Sooooooooo can christ cucks even disagree....?

Sooooooooo can christ cucks even disagree....?

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God is self-evident.

Spider-Man does exist

Woah, a christcuck deluding himself over his invisible sky wizard????

I disagree. The Bible is not proof that god exists, it is a collection of stories and wisdom to help us grow closer to him.

The proof that god exists is all around you:
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

So what does that first verse mean? That anyone with eyes to see and two brain cells to rub together can understand how readily apparent our creator is:

A1a: we live in a causal universe
A1b: every effect has a cause
A2a: if we follow that chain back far enough we reach “the beginning of our universe”
A2b: If an in-universe cause preceded this, it is not “the beginning of our universe”
Therefore our universe began with an external cause;

B1: premise A1 is foundational to discerning truth through science
B2: premise A2 is a tautology.
Therefore arguing against A requires you to argue against the validity of the foundation of using science to discern knowledge.

Funny thing is, most atheists met with this logical proof tend to determine that science is invalid, as we see in the latter two verses.


god is not an invisible sky wizard you 12 yr old

Woah a fedorafag larping that he has a brain

'"""""Proof"""""" of the big bang

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I don’t believe the writers of Spider-Man were saying that Spidey was real.


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nah more like this

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What a cop-out of a response.

>Bible isn't proof that god exists!
>Maybe if I use Bible quotes to prove that god exists, you'll believe me!
>Nothing exists without a creator! But God doesn't need one because I said so!
You sure showed 'em.

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The absolute state of atheists

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so spider man inspired men to wrote his comics? i don't get it

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usually science is discussed in journals and the books aren't really proof so much as a dumbing down so other people can understand

oh shit is the bible god's way of dumbing it down for us???????????
>x-files theme

Imagine being such a neckbeard retard atheist that you can't tell the difference between a history book and a comic book.

Hory sheet the tears of christ cucks literally fuels my erection.
Hey just so you know when you die you don't go to some sky paradise. You rot in the ground like the rest of us

Eh, how the fuck do I know either way?
I wasn't there for any of the shit that supposedly happened. If you were fantastic!
It's pretty easy to discount the existence of Spider-Man, as it was written and created during a time of careful documentation, cameras, etc. and much more recently set in a modern city.

The only alternative is infinite regress.

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The problem with this argument is you can substitute "therefore god exists" with "therefore the big bang exists" and its still valid. I like the ontological argument better because its much more difficult to see why it's wrong. see

You are proof that God exists. No insufferable faggot like yourself should be allowed existence unless an All Mighty Judge would damn you to Eternal Hellfire.

did you cup gods balls to make sure?

It also plays word games with the word “potential” in disingenuous ways. I’ve come up with my own much more brief way to go about it:
This kills the atheist.

>literal argument appears
>no refutation is even attempted

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Wew lad, pretty desperate to circumvent the argument, aintcha?

They can’t. Or rather, the choice to argue results in denying science (which has happened surprisingly often).

Atheists don’t suffer from disbelief of god, they hate him.

So is spider man, I find spiderwebs around all the time

The pic is also adapted to paganism, retard

The "greatest thing ever" could be the pre-bigbang soup of possibilities or something. It isn't well defined.
Aquinas thinks of "cause" in the Aristotelian sense, a logical cause not a material cause.

the Cuckening of Thor, by St. Boniface

>Around the year 723, Boniface was traveling with a small party in the region of Lower Hesse. He knew of a community of heathens near Geismar who, in the middle of winter, would make a human sacrifice (a child, typically) to the thunder-god Thor (yes, THAT Thor) at the base of their sacred oak tree, the “Thunder Oak”. Boniface, in part from advice from a brother bishop, wished to destroy the Thunder Oak to not only save the life of the human sacrifice, but also to show the heathens that he would not be struck down by lightning at the hands of Thor.
>As the story goes, Boniface and his companions, reaching the village on Christmas Eve, arrived at the place of the sacrifice in time enough to interrupt it. With his bishops’ staff (crozier) in hand, Boniface approached the pagan crowd, who had surrounded the base of the Thunder Oak, saying to his group, “Here is the Thunder Oak, and here the cross of Christ shall break the hammer of the false god, Thor.”
With a small child laid out for the sacrifice, the executioner raised his hammer high. But on the downswing, Boniface extended his crozier to block the blow, miraculously breaking the great stone hammer and saving the child’s life.
>Boniface picked up an axe nearby and, as legend has it, took one mighty swing at the oak when a great gust of wind arose through the forest and felled the tree, roots and all. It lie on the forest floor, broken in four pieces. Though afterwards Boniface had a chapel built from the wood, our story takes us to what stood immediately beyond the ruins of the mighty tree.
>And so, the Germans began a new tradition that night, one that stretches to the present day. By bringing a fir into their homes, decorating it with candles and ornaments, and celebrating the birth of a Savior, the Apostle of Germany and his flock gave us what we now know as the Christmas tree
*tips fedora*

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>They can't because the bible is actually a science book!
It's just so much fun to watch you guys.

