Is Jared Diamond finished after this?
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alt hyp is unironically too big brained for this shitty board
The Jew doesn't care if you prove him a liar. He will continue to push his lies. (((Diamond))) doesn't care if some Youtuber exposed him as a liar and a fraud. He already got his fame, narrative and shekels.
I've been waiting for him to come back, I didn't expect 3 hours of him BTFOing that shitty book.
Based faggot came back to make all my dreams come true.
why though?
Basically this.
Jared sells propaganda bites that normies can easily latch onto.
>"Whitey had good land"
And that's that. Normies can fill in the blanks from there. The rest is just filler and marketing.
based homosexual please fuck my ass
>that thumbnail
>3 hours
I'm not sure I can handle this size dose of autism.
But I still want Ryan to put it in my ass.
its funny, the land up north was pretty shit. thats the whole reason for all the viking raids and norsemen settling in england, france and other southern places. yet the nordic peoples ended up some of the most successful europeans
It's taking me all day to try and get through it, but it's a pretty thorough ass stomping
>2 hours 46 minutes
Holy shit. Ryan is fucking based.
we call the leaders of ngaanyatjarra lands
you dont sniff petrol from a can
rama rama
cringe this retard pseudo-scientist should debate Destiny he would get RAPED
I appreciate Ryan's work but if he wants his content to hit the mainstream and make a difference in the world, he needs a different approach.
vid very related
>he doesn't know
>no academic background
why would I take this homo seriously he even discarded your white nationalism meme
you don't know his background, who he collaborates with, and you should be able to BTFO his arguments if he doesn't know what he's talking about. Destiny admitted he didn't stand a chance against him, why don't you?
>lame appeal to authority.
"Now when I read this, I checked to see if Jared Diamond was Jewish, and he is. When historians lie about a kind of harmony and unity and coexistence among non-Europeans and then turn around and inflame and create monstrous caricatures of white men as genociders and exploiters, it seems clear to me what they're doing."
I was surprised he said that honestly
I'm glad he did. He's right to make the connection.
Didn't you just want him to debate someone who's only background is playing Starcraft?
what about this connection arthur jensen is Jewish
alt-right btfo
so was Herrnstein, who argued for heritability
so was Gould, who argued against heritability and lied his way for decades to get there
thinking that exceptions create a rule is a small-brained path of logic
when you stop thinking in binary and start looking at the clusters of group actions you see patterns, and one of those patterns is jewish academics pushing false narratives that coincidentally are more often than not to the detriment of white people.
t. braindead shitskin
then dude why are the jews fighting each other I thought they work in a group?
Funny because Diamond wasn't an anthropologist or a historian, but he wrote a big book making huge claims about both.
Diamond got some things wrong, and the book is becoming a bit outdated. That doesn't mean that a white supremacist and genocide denier can be trusted.
everytime, lel
Name calling isn't an argument.
Diamond has described horrible things done by all sorts of groups.
>Diamond got some things wrong,
Diamond got his entire book wrong.
He wrote it to refute a genetic explanation for civilizational disparity, but not only is his hypothesis entirely compatible with a genetic perspective, it also makes completely inaccurate claims about geography, anthropology, and history that actually affect the reliability of his argument.
But he's trustworthy specificaly because of those attributes
That's not just name-calling. It's the truth.
Go to sci-hub, start reading papers and make a case then you incompetent charlatan faggot.
He didn't get the whole book wrong. People who don't actually read the book think he said a lot of things he never actually said.
don't sleep on the road
don't lick yellow snow
Explain why Alt Hype is wrong rather than calling him names.
Now this is name-calling
Pretend you made a case all you want, your argument consists of, "HE'S A DEVIL WORSHIPER!!!". You're a weak faggot, it's true.
Is this new? Damn Alt-Hype is bringing the goods. Great stuff, many thanks
you sound like a shill but I'll answer for people who genuinely hold the questions you toss out
yes they work as a group, but there are dissenters for 2 reasons. first, controlled opposition, people set up to make seemingly genuine arguments while losing to the other side on purpose. this is to be able to run both sides of every dispute, such as running both the dems and repubs and making sure the US both continues its leftward drift while always supporting israel. second, people who are genuine exceptions, like finkelstein. i have no idea which group jensen falls into, but he seems genuine. but notice that nobody in the normie world knows of his work.
Even if civilization is exclusively the product of the environment (which is objectively incorrect), it would still mean that civilization creates selection pressure for intelligence and that whites and asians have higher intelligence than Africans, Pacific Islanders, etc.
I pointed out that he has little credibility, seeing as he's known for denying established historical fact, backing himself up with selective evidence, and accusing everyone who poses a threat to him of being part of a Jewish conspiracy or having an "authoritarian view of knowledge." Look at his video "debunking" the atrocities in the Congo.
Alt Hype absolutely kills it. We are so lucky to have people like him.
stop shilling your trash here faggot no one cares
>civilization creates selection pressure for intelligence
This actually isn't likely. Surviving in the wildness takes a lot of skill and thought.
>they need ryan to tell them guns germs and steel is bullshit
god you faggots are so goddamn stupid
Cite specific examples.
What is he wrong about in the video in the OP?
>takes a lot of skill and thought.
Not so much as developing technology and all of the technologies requisite to forming modern society.
In order to remain competitive in civilization, you need to not only understand the technology you have created, you need to improve it.
Therefore there is selection pressure for intelligence.
You can even observe this happening in Africa today as it develops. IQ has been increasing in Africa over the past 200 years substantially right alongside its technological and economic development.
