It's getting dark and desparate, time to become wigger rich or die

So we are dying as a race, it's just a fact; we created the world and we are systematically being btfoed out of the gene pool with calculated jewish propaganda and subversion.

However as skilled as the joos are at deceit; their plan relies on one intrinsic white characteristic that has been a great weak point in the superior genetics of the white race. That is Empathy

If we abandon our morals and white principles and start mass impregnating white thots (no happas you fucking mongrels [at least 95% white]. Acting like we will be there for them ans when they pop out 6 white babies we abandon them and do the same thing to another white chick. We will out nigger the niggers and the jews will have no productive slave race to uphold society and thus a collapse would ensue and racial tensions could lead to genocide/mass exodus of subhumans. Thus accelerating. Not only would these white whores be absolutely miserable, but they would effectively be breeding slaves without knowing it.

The only negative I see is the temporary (couple of decades) potential mass suffering of white children (the only negative). Either way we will outbreed the mudbloods and accelerate into an actual potential race war. All for the small sacrifice of a couple decades of degeneracy and chaos.

Now the only problem I see with this plan is from a cultural optics and pragmatic approach. The top 20% white males of the gene pool are the masters of the earth; they are literally the most attractive to every race. However many of the the middle of the ground white men have been subverted by jewish pro-feminist emasculation. So the white chads would have to pull extra weight by creating at least 100 babies each. This could serve as useful for purifying the white gene pool of literal cucks while strengthening the bloodline.

Sounds unintuitive; but it might work. Tell me if this is a stupid idea faggots.

Attached: black sun.jpg (1200x1658, 727K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice drawing, author?

The white liberals are damning you all down. Kill those fuckers and you're done.
Marc Chagall

White elites that are responsible for the cultivation of Western civilization have better things to do than browse here. You, a lowborn, will certainly cease to be White in the truest sense of the word. But you were always expendable to begin with. The Whites that truly matter and truly did something will always be around. Their immense wealth will insure the continuation of their bloodline against any threat that is to come. RIP in piss to your precious bloodline you fucking dog.

Attached: 1556783823857m.jpg (1024x1024, 109K)

No one’s forcing WASPs to miscegenate yet. If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, maybe try logging off the internets more often.

The age of automation and mechanized soldiers isn't upon us. As much as jewish elites (the "white" elite you speak of) like to think that they are independent of the white race. If the white race collectively disappeared or even worse decided to enact an ethnostate there is no fucking chance in hell that the jews or even "white" elites have a chance at surviving without dying from resource embargos or getting roped in the town square like the degenerates they are. What you say might have merit in 200 years when mass complex systems of argiculture, and gross resource harvesting, production, and manufacturing is possible (with no form of human maintenence).
If you really think that lower- middle class white people will continue to be subdued for that long in the future then you have no comprehension of history and are legitimiately a brainlet.

Short story: eat shit and die, kike.

Attached: brainlet.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Thats where you are wrong kiddo , whithout middle or low class europeans those few elites coudnt have planted the seed of civilization
Send them to africa and lets see what that 10% is able to do
Also the reconquista was atarted by the pleb and the mayoriry that conquered america were not very different too

>We will out nigger the niggers
But then we will become niggers, a white niggers with no principles

No one is forcing, but the wiggers of our race are; and currently the rednecks and other nationalistic above replacement rate whites aren't having enough children to overcome the demographic changes from mass minority immigration/ sexual propogation. So if we can take their strategy and start legit fucking and impregnating as many white chicks as we can. The state will collapse and we will secure our DNA for the future. Not to mention it could potentially lead to a race war if cotton pickers stop getting their white farmed gibs. How is this not a good idea?

If you are decently good looking, intelligent, not a manlet, and can actually get laid; start getting as many white chicks pregnant as you can.

White DNA is too strong for that too last long; White people unlike niggers actually have an intrinsic desire to be productive and benefit society. If you look at every period of white indulgence eras (weimar germany 1920's, late rome, etc.) It is always followed by an enlightenment/rebuilding era that drastically increases innovations and culture. If you look at niggers they have had every chance to save themselves and raise their souls out of the hedonistic empty lives they live. Yet every time they continue to think short term in instant gratification motivation. White's are genetically programmed to think of the future. Mudbloods aren't.

AKA Culture is primarily genetics based; stop being a cuck and impregnate a white thot today.

Attached: white thot.jpg (284x177, 7K)

If only there was a big schism on impregnating white chicks

Attached: 1557160666928.jpg (569x800, 123K)

There is a reason white chicks have always been the most valued breeding stock in history. They are easy to subvert, and control, but they produce the best humans. Our boy hitler had a quite successful experimental eugenics program in the making before they lost france. It is reported that the children were taller than 6'2 on average and had 130+ IQ.
Eugenics works and I say it's about time we start up the program again and give it a good old college try.

Attached: our future.jpg (275x206, 23K)


>natsoc flag
t. jew

I bet my left nut your geolocation is israel or some brown shithole.

Attached: 1526801639197.jpg (700x509, 80K)

A "jew" that advocates non-race mixing, white ethno state and destruction of minority races. My my, these psy ops are getting very sloppy.

