically a great show

what a bunch of faggots

I've been asking this every time a "boomer wtih monster can beside him" thread pops up:
Certainly haven't seen boomers with Monsters.

The Italians never did like the Turks

I'm 24 and listen to bands like Metallica, Motorhead, & Ozzy/Black Sabbath

Shit I forgot I posted here

yes but not what I was referring to
I have an arms importing/buyback business. The government gives out HUGE contracts for people like me to help get american-made guns out of the third world. Guys on the ground by them in bulk from dealers over there, I buy from them and ship to a gray-area country(e.g. hong kong, singapore, malaysia, cyprus, netherlands), and then I sell them at a huge markup to the feds.

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I gave Brittany Venti the graphic overlay to cosplay as a boomer. image related.

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>by them
*buy them

If you are fishing without using a computer or gaming console you are a fellow boomer.

Interesting. How did you get into this? I have an FFL for shits and giggles, but lord of war status sounds cozy.

Can you give me a job please? I'll go wherever with whatever support you think I need.

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i get in my lifted truck and blast classic rock from the 60s and 70s while waving to every other white person in my white neighborhood

Why are boomers so joowish?

Wear aviators and a leather jacket, listen to Aerosmith and CCR, enjoy mowing lawns.

Unironically drink boomer juice.
Own a 60's car.
Drive a pickup as my daily.
Own a home.
Have a job where I do actual work.
Fucking hate millennials despite technically being one.

>How did you get into this?
>speak arabic
>speak russian
>speak french
>or speak afrikaans
>look imposing
>learn how to sell and negotiate
>build contacts in conflict zones
>understand global shipping logistics
>understand how to ship a cargo crate filled to the brim with illegal weaponry and not get caught

etc etc.

No, sorry.

shut the fuck up boomer

How did you work it on the .gov side? Are there open bids for “weapons buyback contracts” or do you have some glowing connections?


Oh, I also own guns and land besides my home on which I shoot my guns.
And I vote trump

I chug beer and judge the other pussies for drinking them faggy energy drinks.

BMW is overcosted, over engineered garbage. All German cars are.

Former military?

I have an iPhone and a MacBook. They're hand-me-downs, and I have them because I went through some stuff and couldn't work for 3 years.

I mow my lawn twice a week with a riding mower

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Boomer connections. I'm only in my late 20s but your network is unironically your net worth.

For example through my fraternity - one of my brothers, who is Serbian, is now my main point of contact for anything in Eastern Europe, and he lives in Belgrade. There's also a abnormally high number of glows I've met who are also brothers. For example - Andrew Mccabe, the acting director of the FBI during 2017, was an SAE.

I work a job.

fuck off, millenial

Glass contractor/installer

I play Battletoads and say to myself "now THIS is a real vidya game" .

My car has a carburetor and I tinker with on Sunday’s while slamming back a 6 pack

i tend to have road rage



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and when i let people exit ahead of me or cross the road i give them really fast aggresive waves then pat myself on the back for being such a thoughtful guy

I complain about millennials too
>t. zoomer

I drink flavored sparkling water from Whole Foods like fucking boss. crack/sip bitches.

Based and dept-free pilled

based. i want to get one soon. after i finish my gun collection ;^)

Voted Libertarian in 1980. Carter sucked, Reagan sucked. The Libertarian candidate said " If an American citizen wants to walk down the street carrying a sidearm and smoking a marijuana cigarette I don't have a problem with it." That's the first time I voted.

check out high school girls

I started to drink monster due these commercial threads. Fuck you, murricane boomers!

What was it then user? Even a smartphone mostly unused could have tremendous value.

Sells and smokes weed with the occasional cigar, while voting against possession, for tax breaks for himself and against his kids?

Energy drinks, and I point out that I paid my way through community college flipping burgers and roofing houses... and I'm the success story. You faggots are just lazy and expect everyone to appreciate you. I expect to be exploited and that I will have to work for my money.

Drive around the city at night listening to citypop.

john boy & billy is actually good

me too man, is it expensive in russia