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I used to be like you. And then I turned 15.

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>"t-t-t-tip y-y-your fedora, EDGELORD!"
Will you EVER come up with a better comeback you assblasted faggot?

I mean, he's not wrong. whenever anyone questions the religion, the followers just quote the book like thats supposed to mean anything.

Sorry to burst your bubble.


uh oh, I think I broke him

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this is my PROOF that God, no, GODDESS exists, Brie Larson, she's Goddess

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Except I obviously wasn’t using the Bible to prove something I just finished saying the Bible didn’t prove, and I actually included a (literal) proof not using the Bible in the same post.

You people sure are desperate to call what you say an "argument"
Really makes me wonder why you're so defensive over your bed time story. Face it, you're all enthusiastic readers that turned your book club into a cult

haha now do Abraham and the promise of Israel to the Jews :^)

If you can’t invalidate one of my premises or the deduction of the conclusions, I’m afraid you must admit the argument is sound.

Oh, yep, you got me. All that copy-pasta changed my mind. I've seen the light.
Praise Allah and his prophet Mohammed.

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FUCK pagaNEETs and FUCK sandniggers

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kys redditfag

If you can't at least try to address the real argument, go be a nigger elsewhere

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Not hearing much of an argument here.

You can play pretend to impress strangers on the internet if you want, but you have no rebuttal to my proof.

I'm 20, sweetie pie
I used to be like you, and then I turned 12. I was a Lutheran in my childhood because my parents indoctrinated me into your petty cult of wizards. When I was old enough to have internet access you can sure as fuck guarantee I saw for the first time ideas that the pedo leaders of my cult didn't teach

He didn't really explain where Spiderman comes from. He described a situation that sounds more like being possessed by a spirit, like Spiderman manifested himself through Stan. I'm pretty sure Spiderman is a demon.


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How do you create something from nothing?


Bye, idiot.

Additionally, much like God, Spiderman was also invented by jews.


>my proof.
Kek. Your arguments consist of "God is real and atheists are dumb"
Maximum kek this the brainpower of cultists

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>everything i dont like is da joo!
Kys schizo faggot

Don't Spiderman comics go in the fiction section?

Sooooooooo which preacher molested you, OP?
Set him out don't act like a little bitch, anyone can do that. you LGBT type aren't edge or original when you LARP Hollywood rhetoric.
Name the religious figure that put his finger in your butthole when you were little.

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Jews never invented God. They experienced the revelation somehow.
Read the bible and embrace Christ.

You literally just proved my claim with this post. You call every word you say an argument, and every word someone else says as a non argument
As I said before, you people getting so defensive over your book is one of the funniest things the internet had graced me with

Oh, I can paste it here for you since you find posts with too many words tedious:

A1a: we live in a causal universe
A1b: every effect has a cause
A2a: if we follow that chain back far enough we reach “the beginning of our universe”
A2b: If an in-universe cause preceded this, it is not “the beginning of our universe”
Therefore our universe began with an external cause;

B1: premise A1 is foundational to discerning truth through science
B2: premise A2 is a tautology.
Therefore arguing against A requires you to argue against the validity of the foundation of using science to discern knowledge.

Have fun

Ah, you're retarded.
Thanks for clearing that up so effectively.

user, calling people names and making jokes literally isn’t an argument. A series of premises and conclusions challenging your perspective is literally an argument.

Go for it:

>ITT: Delusional jewish cult followers mad cause their (((religion))) is just a kike bed time story.

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Pretty sure it never proves god being real op

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Christc*cks BTFO
more refugees

>t. Spiderman

Explain your existence in a few words buddy. ;)

Enjoy your lifeless life.

Also, since apparently you don’t understand arguments, your borrowed “argument in your picture is in the form of
>people you disagree with are wrong
>therefore you are wrong
This is a non-sequitur, but I’m not surprised you found it compelling.

>Therefore our universe began with an external cause;
Or maybe the universe is eternal, eliminating the need for gods entirely.

The problem is that the moment you try to use a supernatural being in a logical syllogism, the syllogism ceases to be logical.

Supernatural beings are all the same. They represent imaginary ideas and they invariably have extraordinary powers. Santa Claus? Fits down a chimney (even where there is no fireplace) and visits every home on the planet on a snow sled (even where it's 120 degrees outside) in the span of only one night (despite the violation of physical laws necessary to accomplish this). Same with the Easter Bunny, demons, leprechauns, angels, mermaids, fairies, gods, werewolves, ghosts, etc. Figments of our imagination all have their own sets of fictitious characteristics, and this is precisely how we know they are fictitious.

