Why tf do you guys hate jews? They make good bread!!!!
Why tf do you guys hate jews? They make good bread!!!!
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That shit has wheat in it. Gross
ancap is the laughing stock of every serious person alive. leftists and i that hate each other find common ground over hating cuckservatives and ancaps like you.
an hero, nigger
>doing work
Yuk! Rye bread always looks like it has bugs in it. Rye bread is also nasty just like people who eat it tend to be.
Sauerkraut with caraway seeds is best sauerkraut.
daily reminder: bagels, a traditional jewish bread are produced by boiling normal dough in a sodium hydroxide solution.
sodium hydroxide is an extremely corrosive chemical drain cleaner, often used in acid attacks by muslims on the streets of london.
im sure is probably safe in small concentrations, just seems weird.
It's how they put the crust on the pretzel. It's a pretty interesting chemical food process to read about on wikijudea.
I don't hate jews. I'm getting bored of the edgy anti-semitism schtick.
they make good human sausage as well