Did the world really end on December 21, 2012?

Was there a timeline change on this date? Was this the true beginning of Clown World?

On December 14th, 2012 Sandy Hook "happened". What actually happened was a false flag, but more specifically a human child sacrifice to Satan/Moloch that the elite kikes needed in order to create a dimensional shift. A special glownigger operative at the behest of the Jews carried out the killings. A week later, on December 21, 2012, Steven Mnuchin, a Jew and a type of interdimensional being turned exactly 50 years old. If you look carefully you will find that Mnuchin has quite a "tick", a result of not being comfortable in his "human" body.

9/11 was the first human sacrifice required by these interdimensional beings, and Mnuchin was the Executive Vice President of (((Goldman Sachs))) at the time, one of the most evil institutions in the world today. He left shortly after. He is now the Secretary of the Treasury of the most powerful country in the world and the most Zionist one outside of Israel.

We do not live in the same universe before these events happened and Mnuchin is a high level demon kike that was sent in order to handle the proper shifting of timelines. The old world really did end on 12/21/2012 and now we live in Clown World.

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No but it should

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good thread but i just came here to say


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i hope so. there would be a strange comfort in knowing this is actually hell

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>Was there a timeline change on this date? Was this the true beginning of Clown World?
It was probably earlier, maybe 2008 in my life. October 31st was the day though in 2012 I began to realize. I digress. Halloween that year.

>October 31st was the day though in 2012 I began to realize
What happened on this day?

Long story, and not a simple one. I digress, but I suppose I can tell it if you have an hear bartender, so I can spill my soul. A story we all know too well in parts. I'm not angry about it, but it told me something I didn't accept before. I had to face we are broken beyond help, only a spiritual thing can help us.

go for it

I'll try. It'll take me awhile.

Based, but don’t forget the most important part.

󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 trannies

nice digits desu

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Well, I started at a door-to door business, specializing in 'energy contracts' after getting tired of a cabinet business (carpentry, shot a nail gun through my fingers at least 3 times, it heals surprisingly quickly) that early January. The boss was a former contractor that went to Afganistan twice as private military. Pretty cool guy, except for his tendacy to over read minds. He was right most times at least partially, but sometimes just a faggot. He'd give 2 hour speeches every morning to hype us up, gave us food from his step dad's (His wife's father) business nearly everyday. His step dad refused to hire my as a teen, and hired my physchotic former 'friend' ( a molester, I knew he was bad news. It is what it is, I paid their water bill after he was arrested). This was in a city 20 miles away and separated city 10 years. Cont.(And yes this is all true, I'm just starting)

Anyway, he was a felon at the time (I didn't know) and was bared from being hired by company rules, but got hired anyway. He was naturally good at the job, knocking doors and talking to people. I wasn't. Took me two months, (I eventually became the 3rd best person at sales there). Anyway, he became the hiring manager quickly, and hired a woman that he said I should pay attention and maybe hit on.....

I remember the moment I went up to her and asked her if she took her religion seriously. She had two crosses around her neck. But was a curser and had intensity of spirit. I wondered why she would wear 2 necklaces at he same time. A bit of backstory on her, she was raised by a single mother (like me) but also spent a year in foster care ( Her father left, and her mother sold hard drugs), then the end of her HS years living with a friend that took her in.

OP I think you're onto something. I was 15 that day and some friends and I threw an end of the world party on my buddy's land. Soon as midnight hit, nothing was the same. Looking at Trump and along with the way shit has been going worldwide, there has been a massive change, so thank you for this thread. Anyone else feel this way?

I turned 21 on dec 21th 2012.

I am the end

Whatever, slowly we began to have interest in each other. I think she liked me because she has a soft heart, like me. She once told me about this song. It was a battle though, over a course of a year to get each other's attention. She once became so frustrated that she pulled out her boobs under her shirt from her bra, at work and shook them at me and shamed me after I told another man to write her a love letter.I think I'll finish it up next post.

I wonder what the significance is behind that week between Sandy Hook and December 21st. There has to be some occult explanation for it.

Fuck jannies.
Based and interdimensionally zogpilled

reading keep going

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I just remember not being myself that day. This is gonna sound cringrey as fuck, but I kinda blacked out and at the party, they started playing "Clique" by Ye back when he was on that demonic shit and I just held up the triangle and got entranced while watching the bonfire for what felt like hours. Weird stuff user.

Basically, she quit the job over it. I then recruited her to a new job in a similar line of work. She was often sarcastic with me in nearly every occasion, but once told me at the front door that she was only there for me, and how excited she was to be there on her first day. I got permison to run my own operations, and of course I chose her. We fucked off the entire day (as we always did when together) and had lunch at a Mexican grill/bar. This naturally turned into sexual things. The problem was that after I told her a story about how my parents marriage was broken up by a hurt faggot, she move 1000 miles away. End of story. It ended before it begain, and as soon as it got real. We then shitposted each other for a year. I think she's called me as a Chinese person, but it's been awhile. It came to a head on Halloween.