And it's always a one way rachet. Give us the name of a prominent scientist who gathers data for decades, can't get the numbers to fit his conclusion, so he invokes a deity to explain the discrepancy. You can't. Give us the name of a mathematician who can't solve his equation, so he adds the "god" factor and now it works. That never never never happens.

On the other hand, theists desperately trying to rationalize their gods happens about 10 threads per hour here on /b/ and Jow Forums. They are literally pretending that their irrational beliefs can somehow be told in a special way that make them rational. So we tease them, we mock them, we provoke them. Lies, deceptions and deliberate misinformation can never be respected in the marketplace of ideas - they have earned whatever scorn and derision we can muster.

I dont have the answer to that because I havent spent decades of my life studying the universe.
But let me ask you this. Let's say in all of human history from now til the end of time, we never figure it out. Lets just say that
So, what makes you think some powerful entity (that apparently hasn't proved he existed in several millennia, conveniently when nobody can actually prove it) exists and created everything? Like, what actually makes you believe that?

>the universe exploded dude from tiny dust particles i got proof because this dude said it and birds were dinosaurs an shiettttt

Not only is an eternal universe a violation of causality, it is also a violation of our ‘owledge of the universes physics and the phenomena of entropy.

As predicted, you deny the validity of science.

All of these are assumptions. Can you actually prove everything you're saying is fact?
Huh.... you cant. Nice

literally anything other than a jewish bed time story.
Explain why there's 100000000000000 different religions? A*ah? G*d? Who was in the wrong here?
>u da false propeth
You are literally being influenced by a tool made to do the job. Feels pretty silly eh? I literally don't care what is the reason I exist but it is everything but an invisible wizzard kike bullshit

Explain why a God is more likey than science we don't know yet

Which one?

The bible is perfect, without the slightest translation error or cultural misinterpretation.

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>A1a: we live in a causal universe
This is your own unfounded statement. The universe doesn't have to be causal.
>A1b: every effect has a cause
Not true. Many things don't matter and have no relative impact.
>A2a: if we follow that chain we reach the beginning
Your own unfounded statement. If every action has a cause, it follows that there is also no end. If there is no end, surely there is no beginning.
This argument (that is not yours, since you did not come up with it) is tired and you refuse to change your mind, so why bother?
Jesus was the first tranny and you're scared to admit it.

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If you deny the universe is causal, you deny the validity of science as a means to discern knowledge, as noted.
The rejection of my premises is incorporated into the conclusion of B.

Try again.

Because think you low iq subhuman, do you really think that our universe just simply appeared. Scientists are abandoning retarded shit like evolution and the big bang, because they actually question it, who created me was it really just simple dust. Even shit like ancient alien theories make more sense then evolution or the big bang.


You should have kept reading, I incorporated your rejection of A1 into the conclusion of B.

You essentially proved my argument sound and my prediction that you would deny the validity of science correct.

>christc*ck calling someone low IQ subhuman

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I am an atheist. I use to be one of these cringey debate me atheist. I still love listening to Christopher Hitchens and Bertrand Russell, but These faggy atheist, the ones that attack Christianity exclusively that don’t have the balls to attack kikes and goat fuckers are either divide and conquer shills or kikes and edgy teens. I put my differences aside awhile ago because the actual threat to the western world is Islam. These faggots keep attacking Christians because they won’t fight back because most of them have been cucked or to cause in fighting.

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wtf old english reads like nigger speak kek

fuck off moshe

believing in *** doesn't mean im a christ cuck, i could be agnostic. I could be a christ cuck too.

The Bible isn't intended to be "proof" God exists. That's just retarded.

b t f o

>the universe is eternal
It doesn't follow that everything came into being from nothing and for no reason. Nor could it have always been in being without beginning. Our finite universe cannot have 'always existed' if that's what you mean by eternal.
Since effects have a cause, the chain of events that began with creation (big bang, etc.) must have had a cause. The 'uncaused cause' or prime mover is the force of creation, seen as God. We, again, live in a finite universe, which implies a force beyond finity (infinite) must have created it.
While we're not really equipped to handle infinity, an autonomous force of divine creation can basically be described as a divine Creator.
Also, God becoming man as Christ is originally translated as logos-sarx, "[God's] word becoming flesh" but more literally is "logic becoming flesh."

tl;dr God (or a force of creation indistinguishable from how we see God) must exist

>think you low iq subhuman, do you really think that our universe just simply appeared
So it's more likey that a God created everything rather than maybe science that we don't know yet?
And you're calling me low IQ?
Yikes man....