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also GATE discussion since that was cropping up as usual, but best not to put that in the OP

Its cryonics healthcare right coverage all the way because...
...A tech: Inner cell mass stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from Caesarian section surgery human births. Stem cells are layers in pressured semen sperm cum. People make stem cells from human breast milk and other body. Doctors are using inner cell mass stem cells to resurrect the dead! Proper use of stem cells are eternal youth!





dammit, i have to crash GATEbros... wish i could have gifted and talented my way out of growing up to be a wagecuck

all good bro, sleep tight

keep your eyes peeled for my records thread sometime later this year to see if my teachers were jews

Any new MK ULTRA/NWO stuff to post? I enjoyed talking to that physicist in the last thread, does anyone else here have that kind of academic lean that can add knowledge to these (often schizo) posts?

Not with shit like your pic, but I did have a strange experience when I was about 12 or 13 with a specific toy. I knew I had put it in the storage area, checked multiple times for it, then one day it was actually there in the spot I knew it should be. It has tripped me out to this day. Never had a repeat with anything similar though.

I'm going to bed user. It was a good thread though.

Fuck off


>kind of academic lean that can add knowledge to these (often schizo) posts?
I really tried to bring that to the GATE threads. There's a lot of schizo stuff in there sometimes unfortunately but that manual that I found was from a real school district and was active when I found it. It blew my mind to be sitting there reading it and connecting the dots. The description of "intellectual intensity" being so close to weaponized autism and being in a public school district handbook for GATE was so eerie to me.

I'm sure as a brit not having as much of a jew weaponized education system makes it seem very weird to hear us talking about this, can I ask did you guys have holocaust-related materials in like ALL of your classes? Like did you read/watch fictional holocaust-related books/movies in classes that weren't history-related like English? They made us read Maus and watch Schindlers List school did you guys do shit like that?


I was "forcibly enrolled" in USAF military abuctions. It is some "Stranger Things" shit “da juice“ does to random autists.


Golf incidents are very real. Deadly so. Only at a very anticlimax vibration.
Everwhere on Earth.

>did you guys have holocaust-related materials in like ALL of your classes?

I was actually talking with a German friend not too long ago and he said that this was absolutely the case when he was in school. Meanwhile, complete opposite for me here in the US. In fact there was an extreme lack of exposure to the subject. Guess it depends though? I was in the midwest / bible belt.

>scored 4 points too low to get into gifted classes as a kid
>took that online mensa pattern recognition test and scored 3 points higher than the gifted class cutoff point
phew im glad i missed that bullet. the normies, freaks, and slackers in regular classes taught me all i need to know.

If you look at the time-wave. After 2012 things never become traditional they remain novel. The end of the world is clown world and then piss earth

so what do you think it is OP? some sort of time control machine?

Before 2012 we were ebbing flowing between novelty and tradition on a single timeline. Since 2012 our timeline has drifted to one that will never be the same pre-2012 it will consistently get more bizarre.

Attached: timewave.events.jpg (800x337, 196K)

Anyone savvy to this shit done DMT? I think it is a type of gateway. Talked to the elves? The others? How does this fit in?

its talked about here. Funny enough it talks about people seeing clowns on DMT @ 6:00

Attached: 1555029043839.gif (387x312, 76K)

are we doing the destruction of earth by an asteroid later this month in this timeline, and, if not, can we please

>midwest bible best
>no holohoax brainwashing
>california, jew-owned hellhole
>expansive holohoax brainwashing
really joggin my noggin here, making me think that jews are brainwashing the kids of anyone who lives where they dominate

Here it goes, MKUltra disclosure:

I was gonna reply to your post here too

>Yeah that sounds nice. Occasionally it's hard to tell the JIDF/Glows from the content and it gets annoying having to constantly be on guard for the memetic cancer.
Yeah, to put this in perspective. You know how our enemies are people like "CIA Glownigs", "Soros/Shareblue", "JIDF" all funded by more money than we can imagine?

Well back in the day our enemy was *Tom Green*. Our enemies were the denizens of Habbo Hotel and the goons at something awful. Although ironically things haven't changed in that way, many of the SA Goons that battled this place ended up becoming Deep State pizzaniggers. The guy who got killed at Benghazi was a Goon who played EVE Online, look it up. He's not the only Goon who was fucking around at that "pizza parties at the podestas/clintons" level. The fact that he got killed in that way (covered up) should speak to that.

Now it's "and forgive us our debts" not "forgive us our trespasses".

>"and forgive us our debts"
In Russian, the prayer always looked that way, as long as I can remember. I have been going to an orthodox school since the age of six.

They did that to us leafs. Art from the hocaust in art history, a whole semester of history to the holocaust, holocaust movies in every class, talked about the gas chambers, and nukes in science, read holocaust books in english and creative writing, did WW2 plays in drama. Now that I think about it.

he doesnt understand the difference between the dozens of translations and editions

>Now that I think about it.
Yeah I went back and noticed all those you mentioned. Pretty fucked up isn't it.

MILAB shit? what was that like?