P.S. your australian accent isn't purifying your half kike bloodline mr. daviid.

Attached: i wonder.jpg (123x123, 5K)

Definitely jewish, as you cant tell by my blatant race realism and wish to preserve white dna.

Hang yourself from barbed wire, faggot.

Oh Chagall

How wonderful.


Attached: Chagall.jpg (260x194, 10K)

Attached: self-portrait-with-seven-digits-autoportrait-1913.jpg!Portrait.jpg (342x400, 38K)

Completely materialist solution. Nice try, Shlomo. White families are our weapon. Not niggering in white skin.

>If we abandon our morals and white principles and start mass impregnating white thots

Attached: say-no-to-slave-morality_pvcyn1.jpg (307x348, 20K)

Christkikes hate whites and live in fantasy larping

Attached: 183e8fd137fad73173e5c213adeccbd8.jpg (236x354, 12K)

Do you know much about the artist?

hehe it's funny how bad the jewish propaganda of the turn of the early 19th century was. The "post modern" art showing the destruction of the european monuments and a european woman dead at the base of it was so blatant. Yet it was under the guise of surrealist faggotry. His art perfectly describes the situation we fall under which is why I posted it.

Attached: da nose knows.jpg (220x286, 13K)

I love Chagall as it happens. lol

It's whimsical, spiritual and fun

The great love of his wife is ever present in his pieces.

Jews employ pilpul and propaganda.
It would not be the first time a jew worked to subvert a group of people by attaching himself to ideals shared by the group only to distort them and nudge the group to pivot in counter-intuitive positions.

Show your flag.

There's another artist I loved who I saw on the degenerate list - One of his pieces reminds me of a gaunt and limby nietzche

then there are the marvels of modern cinematic experimentation lauded as degenerate

No, sidebuster. You are not speaking with a christcuck. Try another tactic.

hmm and how would increasing white purity of the genepool on mass ever work in the favor of the ancient covetous ones? You Mossad sleeper agents are losing your touch. Keep grasping the shekels as they fall through your fingers.

Kindly show your geolocation.

A lot of Jews are involved in animal rights

do you think that's because of their universal empathy?

>You are not speaking with a christcuck
Gnosticucks /x/ are just another version of Christcucks

Attached: magic the gathering.jpg (259x194, 13K)

I like his art, but still see him as contributing to the moral decay of the white aristocracy by pushing surrealist art over that of traditionalist romanticist art that preceded it. For example this piece is interesting, some might say enchanting or even pretty. However it still plays at the chaos of the mind encouraging disorder and nihilism over that of hope and pragmatism.

Attached: the nightmare.jpg (199x253, 10K)

Attached: Dali.jpg (1280x1210, 567K)

>A lot of Jews are involved in animal rights
You mean herding niggers?

Attached: nigger rider.jpg (236x314, 12K)

I think that's memories of bucolic life in the city?

I don't get it

Puke, that Gnosticuck art. Go to bed Rothschild

Attached: modern art 43.jpg (1507x874, 162K)

>I don't get it
Jews ran the slave trade and the EU invasions of "Euro-Africa" NWO 2040

>memeflag telling us to abandon our race and act like a bunch of money grubbing kikes

I wonder who could be behind this thread...

Attached: 1557214399675.jpg (639x459, 48K)

rapebaby Mediterranean trying to outflex racial purity over a euromutt such as myself.
Good laugh.

You don't appreciate Dali?

How is that possible?

Attached: DaliGala.jpg (575x337, 192K)

We're not brain damaged jews who had a rabbi chew our cocks off.

Who runs the slave trade now?

The Coca Cola company?

If this is your attempt at humour, I fear for your people.

Why are you still talking, jew?

I never said abandon race lil buddy. I said abandon empathetic white culture to preserve white DNA (no race mixing). Culture can be reclaimed; white dna on the other hand. Once mixed forever tainted.

Attached: okey retard.jpg (224x224, 8K)

Because I'm wondering why Mossad are so dumb

Kindly show your geolocation. It's as easy as a press of a button.

I enjoy fucking with you too much to have you pull out your 50 IQ ameri-mutt graphics.

>You don't appreciate Dali?
That Jewish mom.
That claymation art.
That subverted Idealism color scheme.


>Who runs the slave trade now?
>The Coca Cola company?
Jewish Cola just poisons are kidneys, but the slave trade is inbred now with niggers.

Attached: hitler heaven idealism.png (639x800, 235K)

But i'll be a good goy, because I like you.

40% of american white women are obese

Idealism is purely metaphysical

your argument is redundant

Go read some Plato half wit

>live in fantasy larping
>quoting GoT

The absolute state of antichristians

Attached: lol.jpg (208x242, 7K)


Yeah it would work if it made us as dumb as the shitskins we’re trying to stop. Thats the only reason we’re dying off. We’re too smart to think it’s a good idea to get women pregnant anymore in a post feminist world. So yeah let’s just become niggers and defeat the purpose of all this in the first place

>Idealism is purely metaphysical
(((Meta))) physical is a stupid Christcuck larp to Jew down natural philosophy. It's meaningless escapism, like your shitty absurdist art.
Idealism is the ideal in nature, human settings, and photography. The idealized real.

