Say something nice to the EUSSR Jow Forums

Merkels Christian Conservative party is now calling for open borders for outsiders but strong borders for the people within. Literally GDR / Stasi propaganda.

>Open borders to (get) inside
>Saved borders to (get) outside
>For Germanys future.
>Our Europe offers freedom and safety.

Say something nice to Stasi Officer Merkel Jow Forums!

Attached: cdu_plakat.jpg (700x391, 159K)

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It's so ironic how her party is the CHRISTIAN Democratic Union.

What are "saved borders"?

As a Saxon man myself, I disprove of this, young Halisdemir.

I believe quite firmly, that conquest through tolerance works for a while, but tends to get you torpedoed from the plane of the living eventually.

Enjoy your Samsungs and grant money in the meanwhile, though, live it up!

WTF it's real.

Attached: zdu.jpg (608x694, 117K)

proxyfag detected, that is not what it says
>open borders inwardly
>secure borders outwardly
cdu now tries populist slogans to slow their crashing support

sichere is clearly scissors, though.

That would be "sichere Grenzen VON aussen".

'nach außen' means towards the outside, as in secure EU borders
you are really grabbing at straws mate

Your German is really good! Why not work in Duitsland, wouldn't the pay be better?

I know what they probably meant, It's not what it says though.

Why do you care about their politics if you're clearly not fucking German?

money is not everything, and I could ask them same, what the hell are you still doing in South Africa?
cdu can print anything on their campaign posters, it will always say "Wir schaffen das!"
anybody still supporting cdu is completely devoid of reality

Well, long ago, it all started in Leipzig, on a sunny day in 1714, Hans (Literally), dumb cunt, thought it would be a fucking killer idea to go see Africa, the rest is history.

Grüsse aus Leipzig, vriend.

Greetings from planet nigger.

I hope she and her bureaucrat elite like carbombs targetting themselves and their families, because that's what this little EUSSR-replacement project is going to lead to.

not a proxyfag you nigger shizo
your land is rightful clay of the greater german solution anyway

Attached: shizosBTFO.jpg (2304x1728, 1.17M)

I'm sure they meant well, Jan.

Secured borders

Lose weight, son. I used to be overweight also, not anymore, feels 1000 times better, go visit Jow Forums every once in a while, good motivation.

The sign says open internal borders secure external borders. It means no restrictions on movement in the EU, but active border security the EU's borders.

Ever consider Namibia (Old South West Africa)?

It's very German, and Swakopmund is really comfy and white.

This country is garbage I want to be an American and experience freedom. Fuck Germany.

Ahahahahah. You need to lurk moar.

kek, let's not piss on his parade.

1864 nigger

2019 nigger.

Attached: Germany-migrant-crisis-710197.jpg (590x350, 58K)

This is why I want to be American.

Please tell me Leipzig is OK?

There are ten times more non-whites in the US, you obtuse kraut. The US is a million times more kiked up than Krautland.

Yeah well we have less of it every year. Don't take Deutschland for granted fren, this country is going down the shitter.

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If I would have told my dad that Germany would one day look like Johannesburg central, he would have laughed at me.

Shits only getting worse over her buddy. I think soon the violence will pour out on to the streets.

lmao y'all gon go extinct

Yeah, never underestimate the self-destructive power of christcucks.

I fucking wish it would but the goyim are retarded and pacified while being replaced at record numbers. We have ~10 years to currency collapse and we'll be less than 50% white by that point.

You think the kikes will stop with us? You'll be next. Shouldn't be too long before the first pride parade in Istanbul.

I hoping every day. It's gonna be a wake up call for a lot of Europeans. Big redpill.

Besides that, I'm hoping to see some nice streams of niggers getting blasted to shit by white American patriots, kek.

They clearly not want a white european diaspora.
It's Kalergi plan in its final stage.
In Spain they're spreading small refugee shelters and openly say they need to enforce "mixing" campaigns so they integrate better. They spread those shelters in small numbers of refugees but they put one in every small town or rural area so people have nowhere to run to.
Now Germany wants to close borders for the same reason, that's why people mock "ethnostates". They don't want white people to exist and have functional civilizations where working and middle classes are left free to thrive. That's exclusive to the elites.

