This is the daily/weekly/monthly general thread for the topic of discussing White Genocide.
If you have anything to contribute on the greater topic of Genocide in European states and their diaspora nations world-wide: post it here.
I'm usually the OP of these threads {virtually always} but I am seeing no interest.
If you want to hear about it bump the thread now. I'm not going to post anything else besides 1 post by this ID.
Ask and ye shall recieve.
White Genocide General: Low Effort Psyops on Jow Forums Edition
Vertigopolitix launched a new jewtube channel called the last white man. I'm expecting relevant content soon.
I'm surprised people still use youtube.
I only use it for Music and TV Shows from the 1990s era on documentaries about history and military topics. Asides to that I don't do the whole culture of:
>Like comment and subscribe Goyim.
White genocide is because white males have hit an esteem wall and the society is a dump. Since the men feel worthless, society is attempting opression simultaneously, the love of one's people wanes and the drive to mate is supplanted with spite. I will not contribute my child to your enslavement... Is a feeling. I will not endenture myself to a female as you legal system would confer. I will nit allow my child to be mind fucked in compulsory education... Etc... All these have impact on sexual psychology.
Think they put up bitchute mirrors too video won't go away anytime soon.
Holy Christ... I was just digging through the archives.. and I found this.
Shills are shrieking.
>hurdur rainbow lgbt flag = white
You're trying to effect peoples sexual psychology by fanning and treading the lines of fanning psychological and genetic warfare you worthless lefty shill
Yeah I agree with what you're saying.
Tbh you can't say "white genocide" in Europe (at least not In Britain and France) there isn't that much mixing race.
And saying 'white' you're implying that Americans are like north Europeans or at least like Europeans.
fuck off, you Americans need to vanish, you fucking retards.
Rainbow Nazi flag is not a lefty meme.