You don't know art, Rothschild.

Attached: Dali.jpg (474x266, 14K)

I think you will find it's is old as Hylozoism

Ideal IDEA it's in the name

Go look up Plato's forms dingbat

>The absolute state of antichristians
I dont worship books, larper

>Go read some Plato
Doesn't know about Platonic forms and the ideal.
Kill yourself gnostic Rothschild

Attached: bible round.jpg (604x523, 57K)

Then you figure it out on your own.

>Ideal IDEA it's in the name
>Go look up Plato's forms dingbat
Do I really have to give you a freshman college course on Forms, Rothschild?

The ideal is the shadow of the real, and the forms were real to Plato, the perfection.

Attached: judas.jpg (480x360, 36K)

Hardly a Shadow when it precedes creation

Brother, genetics of whites cannot be destroyed through a destruction of culture. Our intelligence and perserverence has shined through many trials and periods of degeneracy, idols, and hopelessness. We have higher IQ and and excel at inventing and creative pursuits. That won't be washed away because of 20-50 years of white whoredom to battle changing demographics. Look at every non biased racial study on the planet. No matter the circumstances white people succeed in almost every environment.

Attached: deus vult.jpg (275x183, 14K)

No. Out of bullets? Throw the gun, Shlomo.

>Hardly a Shadow when it precedes creation
Holy fuck, what is Plato's cave moron?

Attached: npc plato pepe.jpg (902x789, 381K)

What is Fibonacci Kid?

>What is Fibonacci Kid?
A bastardized Euclid who made ((Banking))) easier?

Attached: 50 cent.gif (350x197, 2.85M)

>thinks race is all that matters
If you go around making a bunch of single mothers, all you're going to create is chav scum on benefits. The worst whites come from broken homes and they lack any sense of culture or respect. Then those kids grow up to do exactly the same.

Trust me, my town was built to house people after the war. It was filled with the very first wave of single mothers in council houses. Five or six generations later, this town is an absolute shithole filled with degenerate scum. You can't fix that once you've let it happen, you just start a snowball that turns entire populations bad.

>White elites that are responsible for the cultivation of Western civilization have better things to do than browse here.
They're busy sucking the dicks of their Jewish masters.

This artwork is really affecting me for some reason. I can't stop looking at it. It suggests such emptiness. Layer upon layer of deep emptiness, each successive layer deeper and darker than the last. I feel like I am on the precipice of nothing at all.

you are ignoring IQ differences between blacks and whites. You cultural marxists really believe with all of your dicklet might that environment is the sole reasoning for minorities never accomplishing anything or creating any type of civilization.

It's nothing to do with blacks and whites, fucktard. We're talking just whites here, and flooding the population with a bunch of low IQ chav scum isn't going to fix the problem. I'm not a cultural marxist either, cunt.

I understand brother, I felt the same way; when I first found this picture. I remember it was around
4 months ago when I was looking up old forgotten artists to report on for my art history final. I sat looking at this picture for at least 30 minutes. At first it was just because I admired the creative artistic techniques used to create such interesting emotive strokes of black on the canvas. Also while having a really good use of negative space to accentuate the relatively baren painting. Then I started to dive into it, deeper and deeper almost as in a trance. Eventually I got to the point where I was kind of in a tantric state slowly losing graso of what the fuck I was looking at. It is really a "deep emptiness" as you describe.

I eventually kept falling into the pit until I realized that this precipice is our future. Enless we have the will to fight it. I literally became a white nationalist a month later.

Attached: wow this is fucked help me.jpg (227x222, 17K)

It has everything to do with black and whites you rapefugee. The lowest IQ whites are literally a head and a half smarter than the average black person.

Attached: IQ-Distribution.jpg (1303x859, 527K)

I'm whiter than you, memeflag cunt, and I know what it's like to live in a town with a high population of chav scum. It doesn't matter one fucking lick if you replace all the blacks with a bunch of benefit scrounging white pests, things won't improve just because they're white.

how is that muslim cock tasting retard? All jokes aside I love it when 90 IQ somalians steal their neighbors laptop to shitpost on Jow Forums and say they are white. It is so predictable, yet always funny.

>how is that muslim cock tasting retard?
No idea, I wouldn't want to take your dinner from you, spastic cunt.

low effort insult, very reflective of your verbal intelligence. Now tell me; do you just watch as a nigerian refugee fucks your 6/10 gf or do you also participate in the great cuckening?

Says the mongoloid that thinks shitty memes are good insults. Go walk off a building, you waste of flesh.

ayy lmao you are taking this banter too seriously bro; if you are actually white ( not a mixed degenerate) then I wish you luck in taking back your homeland.

Lrn2whigger fgt pls
this is not a difficult concept

>White elites
Lrn2élites fgt pls

>I bet
there is no wagering at Jow Forums, Grandpa

found the childlike idealist ...
Grow The Fuck Up, Tommy

>our morals
What do you mean by "our", Peasant?