Right Wingers should join the education system to subvert it

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Not your personal army,

Sorry kid.

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Pull your kids out of the school system for homeschool and let the damn thing collapse already.

I was in the "education system" for about three months as a teacher's assistant. It was as bad as I remembered it from being a student. Bunch of sadistic liberals intent on breaking kids' spirits. You know what "socializing" is? Do you wonder why it sounds like socialism? Because that's all it is, forcing children to accept their place in "society" as slaves to industry and the government. Any true conservative or right winger would have quit faster than I did. I was there for a college semester and switched out of that program as soon as I could.

This. Teach your kids the truth and make them strong enough to resist liberal bullshit.

>low pay
>female dominated field
>horrendous environment
More interested in just defunding the system than subverting it

you forgot the demoralization of watching your classroom demographicsslowly turn into spics and niggers and watching bright young children spiral into drug use and whoredom

It doesn't work that way. Anyone who doesn't tow the line gets fired. We fucked up when didn't fire anyone who even hinted at the idea of socialism.

The average American would be too dumb to homeschool their child past middle school

>>female dominated field
This is why so many young men are fucked up now. The boys all get taught by women who hate men and spread this sentiment into the classroom. Growing up, I felt extremely angry at the way my male peers were treated and I see the same thing happening in college too.

it is a political tool for our enemies, and is financially hard-wired to be so. The best thing to do is use the internet to destroy it (this is already happening).

>join education system
>get fired

You don't really understand subversion, do you? You appear to fit in, then make subtle changes when you have power, let your own kind in the back door, and take over like an infection. It's not honorable, which is why right-wingers are bad at it.

Way ahead of you.

the system is the way it is because of admin

that's a meaningless non-sequitur. You may as well have said "banana banana banana."

systems usually are the way they are because of who fucking runs them you absolute fucktard. what in fuckall does that have to do with the struggle between American values and degenerative subversives in academia?

your redpills will fall on deaf ears, you'll be teaching in front of a bunch of DACA kids and niggers.


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Way ahead of you OP and I have a Masters degree. Also, my darling and lover is a PHD professor at one of our esteemed Southern/Midwest universities and is very deeply redpilled to America's problems

Every other professor is a fucking foreigner. Why arent you out complaining that Universities are preferentially hiring foreigners (which is illegal) against American workers when we have plenty of PHd holding Americans? Why is nobody out protesting the literal millions of foreign students soaking up your hard earned tax money attending our universities? You faggots act as if this is all the fault of leftists when in reality, the Conservative faction for the past 50 years has been the party of not Conserving a damn thing and sucking corporate cock. The Conservative faction dropped the ball because everyone was so busy getting rich (except for liberals who always complain because they are retarded and socially depraved). To change things we only have to start working the system back to our advantage. We must take back universities for white students, we must stop chinks at all cost since they are foreign subversives who never fit in, we must stop funding nigger education, etc. Work towards these goals and we can push back against degenerate leftists

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Home schooling doesn't work that way. You teach your kid to teach themselves not stand over them all day like a drill instructor. If they need help get a tutor or just use Khan academy or something. If it seems too hard to you, then you're not looking for a solution. If you public school them though, they will sympathize with socialism at the very least.

It's my plan and I'm POC which is even a bigger mindfuck. Fuck LGBTQ, Fuck free speech oppression on campuses, fuck gender issues and third-wave feminism, globalization, and MSM television, media, journalism, etc. They'll get it all in my lectures. The brainlets are going to be filtered and I can care less about them.

Yes they should. How can we expect it to improve otherwise?

Race traitor.

You idiots are still not thinking hard enough about this. Socialism is in the word "national socialism" , you can literally turn the leftist propoganda around on them by using mein kampf to present counter arguments to their retardation. Do not explicitly refer to mein kampf, but we want these arguments to be promulgated through the minds of the masses. Then we can turn the switch sometime in the future and activate our sleeper cells

If you teach in California. I've been to schools all around the map, stop exaggerating. Plus what kind of logic is this? Not like those groups are going to stay in the program all the way through and it's also entirely dependent on the degree. POC won't even touch certain majors. The one's who aren't actually good students that is. (Which is a lot of them sadly)/


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Maybe but they pretty soon they won't even hire white teachers because equity and all that social justice shit. Also not everyone is in favor of an over reaching bloated government. I'm tired of paying for other peoples' kids education but I can't get that money back. I'm just going to take care of my own kids.

stop larping incel faggot

several steps ahead of you, kiddo.

Your mistake= assuming these evangelical extremist anti science boomer retards are pro NAZI. They aren’t. They are the petite bourgeois conservatives that H decries in MK.

they're fucking fat and soft is what they are. give me 5 minutes alone with falwell or trump. i bet they wouldn't put up half the fight even a onions infused faggot like trudeau would.

This is what I'm trying to do but unfortunately I don't think it's possible. Academia is a tight-knit circle and if you do not conform to it, you have zero chances of joining. Even if you do somehow get tenure, none of your colleagues will support you if you say the wrong thing. In fact, they will do whatever they can to bring you down. We need to start right-wing schools. Better yet, we need to teach our children the right values at home. Public school is an indoctrination scheme and private schools are slowly becoming public schools that cost twenty thousand dollars a year.

This is exactly what the left did in the 70s. Those boomers are just starting to retire so it's our time

I just want to go back to the rights I had just before the civil war. Not even religious. H was a good boy but fuck socialism all the same. People used to educate their own children. Now we hand them over to the government to do what they want with them.

them damn yankees all outs to gets me, and i is so smart toos!

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