>I told her a story about how my parents marriage was broken up by a hurt faggot,
That is, a former lover that was hurt by a whore. He came back around and moved to California after he dtivorce was finalized. It bohers me, because I remeber being at his house as a child, next to a river.

I was expecting spaghetti pockets at the end there. Anyway, why did she wear two necklaces?

>Anyway, why did she wear two necklaces?
Idk, tried to figure it out. My guess is that she had an abortion in college and didn't like it. She had one post of herself as maybe 2 months pregnant and smiling. I think the father of that child is dead from drugs.

Did she convert to Christianity? So she left you on Halloween after you told her about your parent's marriage and that was it?

A bit earlier than that

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>Did she convert to Christianity? So she left you on Halloween after you told her about your parent's marriage and that was it?
She was a Christian beforehand. Obviously, people will debate those things by actions. She had a rent-to-own house she went in with some people,stupidly, and her money went dry. I remember her calling cousins to pay her rent at another dinner we had together. It seemed like she wanted to stay here. Seperation didn't do us favors though. It devoled into retardation. The retardation became twice as real.

>the french revolution was the first human sacrifice required by these trans-dimensional beings

Fixed for accuracy.

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>So she left you on Halloween after you told her about your parent's marriage and that was it?
No, maybe a month later. It struck me that there was a possibility of her mimicking a story I told her. Not sure if that's true though.

But what was it that happened on Halloween exactly which made you believe you were living in clown world?

Basically, I have3 Geswhind Syndrome perhaps. It all came to a head, and we prophesied our mutual love. Then it all ended, abruptly. I refused to talk to her in her exile, and she kept talking to me. It was a brutal thing, I think, on both of us. That breech is nearly irreparable. I felt that I had to hate her to move on. Dumb.

this is one of the more creative conspiritard threads.

I think it was a confluence of factors. While the authorities lying to the public is nothing new, their ability to create solid, believable narratives has been weakened by the Internet and the degradation of the media. Couple that with the fact that the shock value of news has to compete with increasingly realistic entertainment and you see diminishing returns from false flags and other big 9/11 style events. People have no idea what’s true and what’s false and they’re not even seeing it as a problem. Clown World is nothing to fear — people will likely grow bored with the show and refocus on tangible experiences that they can engage with first-hand. It’ll be wacky for a while, though — the media won’t just go out with a whimper.

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>this is one of the more creative conspiritard threads.
Truth is stranger than fiction.

>people will likely grow bored with the show and refocus on tangible experiences that they can engage with first-hand
I'm not so optimistic. I think what we're seeing is a descent into true, pure nihilism.

>I'm not so optimistic. I think what we're seeing is a descent into true, pure nihilism.
I hope not, but I know you're right. I will still carry hope across the finish line. Farther along, we'll understand all about I.

Sure, but it can only go in one direction for so long before something rises from the ashes. Anyway, I don’t think things are particularly crazier than they used to be, I think our ability to notice the craziness is increased and the ability of the controllers to wallpaper over the cracks is decreasing. Thus CW emerges into full view

Too many wamen in media.

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But if we look at 1950's America or the Belle Epoque in Europe through the same lens we find that society wasn't as insane or as evil as it is today. I don't think it's just a perception thing. We can point to tangible, objective things and conclude that we are living in peak clown world right now.

Perhaps if you limit yourself to a subset of say, 50’s America, based on a postwar boom. There’s still incredible optimism in China, low crime and cultural preservation in Japan, cultures working together for peace via the Vipassana boom, and less trust in what comes through our screens from the Deep State programmers. Plenty of good movement these days. A resolution to Clown World will take some time yet, but no need to lose hope.

Name a time when things were more honked than right now. Japan has serious issues with overwork, depression, nihilism, and suicide btw. And I only need to point you to the nearest China Hate Thread to address that country. How are you not honkpilled yet, user? There's no way out of clown world.

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I've been saying for years that the world really did end in 2012 and we've been living in hell ever since.

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I see your purpose for being here, and I urge you to seek a path of benefit for everyone, friend

People say that the end of the world in 2012 was bullshit, but did anyone actually feel alive after that year?

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The more at peace you become the more at peace everything becomes

Zen or Vipassana are good starting points but you’ll need to DYOR as always. Be brave! Take heart!

If Mnuchin is an interdimensional being, as you claim, then him turning >exactly 50 years old
wouldn't mean anything in earth years.

The problem is I recognize that an objective reality actually exists. You advocate for changing my perception so that I'm okay with clown world. That doesn't actually fix clown world, that just bluepills me in a sense. Meditation is not going to purge the kikes, niggers, leftists, roasties, shitskins, and trannies. Meditation is not going to prevent white genocide.

Okay! Best of luck

Why go through all the trouble of sandy hook when they could get x kids from any undisclosed country or even USA considerably more quietly.

My guess would be because they needed the global consciousness to be aware of the offering.

real shift was the launch of the xbox360

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