Wearing wet socks censored

Why does Facebook, YouTube, and twitter censor wearing wet socks to bed? Even on Jow Forums it is sometimes censorshiped. Is it because in Russia and Ukraine we do this and we have reduced instances of cancers and diabetes with better skin health?

Is it because of pharmaceutical companies, jewish control of medicine and culture?

Attached: BB40FD70-E77B-429C-B59E-5A692A283229.jpg (320x180, 21K)

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Russia and Ukraine wore foot wraps until the last century. I don't know why you keep larping as western European.

Wouldnt you get trench foot from this?

Censorship has almost entirely wiped out the healthy practise of wearing wet socks to bed, but we must persist in getting the message out there. My family have been doing it for generations

you only get that from trenches you fucking moron

Investing. How do you sleep at night, doesn't it sound like deaf people having sex?

You're still doing the research friend?

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>Why does Facebook, YouTube, and twitter censor wearing wet socks to bed?

Do they really? I've never heard of this

Because it leads to pneumonia due to your feet being cold and you might even die bro

I really hope for your own sake that youre just baiting