You'll never take me alive you fucking communist zionist bolshevik EU scum

The iron curtain merely relocated.

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There's a big crash coming. It will make 2008 look like a fairytale. It's happening within 2 years, maybe even 1 year.

The dollar and most other big currencies will fall along with it.

Attached: crash incoming.png (632x460, 25K)

As I always say, it's not the end of the world, my family has been in Africa, for over 300 years now, I'm blonde, blue eyes, so is my mother, my sister etc, my cousins etc.

Why? Because we're not degenerates, and we have certain values. I'm sure the Germans will be fine.

>secure borders outwardly
I don't see them.

We were also immigrants, burger, of course when our people arrived there was nothing there though, that's a big difference, I guess.

Leipzig is fine, too many lefties though and a growing refugee crime rate. All the older ppl are redpilled.

Attached: fullsize_MD_Johanniskirche2_02.jpg (840x420, 31K)

True, but it's the end of the free world, with open, peaceful and fair societies. You live in tiny secluded areas in SA, if I'm not mistaking? At least that's what it looks like from all the SA docus I've watched. Not a future I look forward to.

Denmark is still pretty based and mostly white. But let's see how long that lasts.. They'll find a way to fuck us up too. And when there's niggers everywhere, I'll just go viking on them. Got nothing to lose.

The east will rise again

>I'm sure they meant well, Jan.
I’ve thought about this a lot, to try and understand what the reasoning is and I’ve come up with two possibilities which are most likely the case.
>Option 1: They’re an elitist bunch of cocksuckers that have spend too much time huffing the fumes of their own shits, this means that all of their machinations will “benefit” their nations. Basically means that they’re incompetent buffoons that have gotten where they are because the system is broken and the nepotist have assumed control
>Option 2: They are a malignant nepotist and cancerous bunch, only in it for the power and the only way to keep their presumed power is to accelerate the forming of their bureaucratic dictatorship.
In either case, the system is broken and even a fucking revolution where these fools were to be guillotined would be better at this point.

Yes, it's pretty eerie to see Europe slowly become South Africa. Some very clever South Africans were giving warnings to you all, but were ridiculed as vile racists over the years.

I foresee places like Orania popping up in Europe when we're a bit older, they'll get hammered by the media constantly, though, that's for sure.

Can you elaborate on that for us non-Krauts? Is it polls and for what?

Could be more fit, I gave up workout when my skin got fissures all around bizeps and trizeps. Not overweight however.
Come home, Hermann. We need everyone, pic related.

Attached: hermann.jpg (1920x1278, 92K)

There is actually a German man who lives in Orania, I believe, doesn't speak a word of English, just arrived one day, must have snapped.

That soon eh? The sooner the better, but I don't think our satanic overlords have finished positioning themselves

Funny how "diversity" turns a country into absolute hellish shit and (((tv))) never stops telling us how wonderful and necessary it is.

Yep, I remember seeing an interview with some based South African leader of some sort. It was from the 70s or early 80s.

But what can you really say.. Don't people deserve what's coming when they don't want to listen? I mean, I care.. But I don't care as much as I used to. People kind of deserve their own misery. Only 20% of Denmark is based.. Think about that.. So many problems with these insects, and yet, only 20% of the population gets it. Sometimes I wonder if they put some happy-dappy chemicals in the tap water.

Polls for the Landtagswahl of Saxony, this September where the right party AfD might become largest party.

lol, I wouldn't be able to get into Germany if I tried, friend, maybe for a short visit after 500 security interviews.

I once asked about my Leipzig heritage on Jow ForumsGermany, I was told to fuck off, that Germany wasn't a country back then, I asked if a Turk in Germany is more German than me, I was told yes, and that I was racist, and I got banned. So my experience with modern Germany isn't pleasant.

Just slap some coco butter on it. I got some on my ass that looked like tiger stripes and they went away eventually. Being a beef fortress is worth it.

I approve.

damn that got ratioed hard. Recently saw a sign on the street with "fuck csu" on it. I think I understand the sentiment now.
Also saw a job application ad with "Mitarbeiter (w/m/d)" on it, the trans people are coming. I don't like a future where I have to pretend mentally ill people can invent their new gender. I just want to get off this ride.

lol, that's just how people is, man. The Afrikaner boomers here all react with "They're getting what they deserve" when I tell them about Europe and mass invasions.

