You are screwed Europe

Europeans family's only average 1.5 kids per family.

Muslim family's in Europe average 9 kids per family.

When you are the minority you are the lamb. When you are the majority you are the lion.

You will be outbred and then conquered. It is inevitable. You have completely screwed yourself.

Wake up America before the same thing happens.

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what's worse being overrun by Muslims and Africans or Hispanics?

>9 kids per family
what alternate reality are you living in LMAO

Assimilate or die.

One where dumb fucking shills like you exist. Maybe you have heard of it, it's called reality.

That's the brith rate in Sub Saharan Africa not European Muslims. Hell not even Middle Eastern or North African Muslims.

you're an aspie retard
2nd gen muslim immigrants are being westernized faster than ever before, neoliberalism does this, brainlet
if you think social decadence is only applicable to the 'white' man then you have sub 80 iq

pic related
if they breed less in their socially conservative countries how could they have 9 kids average in western shitholes

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It will even out, trust me...

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>When you are the minority you are the lamb. When you are the majority you are the lion.
sounds like something a loser would say
also it's plain stupid as mostly majority of sheeps get fucked by minority of wolves

I will keep saying in every thread like this, due to the ridiculously decadent and perverse nature of today's West, Mohamedans are getting corrupted way faster than ANYONE would ever admit, there will NEVER be a European caliphate

Just put them into re-education camps. It's simple.

>if they breed less in their poor countries how could they have 9 kids when they get welfare benefits?? lmao???
War by the womb. It's called Hirjah and they are ordered to do so by their imans and their religion.

Attached: Understanding the Islamic attack pattern.jpg (5000x3200, 2.97M)


Being flooded with memeflag Pajeets

>while there could be renewed movement towards assimilation and the melting pot—and one can point to myriad examples in the United States and Western Europe where this is happening almost despite the prevailing cultural winds—for now at least the strongest winds are pushing in the opposite direction.

It's all terrible.

Just look all those "Syrian refugees", they fled to western countries solely for the reason to get money and benefits, while it's true they are violent now, but because that money is giving them everything they would ever wish for, in merely 1 or 2 generations they will get extremely degenerated, just look at France, Eurovision was won by a Bilal Hassani, a homosexual from a morrocan mohamedan family. Unlessbdrastic measures are taken, this is the future that will await you too

Attached: 220px-Bilal_hassani_NRJ_Reims_79785.jpg (220x273, 20K)

I mean, duh. Does anyone not think they have to be cleansed?

Pakistan had 27 Million people in 1947, 2017 it was 208 Million. how do you get along with such numbers?

but people breed more in poor countries
and i wouldnt call saudi arabia, kuwait, UAE poor countries
and what about hirjah? its just the migration of muhammad from mecca to medina
war of the womb is a retarded concept since muslim immigrants, especially the newer generations are as decadent if not more than europeans, the more they westernize the less they breed

Attached: fertility-rates-middle-east1.png (960x720, 124K)

>oust corrupt politicians
>ship immigrants back
>automate everything

He's so fucking ugly. North African men are often very handsome but he looks like shit.

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>9 kids per family
Jesus fucking christ mossad, We barely have 1.7-3.3 kids per family
Do you think we have nothing else to do than making children?

Thats right. Keep using Google for your info. The political Zionist and the Muslim world will mutually destroy each other.

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Feast your eyes on the progressive nu-muslim man

Attached: Bilal-Hassani-10-Facts-800x600.jpg (800x600, 100K)

Not 9, but i often see muslim family with an average of 5kids

We need drones at the border zapping bean scum

Muslims and Africans, for certain.

People in Pakistan live a lot longer now due to medical advances.

70% of the young ones look like that and they all have weird hair cuts, small pompadour that are intended to make them look bigger than 5,4 ft.

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Forgot to add, because of medical advances, more kids are actually surviving childbirth and early childhood. So its not just that they're having a ton of kids, its also that those kids are living long enough to be part of the population for more than a few years.

>Muslim family's in Europe average 9 kids per family.
Sure mohamed, 9 kids per family on average, meaning that there should be some with 15 kids, yes, I always see a single mom with a flock of kids and a couple of guard dogs in my road

yeah but how and where will they stop? their economy isn't adjusted to that and they can't feed so many people.

Oh yeah. We assimilating those muzzies into our decedent Western filth just like they did in the Onion movie. We got nothing to worry about.

>Muslim family's in Europe average 9 kids per family.
lol sure

>9 kids per family
Not even the niggest of niggers in Africa have this many children. Muslims in Europe have an average of 3 at most, still not good but nowhere near 9.

Considering he's using a meme flag the sub 80 IQ is pretty much a given.

>Europeans family's only average 1.5 kids per family.
>Muslim family's in Europe average 9 kids per family.
humans can give birth from one to two children, while different dog breeds manage to give birth to up to 10 puppies. Are dogs more evolved than humans?

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This thread is proof how Jow Forums is a magnet for the mentally retarded. Fucking bait thread is created and when the very people OP is talking about jump in and tell him the opposite he doubles down and calls Muslims kikes and shills. The utter state of this board these days...

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Emm, it's always been shit...

We have a winner!!! Glad someone here isn't a complete a fucking moron.

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Hans you are ready to proceed to the next bait thread and welcome Jow Forums.

I don't see the problem,we can ally with muslims against jews.

Yeah, it's a barrel of laughter...

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Whatever you say Mossad

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Don't worry those sand nigger children will grow up morally corrupt and will abandon their conservative culture in favor of molesting little boys.

Europe is dead no matter what, even your migrants will stagnate.

>Europe will be a caliphate in your life

least the British will quit being so insanely gay

leave my country shitty muslim

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>One Jew can beat 5 muslims
>One white beats 6 million Jews

We won't have to worry for a while.