The Alt-Hype has specifically spoken out against placing an emphasis on the JQ, you would know that if you actually knew anything about him outside of what your subplebbit told you. Even in this very video he stated something similar, saying National Socialist persecution of the jews was unjustified and jewish representation is largely an artifact of innate cognitive ability. Once again, make the fucking case against him instead of appealing to authority and citing "established facts". You're a blind following faggot.
Do you take issue with people who compile a list of criticisms of a book which is still taken very seriously in most of academia?
Most of Jow Forums has probably not read the book.
This is helpful.
>you faggots are so goddamn stupid
yes, there's no utility in attacking one of the most popular, and often required reading, anti-white narratives. Do you realize there's a whole world out there outside of Jow Forums?
Denying that Leopold's forces and mercenaries committed atrocities in the Congo is like denying the fact that Earth revolves around the Sun. There's overwhelming evidence in favor of it. The denialists and shills for the King lost decades ago. If someone is going to revive their thesis, they need to be credible. That's how things work.
Belgian hiatorian David van Rijbroek basivally has the same narrative on the congo genocide as AltHype though.
And he ia an expert on the congo.
He didn't deny it, he questioned the number 10 million.
Most people only contribute indirectly to the inventions that make the world modern. It's a very, very small part of society that actually makes these inventions. Your average person isn't going to invent a better car design or discover a way to revolutionize communication.
>You can even observe this happening in Africa today as it develops. IQ has been increasing in Africa over the past 200 years substantially right alongside its technological and economic development.
IQ increasing in developing countries is largely acknowledged to be a result of better nutrition and living conditions and reduced poverty.
That's not Mesopotamia. Egypt and the Nile are not in Mesopotamia.
I love his intro music, even though he lifted it from the 11 part documentary: Cold War.
Still comfy
>Most people only contribute indirectly to the inventions that make the world modern.
The need for intellectual work in the modern world today is MUCH higher than it was prior to agriculture. The fact that you are actually disputing this is absurd. Like you say, it's like denying the fact that the earth revolves around the sun.
>IQ increasing in developing countries is largely acknowledged to be a result of better nutrition and living conditions and reduced poverty.
No it isn't.
Are you the same faggot I had this same argument with on /v/?
The academic consensus for the genetic heritability of IQ is between 57% and 86%.
>There's overwhelming evidence in favor of it
Present the evidence and make a response, if it's overwhelming and common sense, it shouldn't be an issue
wtf blacks make amazing civilizations
Just look at that beautiful dirt structure.
How can whites even compete.
The French built that in the early 19th century.
Some go native.
Who's trusting? Ryan goes into more papers than Diamond does.
For example? What does decrying a person's politics do to refute their argument?
His video on the Congo cites established historical sources and BTFOs the retarded sjw version of history. Again do you have any arguments or do you only have the authoritarian view of knowledge?
Fuck off then
And yet he made: "A Celebration of the Jewish People" (20 mins - skim it at least. And watch the end.)
>big brain
How are those big brains working out for you, faggot?
I've seen it, it's based on this superior video
Jared Diamond has been hammered by the left intelligentsia for years. Not for being anti-white, but for trying to explain big historical events with a catch-all theory & in so doing seemingly excusing acts like war & genocide.
Thanks for the heads up on the new video. Must be good if youtube didnt do its fucking job
except jews
Jared Diamond deserves all of it.
He wrote two shite books and it's amazing that they were ever taken seriously by academics when you actually read them and realize how lazy they are.
academics don't do anything more than skim through material. they're too lazy and it's too time consuming. as long as it fits their narrative, it's approved.
I've been a fan of Ryan's since 09 and he has never accused anyone of his opponents of being apart of that kind of conspiracy in fact he tends to make fun of people who place to much importance on it. Also the whole "authoritarian view of knowledge" ties into how people worship brick and mortal institutions when there is nothing innate about them when it comes to disseminating scientific knowledge. We literally have the internet and we can bypass many of the filters that are in place by political Fiat
mega cringe
alt hype is the best
What a thorough destruction
While shitty, it's influential - so Ryan doing the research so we can quickly reference it when it gets brought up is an immense service.
Nice 404, buddy
Can we say it's been "thoroughly debunked"
is it true he abandoned white nationalism?
>This is worth going into a bit more detail. Heritability tells you absolutely nothing about how much effect genes have on a certain trait in an individual. A high estimate of heritability for a trait does not mean that genes have a strong influence on that trait.
Wrong, heritability studies on IQ are explicitly about GENETIC heritability.
lel, wow, heritability estimates correspond to particular populations at a particular time, in a particular place. HOW WILL WE EVER RECOVER!!
They don't get it.
Yes, in the sense that, in the hypothetical Kingdom of Ryan, he'd screen immigrants on the basis of IQ and disgust response to political values rather than pure ethnic grounds.
So, if you were white, you wouldn't have a free ticket to enter the Kingdom of Ryan. However, if you were say Thomas Sowell, you'd probably be welcome.
Won't don't we get?
Hold on, all this is saying is that heritability only accounts for so much variation within a given population.
It isn't even disputing the high influence of genes on IQ.
It's basically "you can't compare malnourished blacks with well-nourished whites" because a high degree of the variation in say Africa is attributable to malnourished.
We can still compare IQ scores between blacks and whites in the U.S. or well fed blacks in Africa. There's still a substantial disparity. It's just a 20 point difference as opposed to a 40 point difference.
Why are you even bringing this up?
It's not relevant to the discussion.
>As we have seen, this is wrong. Heritability is not informative about in group differences, as it is possible to have a heritability of 1 for a trait within a group, yet attribute all variation between groups to environmental variation
Not if there's no environmental variation.
The idea that there aren't studies controlling for this is absurd.