Those boomers had to live through years of Europe chimping and screaming at them being racists for having Apartheid, and all cheered and danced when Apartheid finally died. So I can imagine they're very bitter about that.

I'm not though, I understand your frustration, it's the same sort of thing our Boomers lived through, must drive you fucking crazy.

Nice. Good to hear. Hope it spreads to your general election too.

They do, shortly after 2003. There were global protests against the Iraq war, and suddenly it stopped and nobody cared anymore.


Yeah, it is driving me nuts to be honest. I'm just happy that Denmark is still the most based and white country in probably all of Western Europe. That's always something. And it actually looks like the tides are turning for the better. But I don't get my hopes too high, cause it can change in an instant.

Just wait.. Next trick they'll use is "climate refugees".. "B-but they're staaarving. H-how can you be so m-mean!!??"..

Have you ever seen this report?

Final report of relocation of migrants.. Look at the table on the left side. Check the numbers.. That's how many people they plan to flood us with.. That's not what they're saying, but if you read between the lines, it's not really that hard to figure out. Why else would it be in a refugee relocation report..

Well, the most based and white country that's been exposed to multiculti bullshit. We of course got nothing on the Czech Rep. etc.

I only drink bottled sparkle water. Probably getting a lot of shitty plastic chemicals, but it's better than tap water.

Even if you assume all the global warming shit is real, how is Denmark responsible for it when it's like the greenest place on Earth and contributes almost nothing to pollution ? If Africa starves it's because they all have 10 nigglet babies and breed like rabbits. Also why are Danes like 100 times more based than Swedes ? I just don't find a justification for it.

Turn Germany into a prison state basically? Kek
Literal roach motel. Roaches check in but can't check out. Bizzaro world

Exactly. And then you have all the Libshits whining about the climate and that the government should do more and more and more.. It's all so fucking tiresome. They're focusing on the wrong issues. In fact, they're focusing on non-issues.. And when you then mention India and China etc. and how much they pollute, they call you an evil racist, haha.

One of my great comforts here in life is knowing that these Libshits will dread and hate their own utopia (nightmare). That's always something. I'll be the first to laugh my butt off right up their faces when they realize what they've done.

Are you serious? There are literal jihadists no questions asked in here. Just say you're gay or something. And even IF you can't stay, they don't deport anyone lol.
There was a Bundeswehr soldier once who snapped and acted as a rapefugee to carry out an attack. He even successfully applied for asylum the madman.
Thanks fren
There is estrogen in our tap water, never drink tap water in Germany
>sparkle water
based, but are there no glass bottles in Denmark?

Attached: 530px-Otto_Albert_Koch_Varusschlacht_1909.jpg (530x742, 163K)

You must be very careful about this climate change thing, it's going to be used as a justification for replacement. I feel like a fucking loonie for typing this but it makes a lot of sense, I'd do the same.

kek, nah I'd get bounced the fuck out of there in an instant, priority mail. Any white South African claiming asylum anywhere is priority rejected, happens everywhere, Sweden, Canada etc, doubt Germany would be any different.

Regardin Denmark's basedness. Good question. But I think it comes down to a lot of things.

1. We had an empire, and now we're a disgruntled people living in a tiny country. We don't want to lose the last bit of land we have.

2. We have a very strong constitution that protects the freedom of speech to a great extent - as you've probably seen, we can burn qurans in the streets. Free speech makes people think a lot more. When it's limited, people become Libshits cause their ideas and the mainstream bullshit isn't being challenged.

3. Mogens Glistrup - a true prophet. He started talking about Muzzies already in the early 70s, before they were even a thing here almost. There were literally less than 1,000 Muzzies in Denmark when he started talking about bulldozing them over the border to Germany, kek. He redpilled a lot of boomers, and they're racist to this day.

4. Feminism isn't really a thing in Denmark because our boomers didn't jump on that bandwagon back in the 60s and 70s. Well, there are few, and they also did it a little bit back then, but nothing like the other countries. Most Danish women also tend to dress modestly.

5. We kicked out a lot of kikes in WW2. Sweden got them, haha. Remember, we collaborated with Germany.

Probably more reasons than that, but that's what I could think of for now.

You will see, it happened here as well, when stuff gets truly bad, the libshits are the first fucking ones on the planes out.

When it happens, on your off days, take a sign to the airport with "We told you so." with an old South African flag next to it, you'd be doing thousands of murdered farmers justice.

Yes it will be and is already the scapegoat for all kinds of jewry
Yeah but you still will be able to stay here, I think you don't understand the seriousness of the situation here: nobody gets deported, zero.

Attached: Tempslast16000yrsGreenland.jpg (834x484, 77K)

Germany ...

I actually have a year left on my studies, I study remotely, I should actually try this as an experiment for kicks, and document it.

Water on glass bottles is very expensive. They only come in 0.25 liter bottles, and just one of them will run you the equivalent of 25 Eurocents or so. Plus it's going to be a mess with all the bottles. I would need to drink 20-25 on a hot summer day.

Yep, I know. It sounds like some kooky shit, but we all know it's true. I'm seriously expecting to read in the news about 3-400 million Africans heading for Europe any day.. It'll happen.

Wouldn't fucking surprise me the least bit.

>When it happens, on your off days, take a sign to the airport with "We told you so." with an old South African flag next to it, you'd be doing thousands of murdered farmers justice.

I'll have that in mind, kek.

>when stuff gets truly bad, the libshits are the first fucking ones on the planes out

Same shit here, man. Shitlibs vote to ruin their state and then leave like locusts to some state they once considered below them and vote to ruin it too, while acting like complete shitheads.

Get a reverse osmosis filter or a distiller. Plastic bottles are just as bad as whatever tranny shit they're putting in the water.

Any indicators that you're using for the 1-2 year timeline for the economic shoah?

Attached: thumbs.jpg (621x380, 88K)

Godspeed, Northern Netherlands

>Any indicators that you're using for the 1-2 year timeline for the economic shoah?

Well, the graph speaks for itself. It's gonna crash harder than Bitcoin. Notice how it's mooning these days.. That's the last rally before the big crash. It's always like that.

Attached: Emocional-cycle-2-Web.jpg (768x624, 132K)

Hehe. It's actually crazy how similar the Danes and Dutch are.

>former empires
>same size countries today
>weird languages that people always confuse with each other

Dew it kek

Damn, we have 0.7L bottles here, see pic. Of course it's a tad more expensive but worth it imho

Dunno if it's intentional, (((officiallly))) the estrogen in our water is residue of the birth control pill. Not drinking that shit, I'm drinking sparkly water out of glass bottles, see pic

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>fuck csu
These stickers are plastered by Antifa, not by right-wingers.
Antifa wants even more niggers and less control of borders than CSU.

>>Open borders to (get) inside
>>Saved borders to (get) outside

Pls tell me you're just bad in english

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Kek, marxist-leninist party actually wants to legalize terrorist orgs. Die Linke was caught removing AFD posters as well. There is virtually none out on the streets.

Attached: img_0181.jpg (334x354, 19K)

Removing posters is highly fucking inappropriate and illegal when we're talking about Democracy, holy fucking shit that's firing squad levels of bullshit.

Better than "do what we say or we'll send you all to your deaths again"

Attached: Plakataktion-Volksbund-mit-EBD-Logo.jpg (1684x1191, 693K)

How the fuck haven’t the people that started 2 world wars not rebelled against this shit? How come I don’t see “50 Muslims gunned down in Germany” every week? The German race has lost its stamina

I am

Attached: aryan-anglo.png (500x500, 480K)

Your translation sucks Ronny

It's open borders within the Union and save outside borders

Brainwashing and a lot of jewish-marxist subversion. Oh and American occupation, we still don't get to have a constitution.

Translation sucks but you're twisting the meaning Mehmet

Things are different these days, everyone is looking down at their phones, not up at the world around them.

By the time racial quotas kick in, and you go "What the fuck do you mean I have to be "previously disadvantaged" to get the job?" it's all over for you.

All their alpha males died in WW2. That's probably the greatest part of the problem.